Weigh Yourself Everyday (or frequently) Club

7/30 - 198 lbs
9/1 - 194 lbs
9/2 - 193 lbs
9/3 - 193 lbs
9/4 - 191 lbs
9/5 - 192 lbs
9/6 - 191 lbs
9/7 - 191 lbs
9/8 - 190 lbs
9/9 - 189 lb
9/10 - 188 lbs
9/11 - 190 lbs
9/12 - 189 lbs
9/13 - 189 lbs
9/14 - 188 lbs
9/15 - 189 lbs
9/16 - 188 lbs
9/17 - 188 lb
9/18 - 187 lbs
9/20 - 191 lbs
9/21 - 191 lbs

9/27 - 190 lbs
9/28 - 190 lbs

3 days without binge
(1 days without binge)
Better than none! Watch those late night things...
(1 days without binge)
Better than none!
09/13/23 - 253.3 (-0.6) 0000 Calories, 84F, ??? oz, 3594 steps
09/14/23 - 253.9 (+0.6) 0000 Calories, 82F, ??? oz, 743 steps
09/15/23 - 254.8 (+0.9) 0000 Calories, 75F, ??? oz, 1115 steps
09/18/23 - 253.2 (-1.6)
09/19/23 - 253.2 (+0.0)
09/20/23 - 253.2 (+0.0)
09/21/23 - 253.2 (+0.0)
09/22/23 - 252.2 (-1.0)
09/23/23 - 252.2 (+0.0)
09/24/23 - 251.9 (-0.3)
09/25/23 - 253.0 (+1.1)
09/26/23 - 250.4 (-2.6)
09/27/23 - 251.9 (+1.5)
09/28/23 - 251.9 (+0.0)
Sep 1st : 229.6 lbs / 3778 steps
Sep 25th : 228.8 lbs / 3604 steps
Sep 26th : 230.0 lbs / 3998 steps
Sep 27th : 231.2 lbs / 6513 steps
Sep 28th : 230.0 lbs / 2501 stepd
(1 days without binge)

Diet good in daytime and evening. I did succumb to midnight/early morning biscuits when i briefly woke up, but not in binge quantities.
Steps low because i was sat on my backside attempting to learn Python for several hours.
How's the Python coming? I've made several false starts at learning, but haven't gotten anywhere on it.
How's the Python coming? I've made several false starts at learning, but haven't gotten anywhere on it.
Ok, i've only been at it a couple of days but have understood it all. Took a few hours to fix something with the IDE but the coding is straightforward, it is a beginners course though. Will continue with it today. Apparently Python is now the most sought after coding language in job adverts.

Sep 1st : 229.6 lbs / 3778 steps
Sep 26th : 230.0 lbs / 3998 steps
Sep 27th : 231.2 lbs / 6513 steps
Sep 28th : 230.0 lbs / 2501 steps
Sep 29th : 229.8 lbs / 4741 steps
(0 days without binge)

Did well all day dietwise, made my evening meal and my dog ate most of it which i don't mind as getting him to eat can be a struggle sometimes. So i was still hungry and thought ok i'll buy something sweet but low cals so i bought 2 low cal ice cream tubs and a packet of zero sugar sweets intending to eat it over a few days....of course i ate it all last night :rolleyes:
7/30 - 198 lbs
9/1 - 194 lbs
9/2 - 193 lbs
9/3 - 193 lbs
9/4 - 191 lbs
9/5 - 192 lbs
9/6 - 191 lbs
9/7 - 191 lbs
9/8 - 190 lbs
9/9 - 189 lb
9/10 - 188 lbs
9/11 - 190 lbs
9/12 - 189 lbs
9/13 - 189 lbs
9/14 - 188 lbs
9/15 - 189 lbs
9/16 - 188 lbs
9/17 - 188 lb
9/18 - 187 lbs
9/20 - 191 lbs
9/21 - 191 lbs

9/27 - 190 lbs
9/28 - 190 lbs
9/29 - 189 lbs

4 days without binge
Did well all day dietwise, made my evening meal and my dog ate most of it which i don't mind as getting him to eat can be a struggle sometimes. So i was still hungry and thought ok i'll buy something sweet but low cals so i bought 2 low cal ice cream tubs and a packet of zero sugar sweets intending to eat it over a few days....of course i ate it all last night :rolleyes:
Oh well, doesn't sound like the worst binge ever.... depends on how big the tubs were and how much no sugar sweets I guess. On to today.
Python... I've made several false starts at learning, but haven't gotten anywhere on it.
Apparently Python is now the most sought after coding language in job adverts.
The only pythons I know are Monty and the snake. Years ago I was mediocre at Fortran... with cards.
09/13/23 - 253.3 (-0.6) 0000 Calories, 84F, ??? oz, 3594 steps
09/14/23 - 253.9 (+0.6) 0000 Calories, 82F, ??? oz, 743 steps
09/15/23 - 254.8 (+0.9) 0000 Calories, 75F, ??? oz, 1115 steps
09/18/23 - 253.2 (-1.6)
09/19/23 - 253.2 (+0.0)
09/20/23 - 253.2 (+0.0)
09/21/23 - 253.2 (+0.0)
09/22/23 - 252.2 (-1.0)
09/23/23 - 252.2 (+0.0)
09/24/23 - 251.9 (-0.3)
09/25/23 - 253.0 (+1.1)
09/26/23 - 250.4 (-2.6)
09/27/23 - 251.9 (+1.5)
09/28/23 - 251.9 (+0.0)
09/29/23 - 252.5 (+0.6)
Oh well, doesn't sound like the worst binge ever.... depends on how big the tubs were and how much no sugar sweets I guess. On to today.

The only pythons I know are Monty and the snake. Years ago I was mediocre at Fortran... with cards.
Yes not the worst but just wish i wouldn't have ate all of it in 1 go, plus it's expensive!
Fortran! You know, afaik I think in some establishments it is still used today!
The only physical Pythons I know are on the tv, they're not wild here i don't think.

Sep 1st : 229.6 lbs / 3778 steps
Sep 27th : 231.2 lbs / 6513 steps
Sep 28th : 230.0 lbs / 2501 steps
Sep 29th : 229.8 lbs / 4741 steps
Sep 30th : 229.9 lbs / 3863 steps
(1 days without binge)

Didn't quite manage to end the month lighter than I started it but i'll take a 0.2 lbs gain over 30 days all things considered. If i'm good today then i should start October lighter than i started September.
7/30 - 198 lbs
9/1 - 194 lbs
9/2 - 193 lbs
9/3 - 193 lbs
9/4 - 191 lbs
9/5 - 192 lbs
9/6 - 191 lbs
9/7 - 191 lbs
9/8 - 190 lbs
9/9 - 189 lb
9/10 - 188 lbs
9/11 - 190 lbs
9/12 - 189 lbs
9/13 - 189 lbs
9/14 - 188 lbs
9/15 - 189 lbs
9/16 - 188 lbs
9/17 - 188 lb
9/18 - 187 lbs
9/20 - 191 lbs
9/21 - 191 lbs
9/27 - 190 lbs
9/28 - 190 lbs
9/29 - 189 lbs
9/30 - 188 lbs

5 days without binge

And so September ends 5 pounds down for the month. I am pretty happy with that. Not as happy about the bingeing, but I think even with the binges I do better posting than not. Less confident about losing weight in October, I am going to Florida and Louisiana for a couple of weeks, it will be hard to avoid some larger meals but I can still work on not bingeing.
Didn't quite manage to end the month lighter than I started it but i'll take a 0.2 lbs gain over 30 days all things considered. If i'm good today then i should start October lighter than i started September.
Maintenance is a lot better than gaining, so not bad!
Fortran! You know, afaik I think in some establishments it is still used today!
The only physical Pythons I know are on the tv, they're not wild here i don't think.
Pythons are tropical, so no they would not survive in your climate, even in Florida they are limited to the far south. I grew up near a big importer of exotic snakes and wildlife, so got to see some real ones there. Never seen one in the wild. They are an invasive in Florida and a problem... https://myfwc.com/wildlifehabitats/nonnatives/python/

09/01/23 - 253.0
09/29/23 - 252.5
Tom, looks like you may end the month down a little too, maintaining at least!
9/30 - 188 lbs

5 days without binge

And so September ends 5 pounds down for the month. I am pretty happy with that. Not as happy about the bingeing, but I think even with the binges I do better posting than not. Less confident about losing weight in October, I am going to Florida and Louisiana for a couple of weeks, it will be hard to avoid some larger meals but I can still work on not bingeing.
5lbs for the month is an excellent result, well done! You've set a target for me to aspire to for October.
Maintenance is a lot better than gaining, so not bad!
Definitely yes, considering how badly i ate in September i'm pleased i didn't gain much at all. But i want to lose this month.
Pythons are tropical, so no they would not survive in your climate, even in Florida they are limited to the far south. I grew up near a big importer of exotic snakes and wildlife, so got to see some real ones there. Never seen one in the wild. They are an invasive in Florida and a problem... https://myfwc.com/wildlifehabitats/nonnatives/python/

Tom, looks like you may end the month down a little too, maintaining at least!
We don't really have any invasive wildlife here in the UK afaik. About the worst we get is things like wasps (although recently we have had an invasion of asian hornets which are 3 x the size of wasps)! We had a wasps nest in our attic a couple of years ago, they were making their way into other rooms so it was a nuisance, we had to get a professional to eradicate them.

Yes, well done Tom on maintaining!
7/30 - 198 lbs
10/1 - 188 lbs

6 days without binge

You got my interest up so I Googled it. You do have invasive species, however they mostly came in long ago. Good examples are rabbits brought in by the Romans or Fallow deer brought in by the Normans. https://www.lodi-uk.com/consumer-media-centre/how-to-guides/pest-control-on-farms/common-invasive-species-in-the-uk

Here's to a good October!
View attachment 55748
I did not know that, that article says there have been 3000 invasive species in the UK! Thankfully I'm pretty sure we don't really have any wild animals that can kill like some snakes, spiders and crocs/alligators can, like you come across (afaik) in the USA and Australia for example.

October 1st : 229.4 lbs
October 2nd : 227.2 lbs
(2 days without binge)

Yes here's to good October. I made a good start to it weight/diet wise :)
09/01/23 - 253.0
09/30/23 - 252.9

10/01/23 - 253.0
10/02/23 - 251.7 (-1.3)

Thanks guys for putting everything into perspective for me!!!!! All, I could see is that I didn't lose any weight and was depressed. I didn't look at the positive side of NOT gaining any weight. It's that pass/fail mentality.
10/01/23 - 253.0
10/02/23 - 251.7 (-1.3)

Thanks guys for putting everything into perspective for me!!!!! All, I could see is that I didn't lose any weight and was depressed. I didn't look at the positive side of NOT gaining any weight. It's that pass/fail mentality.
Most definitely.

I haven't lost consistently for a couple of months now but more importantly i haven't really gained either and that is important, after gaining about 20 lbs in the previous 2 months to that.

Very early days yet but this month has started well for me as I've dipped into the 227's, i didn't do that once in September. Rob has set us a good target by losing 5 lbs in September and if i recall correctly having a run of 19 binge free days.

October 1st : 229.4 lbs
October 2nd : 227.2 lbs
October 3rd : 227 lbs
(3 days without binge)
7/30 - 198 lbs
10/1 - 188 lbs
10/2 - 188 lbs
10/3 - 187 lbs

8 days without binge
October 1st : 229.4 lbs
October 2nd : 227.2 lbs
October 3rd : 227 lbs
(3 days without binge)
Good for you! A good start to October. We do have some dangerous wildlife, but such attacks are pretty rare. I think Australia may be more dangerous, I know their crocs are more dangerous than our gators.
Thanks guys for putting everything into perspective for me!!!!! All, I could see is that I didn't lose any weight and was depressed. I didn't look at the positive side of NOT gaining any weight. It's that pass/fail mentality.
Yep, not gaining weight is always a good thing! Looks like you are off to a good October start too.
Yep, not gaining weight is always a good thing! Looks like you are off to a good October start too.
I'm going to try. The drop in weight was because I mowed. it's still been in the 90's, although going to be dipping down in the next 10 days. My back is still iffy, but it's been better the past 3 days. I can move around and not feel like it is going to lock up on me. Laying down is an entirely different experience. I need to go to chiro, but need money too.
7/30 - 198 lbs
10/1 - 188 lbs
10/2 - 188 lbs
10/3 - 187 lbs
10/4 - 188 lbs

9 days without binge
I'm going to try. The drop in weight was because I mowed. it's still been in the 90's, although going to be dipping down in the next 10 days. My back is still iffy, but it's been better the past 3 days. I can move around and not feel like it is going to lock up on me. Laying down is an entirely different experience. I need to go to chiro, but need money too.
Losing some weight might help your back. Mine is fine, if I can sleep on my back with my knees raised a bit anyway. Hope you are able to get back to walking more.
October 1st : 229.4 lbs
October 2nd : 227.2 lbs
October 3rd : 227 lbs
October 4th : 225.6 lbs
(4 days without binge)

Don't want to jinx myself but I'm getting the feeling something has clicked for me since the start of this month. These last few days I've found it much easier to resist temptation, haven't reached for the biscuits whatsoever. Been doing low carbs so the lost weight looks alot for only a few days but it'll be mostly water weight.