Weigh Yourself Everyday (or frequently) Club

Not surprising, your weather in Texas has made our national news here in the UK recently.
I thought the season had changed here but all this week it's going to reach 86F which is hot for us.
Well done on over 5k steps! I've never recorded that many in a day.
For the next week or so it's going to be about 95F to 102F. I can see a cooling trend coming. We did get a trace of rain yesterday, enough to put the smell of rain in the air and some really bad lightning. Not so much rain though to wet the ground. I think the most steps that I've ever had in a day was over 11K. I went to the zoo.
Thanks, you do then undercount your steps a bit. Not too important just so you do more or less the same thing everyday, its still a good metric.
I do undercount, but don't care that much. These steps are basically the ones where I make a concerted effort to go for a walk or some form of exercise like weed eating, or trimming or whatever. So I'm using the steps in this case to show me how often I am thinking of some exercise.
I do undercount, but don't care that much. These steps are basically the ones where I make a concerted effort to go for a walk or some form of exercise like weed eating, or trimming or whatever. So I'm using the steps in this case to show me how often I am thinking of some exercise.
Makes sense, and probably easier than trying to count every one of them. Exercise is important, exact step count not so much.
7/30 - 198 lbs
9/4 - 191 lbs
5 days without binge

Good for you. Just keep that up and I'm sure you will lose weight in the long run. As you know up a pound in a day doesn't mean much, its the longer term trend that counts.
So close to the 180's! I hope you get there very soon...

Yes it's the longer term trend that's important. Last month was steady and after 2 months of gaining i'm happy with that, this month i aim to lose.
For the next week or so it's going to be about 95F to 102F. I can see a cooling trend coming. We did get a trace of rain yesterday, enough to put the smell of rain in the air and some really bad lightning. Not so much rain though to wet the ground. I think the most steps that I've ever had in a day was over 11K. I went to the zoo.
I think my max steps were probably in a job i was doing about 15 years ago. I worked in a hospital in the IT department doing general IT support, the hospital was large with several sites so i did alot of walking. Measuring steps wasn't really a thing back then though so no idea what i did steps wise.

September 1st : 229.6 lbs / 3778 steps
September 2nd : 232.8 lbs / 4533 steps
September 3rd : 229.4 lbs / 2980 steps
September 4th : 230.4 lbs / 3703 steps
September 5th : 228.6 lbs / 3961 steps
(3 days without binge)
7/30 - 198 lbs
9/1 - 194 lbs
9/2 - 193 lbs
9/3 - 193 lbs
9/4 - 191 lbs
9/5 - 192 lbs
6 days without binge
So close to the 180's! I hope you get there very soon...
September 5th : 228.6 lbs / 3961 steps
(3 days without binge)
Good for you on the 3 days, and down a little this morning!

I will be happy to see the 180s, but for now I am trying to focus more on not bingeing than losing weight. If successful on the binges I am sure I will lose weight, even if slowly.
Yes it's the longer term trend that's important.
For the next week or so it's going to be about 95F to 102F.
We got our first snow in the mountains yesterday, not here, but I can see it from here. Cooler weather is coming!
08/29/23 - 255.5 (+0.0) 0000 Calories, 95F, Tons, 3856 steps
08/30/23 - 253.8 (-1.7) 0000 Calories, 98F, ??? oz, 3832 steps
08/31/23 - 253.8 (+0.0) 0000 Calories, 97F, ??? oz, 2400 steps
09/01/23 - 253.0 (-0.8) 0000 Calories, 99F, ??? oz, 3447 steps
09/02/23 - 254.5 (+1.5) 0000 Calories, 98F, ??? oz, 2578 steps
09/03/23 - 253.0 (-1.5) 0000 Calories, 97F, ??? oz, 5459 steps
09/04/23 - 254.0 (+1.0) 0000 Calories, 97F, ??? oz, 947 steps
09/05/23 - 254.0 (+0.0) 0000 Calories, 100F, ??? oz 5078 steps
I will be happy to see the 180s, but for now I am trying to focus more on not bingeing than losing weight. If successful on the binges I am sure I will lose weight, even if slowly.
Agreed. Sadly i binged yesterday. I was doing fine all day then my brother visited early evening and suggested we order a take out pizza, it was all downhill from there. I need to get back my discipline to resist as last year i wouldn't have agreed to it.

Very steady on those steps!
Yes but I'm pretty low on steps today though. It was hot (nothing compared to what you have mind) and because of this i didn't take my dog out in his dog stroller for as long as usual.

Sep 1st : 229.6 lbs / 3778 steps
Sep 4th : 230.4 lbs / 3703 steps
Sep 5th : 228.6 lbs / 3961 steps
Sep 6th : 230.4 lbs / 2566 steps
(0 days without binge)
7/30 - 198 lbs
9/1 - 194 lbs
9/2 - 193 lbs
9/3 - 193 lbs
9/4 - 191 lbs
9/5 - 192 lbs
9/6 - 191 lbs
7 days without binge
5078 steps
Good step day!
Sadly i binged yesterday. I was doing fine all day then my brother visited early evening and suggested we order a take out pizza, it was all downhill from there. I need to get back my discipline to resist as last year i wouldn't have agreed to it.
We've all been there, or most of us here anyway. I don't think you ever get back to where you were in a big weight loss, you just have to move on and try to manage it as best you can. I went about a year and a half without bingeing when I was doing my big weight loss. Bingeing was however not cured, just put into a kind of suspension.

Once the weight was lost the binges came back. Can't tell you how often I have wanted to get that discipline back... But I know I can't wait for it to happen so I do my best. And I know you can too. Today is a new day, don't binge today and all will be alright.
08/29/23 - 255.5 (+0.0) 0000 Calories, 95F, Tons, 3856 steps
08/30/23 - 253.8 (-1.7) 0000 Calories, 98F, ??? oz, 3832 steps
08/31/23 - 253.8 (+0.0) 0000 Calories, 97F, ??? oz, 2400 steps
09/01/23 - 253.0 (-0.8) 0000 Calories, 99F, ??? oz, 3447 steps
09/02/23 - 254.5 (+1.5) 0000 Calories, 98F, ??? oz, 2578 steps
09/03/23 - 253.0 (-1.5) 0000 Calories, 97F, ??? oz, 5459 steps
09/04/23 - 254.0 (+1.0) 0000 Calories, 97F, ??? oz, 947 steps
09/05/23 - 254.0 (+0.0) 0000 Calories, 100F, ??? oz, 5078 steps
09/06/23 - 254.0 (+0.0) 0000 Calories, 102F, ??? oz, 3228 steps
Agreed. Sadly i binged yesterday. I was doing fine all day then my brother visited early evening and suggested we order a take out pizza, it was all downhill from there. I need to get back my discipline to resist as last year i wouldn't have agreed to it.

Yes but I'm pretty low on steps today though. It was hot (nothing compared to what you have mind) and because of this i didn't take my dog out in his dog stroller for as long as usual.

Sep 1st : 229.6 lbs / 3778 steps
Sep 4th : 230.4 lbs / 3703 steps
Sep 5th : 228.6 lbs / 3961 steps
Sep 6th : 230.4 lbs / 2566 steps
(0 days without binge)
Heat is heat. It most definitely plays into it. You still did good. Our air quality is bad and pollen is like 11.5 on a scale of 0-12. With cooler temps on the horizon, I'm trying to get back into the swing of things.
We've all been there, or most of us here anyway. I don't think you ever get back to where you were in a big weight loss, you just have to move on and try to manage it as best you can. I went about a year and a half without bingeing when I was doing my big weight loss. Bingeing was however not cured, just put into a kind of suspension.

Once the weight was lost the binges came back. Can't tell you how often I have wanted to get that discipline back... But I know I can't wait for it to happen so I do my best. And I know you can too. Today is a new day, don't binge today and all will be alright.
Yeh i have to accept i'm not going to lose like i did in those first few months. I got down to 209, if i can get to that by Xmas i'd be very happy. Strange how discipline comes and goes, i can't put my finger on why it seemed so relatively easy in the earlier days of dieting, i'd be a rich man if i could!

Sep 1st : 229.6 lbs / 3778 steps
Sep 5th : 228.6 lbs / 3961 steps
Sep 6th : 230.4 lbs / 2566 steps
Sep 7th : 228.8 lbs / 3403 steps
(1 days without binge)
08/29/23 - 255.5 (+0.0) 0000 Calories, 95F, Tons, 3856 steps
08/30/23 - 253.8 (-1.7) 0000 Calories, 98F, ??? oz, 3832 steps
08/31/23 - 253.8 (+0.0) 0000 Calories, 97F, ??? oz, 2400 steps
09/01/23 - 253.0 (-0.8) 0000 Calories, 99F, ??? oz, 3447 steps
09/02/23 - 254.5 (+1.5) 0000 Calories, 98F, ??? oz, 2578 steps
09/03/23 - 253.0 (-1.5) 0000 Calories, 97F, ??? oz, 5459 steps
09/04/23 - 254.0 (+1.0) 0000 Calories, 97F, ??? oz, 947 steps
09/05/23 - 254.0 (+0.0) 0000 Calories, 100F, ??? oz, 5078 steps
09/06/23 - 254.0 (+0.0) 0000 Calories, 102F, ??? oz, 3228 steps
09/07/23 - 254.0 (+0.0) 0000 Calories, 105F, ??? oz, 5880 steps

Two more brutal days of heat, then a big cool down. Highs today and tomorrow expected to be 107F.
Good for you! For me that is a lot more important than what I weigh, maybe for you also.
Well, it is important that i don't binge, i'm still keeping an eye on my weight. I think posting here almost everyday like i have the past 6 weeks has helped me as i'm acknowledging any weight gain immediately.

Sep 1st : 229.6 lbs / 3778 steps
Sep 6th : 230.4 lbs / 2566 steps
Sep 7th : 228.8 lbs / 3403 steps
Sep 8th : 229.6 lbs / 3389 steps
(2 days without binge)
08/29/23 - 255.5 (+0.0) 0000 Calories, 95F, Tons, 3856 steps
08/30/23 - 253.8 (-1.7) 0000 Calories, 98F, ??? oz, 3832 steps
08/31/23 - 253.8 (+0.0) 0000 Calories, 97F, ??? oz, 2400 steps
09/01/23 - 253.0 (-0.8) 0000 Calories, 99F, ??? oz, 3447 steps
09/02/23 - 254.5 (+1.5) 0000 Calories, 98F, ??? oz, 2578 steps
09/03/23 - 253.0 (-1.5) 0000 Calories, 97F, ??? oz, 5459 steps
09/04/23 - 254.0 (+1.0) 0000 Calories, 97F, ??? oz, 947 steps
09/05/23 - 254.0 (+0.0) 0000 Calories, 100F, ??? oz, 5078 steps
09/06/23 - 254.0 (+0.0) 0000 Calories, 102F, ??? oz, 3228 steps
09/07/23 - 254.0 (+0.0) 0000 Calories, 105F, ??? oz, 5880 steps
09/08/23 - 252.9 (-1.1) 0000 Calories, 108F, ??? oz, 2610 steps

Relief on the way. Today 108F with possibility of severe weather. Tomorrow only 98F, and then 95F on Sunday....cooler days are coming finally. I see some 80's in the forecast.
Sep 1st : 229.6 lbs / 3778 steps
Sep 7th : 228.8 lbs / 3403 steps
Sep 8th : 229.6 lbs / 3389 steps
Sep 9th : 229.8 lbs / 5280 steps
(3 days without binge)

Did well with the steps yesterday. Although no binge my diet fell away during the evening/night time again, must stop this.
September weather wise has broke records for the longest heat wave for this time of year in the UK.