Weigh Yourself Everyday (or frequently) Club

7/30 - 198 lbs
8/10 - 195 lbs
8/11 - 194 lbs
8/12 - 192 lbs
8/13 - 193 lbs
8/14 - 192 lbs
8/16 - 196 lbs
8/17 - 197 lbs
8/18 - 193 lbs
8/21 - 194 lbs
8/22 - 193 lbs
8/23 - 193 lbs
8/24 - 193 lbs
8/26 - 195 lbs
8/27 - 193 lbs
8/28 - 193 lbs
8/29 - 194 lbs
8/30 - 195 lbs
8/31 - 195 lbs
1 days without binge, oh well...

And so ends August, too many binges, but broke even on weight, not terrible. Hope September is better.
(3 days without a binge)
Looking forward to hopefully losing some weight in September.
Good for you on the 3 days! And I am hoping for better things in September too.
08/01/23 - 248.7 (+0.0) 1753 Calories, 104F, 110+oz, 900 steps
08/02/23 - 249.5 (+0.8) 0000 Calories, 107F, 130+ oz, 1579 steps
08/03/23 - 249.5 (+0.0) 0000 Calories, 106F, 098+ oz, 526 steps
08/04/23 - 249.5 (+0.0) 0000 Calories, 105F, 105 oz, 3510 steps
08/05/23 - 249.5 (+0.0) 0000 Calories, 104F, 132 oz, 2877 steps
08/06/23 - 249.5 (+0.0) 0000 Calories, 106F, ??? oz, 4101 steps
08/07/23 - 250.1 (+0.6) 0000 Calories, 103F, ??? oz, 1598 steps
08/08/23 - 250.1 (+0.0) 1835 Calories, 102F, 114 oz, 4613 steps
08/09/23 - 250.7 (+0.6) 0000 Calories, 103F, 130??, 5135 steps
08/10/23 - 251.5 (+0.8) 0000 Calories, 107F, ????, 14 steps
08/11/23 - 250.7 (-0.8) 0000 Calories, 107F, ????, 3152 steps
08/12/23 - 250.7 (+0.0) 0000 Calories, 107F, ???, 2935 steps
08/13/23 - 250.7 (+0.0) 0000 Calories, 106F, ???, 3306 steps
08/14/23 - 250.7 (+0.0) 0000 Calories, 106F, lots, 346 steps
08/15/23 - 250.7 (+0.0) 0000 Calories, 99F, Tons, 2121 steps
08/16/23 - 250.7 (+0.0) 0000 Calories, 94F, Tons, 3361 steps
08/17/23 - 253.1 (+2.4) 0000 Calories, 97F, Tons, 799 steps
08/18/23 - 254.8 (+0.0) 0000 Calories, 109F, Tons and Tons, 3202 steps
08/19/23 - 253.6 (-1.2) 0000 Calories, 109F, Tons and Tons and then some, 3330
08/20/23 - 255.7 (+2.1) 0000 Calories, 108F, Tons and Tons and Tons and Them some more, 591 steps
08/21/23 - 253.6 (-2.1) 0000 Calories, 109F, about 120, 2646 steps
08/22/23 - 253.1 (-0.5) 0000 Calories, 106F, 132 oz, 4157 steps
08/23/23 - 252.1 (-1.0) 0000 Calories, 103F, 110 oz, 3120 steps
08/24/23 - 252.1 (+0.0) 0000 Calories, 103F, 124 oz, 4235 steps
08/25/23 - 252.1 (+0.0) 0000 Calories, 107F, ??? oz, 3631 steps
08/26/23 - 252.1 (+0.0) 0000 Calories, 109F, ??? oz, 699 steps
08/27/23 - 252.1 (+0.0) 0000 Calories, 108F, Tons, 407 steps
08/28/23 - 255.5 (+3.3) 0000 Calories, 101F, Tons and more tons, 137 steps
08/29/23 - 255.5 (+0.0) 0000 Calories, 95F, Tons, 3856 steps
08/30/23 - 253.8 (-1.7) 0000 Calories, 98F, ??? oz, 3832 steps
08/31/23 - 253.8 (+0.0) 0000 Calories, 97F, ??? oz, 2400 steps
Yeh, isn't September a change of season for you? I think you call it "Fall", in the UK we call it "Autumn". I'm glad it's getting cooler for you anyway, you deserve a break. What are the winters like in Texas?

August 1st : 230.8 lbs
August 29th : 229.4 / 3495 steps
August 30th : 229.8 / 2995 steps
August 31st : 230.4 / 4099 steps
(3 days without a binge)

Well, I ended the month no heavier than I started it so I'm ok with that. What a rubbish month though with being ill. Ending ok though, had some good news yesterday regarding treatment for my mental health. Looking forward to hopefully losing some weight in September.
Sept 23rd starts our Fall or Autumn season. Winters can be cold. We have the same problem as in summer. If it is hot outside, inside our house is hot. If it is cold outside, then it is cold inside. They say this winter for us is supposed to be mild and wet. I'm hoping so. The past several winters have been cold and I can do without that. There's enough problems as is.

Rob, Tyke - what is exactly considered a binge? Anytime you go over your normal calories or what?
Rob, Tyke - what is exactly considered a binge? Anytime you go over your normal calories or what?
Not easy to define, but it is not just going over your calorie goal.

A binge for me is senseless eating when I am not hungry. Driven by some instinctual need or something. I usually know one when I see one, but there are times of borderline things. I can eat thousands of calories, usually of junk, in a binge... Maybe Tyke would have a better answer. @Llama knows a lot about it.

Here is a thread on the subject: https://www.fitness.com/en/forum/threads/no-binge-no-purge-one-day-at-at-time.382182/ , and I know @Cate has started one more recently but can't find it.

Hope you cool off soon. I have been in Dallas in winter, I know it can get cold. Not so cold as here, but too cold for comfort.
08/29/23 - 255.5 (+0.0) 0000 Calories, 95F, Tons, 3856 steps
08/30/23 - 253.8 (-1.7) 0000 Calories, 98F, ??? oz, 3832 steps
08/31/23 - 253.8 (+0.0) 0000 Calories, 97F, ??? oz, 2400 steps
09/01/23 - 253.0 (-0.8) 0000 Calories, 99F, ??? oz, 3447 steps
September 1st : 229.6 lbs / 3778 steps
September 2nd : 232.8 lbs / 4533 steps
(0 days without binge)

Not the best of starts! :ack2:
I'll eat my hat if i'm not lighter tomorrow :D
08/29/23 - 255.5 (+0.0) 0000 Calories, 95F, Tons, 3856 steps
08/30/23 - 253.8 (-1.7) 0000 Calories, 98F, ??? oz, 3832 steps
08/31/23 - 253.8 (+0.0) 0000 Calories, 97F, ??? oz, 2400 steps
09/01/23 - 253.0 (-0.8) 0000 Calories, 99F, ??? oz, 3447 steps
09/02/23 - 254.5 (+1.5) 0000 Calories, 98F, ??? oz, 2578 steps
7/30 - 198 lbs
9/1 - 194 lbs
9/2 - 193 lbs
3 days without binge

Not many calories in most hats...
LOL well thankfully i don't have to eat it! Diet was pretty good yesterday, not perfect but not bad. Well done on getting to the low 190's, i bet you're keen to see the 180's again?

September 1st : 229.6 lbs / 3778 steps
September 2nd : 232.8 lbs / 4533 steps
September 3rd : 229.4 lbs / 2980 steps
(1 days without binge)

I want to be in the low 220's by the end of the month. Getting in the 210's would be amazing though.
7/30 - 198 lbs
9/1 - 194 lbs
9/2 - 193 lbs
9/3 - 193 lbs
4 days without binge
(1 days without binge)

I want to be in the low 220's by the end of the month. Getting in the 210's would be amazing though.
Good for you! I hope you get there, low 220s wouldn't be out of the range of possibility, and maybe even 210s. But for both of us I think the no binge days are more important.
08/29/23 - 255.5 (+0.0) 0000 Calories, 95F, Tons, 3856 steps
08/30/23 - 253.8 (-1.7) 0000 Calories, 98F, ??? oz, 3832 steps
08/31/23 - 253.8 (+0.0) 0000 Calories, 97F, ??? oz, 2400 steps
09/01/23 - 253.0 (-0.8) 0000 Calories, 99F, ??? oz, 3447 steps
09/02/23 - 254.5 (+1.5) 0000 Calories, 98F, ??? oz, 2578 steps
09/03/23 - 253.0 (-1.5) 0000 Calories, 97F, ??? oz, 5459 steps
Good to see your steps up!

How do you count steps? I have a fitbit that does it, but rarely wear it.
Samsung Health. It came with the phone, so it counts the steps when I have it. I'm rarely on the phone and only carrying it when I purposely go for a walk. So all of those trips to the kitchen don't count. :p
Good for you! I hope you get there, low 220s wouldn't be out of the range of possibility, and maybe even 210s. But for both of us I think the no binge days are more important.

Agreed. I didn't binge yesterday but i'm 1lb heavier which isn't great but atleast no binge.

It's official. I just looked it up. This was the 3rd hottest summer on record and the 4th driest on record.

Not surprising, your weather in Texas has made our national news here in the UK recently.
I thought the season had changed here but all this week it's going to reach 86F which is hot for us.
Well done on over 5k steps! I've never recorded that many in a day.

September 1st : 229.6 lbs / 3778 steps
September 2nd : 232.8 lbs / 4533 steps
September 3rd : 229.4 lbs / 2980 steps
September 4th : 230.4 lbs / 3703 steps
(2 days without binge)
7/30 - 198 lbs
9/1 - 194 lbs
9/2 - 193 lbs
9/3 - 193 lbs
9/4 - 191 lbs
5 days without binge
Samsung Health. It came with the phone, so it counts the steps when I have it. I'm rarely on the phone and only carrying it when I purposely go for a walk. So all of those trips to the kitchen don't count. :p
Thanks, you do then undercount your steps a bit. Not too important just so you do more or less the same thing everyday, its still a good metric.

That's too hot. I know a lot of the country and Europe has had record breaking heat this summer. I guess we are lucky here, it was closer to normal temperature wise, and probably a bit wetter than normal. Still pretty dry, this is a desert.
(2 days without binge)
Good for you. Just keep that up and I'm sure you will lose weight in the long run. As you know up a pound in a day doesn't mean much, its the longer term trend that counts.
08/29/23 - 255.5 (+0.0) 0000 Calories, 95F, Tons, 3856 steps
08/30/23 - 253.8 (-1.7) 0000 Calories, 98F, ??? oz, 3832 steps
08/31/23 - 253.8 (+0.0) 0000 Calories, 97F, ??? oz, 2400 steps
09/01/23 - 253.0 (-0.8) 0000 Calories, 99F, ??? oz, 3447 steps
09/02/23 - 254.5 (+1.5) 0000 Calories, 98F, ??? oz, 2578 steps
09/03/23 - 253.0 (-1.5) 0000 Calories, 97F, ??? oz, 5459 steps
09/04/23 - 254.0 (+1.0) 0000 Calories, 97F, ??? oz, 947 steps

Hardly any steps yesterday. My brother was supposed to come over (lots of drama when he does) to pick up some things. I did everything I was supposed to do, but yet he didn't show. Supposed to come over this morning now. Not looking forward to it. My stomach is already in knots.