Weigh Yourself Everyday (or frequently) Club

Sunday Dec 18th : 217.4 (-1.0)
Good for you!! New low! I hope you are able to control the night eating, sounds like you have a plan.
The 25th, 26th, 31st, 1st i'm having a diet holiday.
Be careful with that, eating a bit more and a few more calories is ok. However for me eating too much on the holidays can really set me back, happened to me this Thanksgiving...

12/1 - 181 lbs
12/2 - 180 lbs
12/3 - 181 lbs
12/4 - 181 lbs
12/5 - 184 lbs
12/6 - 181 lbs
12/7 - 181 lbs
12/8 - 180 lbs
12/9 - 179 lbs
12/11 - 180 lbs
12/12 - 178 lbs
12/13 - 176 lbs
12/14 - 176 lbs
12/15 - 177 lbs
12/16 - 178 lbs
12/17 - 179 lbs
12/18 - 178 lbs
12.16.22 240.5

So much stress. My eating has been horrible but is it nice to see I am only up about a pound. Still exercising altho I dont get to walk as much and missed 2 band days due to being sick. Still I am trying. It is going to be unbearable cold this week. Trying to plug holes in the house to stay warm. It is a challenge. Take 1 step forward. Get slammed back 4000.
My eating has been horrible but is it nice to see I am only up about a pound. Still exercising altho I dont get to walk as much and missed 2 band days due to being sick. Still I am trying.
If you only gained one pound the eating must not have been too horrible, and keeping with the exercises is good. Hope your eating gets better!

12/1 - 181 lbs
12/2 - 180 lbs
12/3 - 181 lbs
12/4 - 181 lbs
12/5 - 184 lbs
12/6 - 181 lbs
12/7 - 181 lbs
12/8 - 180 lbs
12/9 - 179 lbs
12/11 - 180 lbs
12/12 - 178 lbs
12/13 - 176 lbs
12/14 - 176 lbs
12/15 - 177 lbs
12/16 - 178 lbs
12/17 - 179 lbs
12/18 - 178 lbs
12/19 - 179 lbs
hi Tom i've ate loads the past 3 days i'm scared to get on the scales! weathers been mild here (10C), becoming colder though soon. hope you're ok.
It may not be that bad when you weigh. Two weeks ago I went up 2 lbs overnight. In the past two weeks i only gained 1/2 pound so I am up about 3 lbs. Now to get back in action. Temps was -12 to 0c if I did the conversion right. Today should be the last sub freezing temp for a week or so. It has been too cold to do anything. I did my walking yesterday though. Cheers.
12/1 - 181 lbs
12/2 - 180 lbs
12/3 - 181 lbs
12/4 - 181 lbs
12/5 - 184 lbs
12/6 - 181 lbs
12/7 - 181 lbs
12/8 - 180 lbs
12/9 - 179 lbs
12/11 - 180 lbs
12/12 - 178 lbs
12/13 - 176 lbs
12/14 - 176 lbs
12/15 - 177 lbs
12/16 - 178 lbs
12/17 - 179 lbs
12/18 - 178 lbs
12/19 - 179 lbs
12/29 - 181 lbs
Tom i've ate loads the past 3 days i'm scared to get on the scales!
I hate stepping on the scales after bingeing, and don't usually do it. When I do I often find the weight gain was less than I had feared. I know regular weighing helps keep me on track.
12/1 - 181 lbs
12/2 - 180 lbs
12/3 - 181 lbs
12/4 - 181 lbs
12/5 - 184 lbs
12/6 - 181 lbs
12/7 - 181 lbs
12/8 - 180 lbs
12/9 - 179 lbs
12/11 - 180 lbs
12/12 - 178 lbs
12/13 - 176 lbs
12/14 - 176 lbs
12/15 - 177 lbs
12/16 - 178 lbs
12/17 - 179 lbs
12/18 - 178 lbs
12/19 - 179 lbs
12/29 - 181 lbs

I hate stepping on the scales after bingeing, and don't usually do it. When I do I often find the weight gain was less than I had feared. I know regular weighing helps keep me on track.
i feel like ive gained alot, i'm guessing atleast 10 lbs! i'm not dieting right now as from yesterday ive come down with flu or covid, i feel too rough to watch watch i eat at the moment. i'm hoping jan 1st i'll be be back on track diet wise.
i feel like ive gained alot, i'm guessing atleast 10 lbs! i'm not dieting right now as from yesterday ive come down with flu or covid, i feel too rough to watch watch i eat at the moment.
Sorry to hear that you are sick, hope it doesn't last long.

I suggest you weigh, you might find that you have gained less than you think, even if not it may help you get back on track. I know I don't always follow my own advice on this one, but when I do I think I am better off for it.

12/1 - 181 lbs
12/2 - 180 lbs
12/3 - 181 lbs
12/4 - 181 lbs
12/5 - 184 lbs
12/6 - 181 lbs
12/7 - 181 lbs
12/8 - 180 lbs
12/9 - 179 lbs
12/11 - 180 lbs
12/12 - 178 lbs
12/13 - 176 lbs
12/14 - 176 lbs
12/15 - 177 lbs
12/16 - 178 lbs
12/17 - 179 lbs
12/18 - 178 lbs
12/19 - 179 lbs
12/29 - 181 lbs
12/30 - 180 lbs
Speedy recovery, Tyke :grouphug:
thanks Cate :)

Sorry to hear that you are sick, hope it doesn't last long.

I suggest you weigh, you might find that you have gained less than you think, even if not it may help you get back on track. I know I don't always follow my own advice on this one, but when I do I think I am better off for it.

12/1 - 181 lbs
12/2 - 180 lbs
12/3 - 181 lbs
12/4 - 181 lbs
12/5 - 184 lbs
12/6 - 181 lbs
12/7 - 181 lbs
12/8 - 180 lbs
12/9 - 179 lbs
12/11 - 180 lbs
12/12 - 178 lbs
12/13 - 176 lbs
12/14 - 176 lbs
12/15 - 177 lbs
12/16 - 178 lbs
12/17 - 179 lbs
12/18 - 178 lbs
12/19 - 179 lbs
12/29 - 181 lbs
12/30 - 180 lbs
thanks Rob :)

Well, i weighed myself. i'm 231 lbs :eek::D a gain of 13 lbs lol!
wow, just wow.
can't wait to get back on track. i'm restarting jan 1st on a diet even if i'm still feeling rough.
Well, i weighed myself. i'm 231 lbs :eek::D a gain of 13 lbs lol!
wow, just wow.
I doubt it's all fat. I find that much of the weight I gain after bingeing comes off quickly once I get back on track. A lot of it's water from increased carbs and solids in the digestive system. Once back on track you should be fine!
Wow, indeed. I'll be on track with you on the 1st of January, Tyke. We can do this!
Good for you Cate! I think it may be January 1st in your part of the world already.

12/1 - 181 lbs
12/2 - 180 lbs
12/3 - 181 lbs
12/4 - 181 lbs
12/5 - 184 lbs
12/6 - 181 lbs
12/7 - 181 lbs
12/8 - 180 lbs
12/9 - 179 lbs
12/11 - 180 lbs
12/12 - 178 lbs
12/13 - 176 lbs
12/14 - 176 lbs
12/15 - 177 lbs
12/16 - 178 lbs
12/17 - 179 lbs
12/18 - 178 lbs
12/19 - 179 lbs
12/29 - 181 lbs
12/30 - 180 lbs
12/31 - 179 lbs

Good to be back in the 170s for the year's end. Just barely though, would not shock me to bounce up out of it again... If I can hold off the binges it has a lot better chance of sticking. I plan to try.
I doubt it's all fat. I find that much of the weight I gain after bingeing comes off quickly once I get back on track. A lot of it's water from increased carbs and solids in the digestive system. Once back on track you should be fine!

12/1 - 181 lbs
12/31 - 179 lbs

Good to be back in the 170s for the year's end. Just barely though, would not shock me to bounce up out of it again... If I can hold off the binges it has a lot better chance of sticking. I plan to try.
Well done Rob for being in the 170s after Xmas! I wish I hadn't let myself slack over the holidays. But it is what it is. Without trying I've lost 3 or 4 lbs having this flu/covid, i've still got it now but i'm feeling better each day. Today my dieting starts again, low carbs n cals.

Wow, indeed. I'll be on track with you on the 1st of January, Tyke. We can do this!
Yes lets make this count Cate. New month, new year, new start. I'm aiming for atleast 14 lbs loss in January. Will need to be strict to achieve that. Good luck to you!

Sunday January 1st : 228.8
I'm glad you're starting to feel better, Tyke. 14 lbs in one month? Wowsers. Go, you!
Yes a 14 lb loss in a month is alot but i've done it before, plus as Rob says i'll have alot of water to lose. But i cannot afford to cheat (like i was doing), not even once! I had the required discipline during the 1st 3 or 4 months of my diet, just got to tap into that again.
1.1.23 243.1

Up a total of 4 lbs in the past month. Not bad for me really. I do believe the weight training is helping out. Stress, holidays, sickness, weather killed my motivation. Now it's time to move forward again. 1st time ever I didn't make a resolution to lose weight because I am already doing it. Having vertigo and migraines the past couple of days. I did walk a little yesterday.

Go us!
Today my dieting starts again, low carbs n cals.
Good for you, I need to do the same. I try to eat a lot of protein, but don't count carbs...
Now it's time to move forward again. 1st time ever I didn't make a resolution to lose weight because I am already doing it.
Yes it is! Best of luck in the New Year Tom, hope to see you posting and losing soon!

Well I ended the old year with too many left over Christmas cookies... And I can see it on the scales this morning. All those carbs added water weight and maybe a little fat. It is interesting I have noticed that when I eat too many carbs in a day I don't need to get up in the night for a bathroom visit, a sign of holding water I guess. Anyway last night was one of those nights. Not a great way to get a good night's sleep, but it works.

1/1 - 181 lbs
Monday Jan 2nd : 227.8 (-1.0)