Weigh Yourself Everyday (or frequently) Club

Dad died. I will try to update in my diary in a day or two.
Sorry to hear that, my sympathy to you and your family!

1/17 - 181 lbs

Must be my lucky number... just glad it wasn't worse, kind of believe it would have been had I weight yesterday or the day before.
not been the best recently diet wise, don't really have a good reason why.
No, the reasons are never very good, LOL. However you can end that, get back on track today and you will feel better and restart the weight loss. No need to feel bad about the past, its what you do today that matters!

1/17 - 181 lbs
1/18 - 181 lbs
1/19 - 179 lbs
So far my visits to the scales over the past three days have given the following readings:

19/01/23 - 15st 3.5
20/01/23 - 15st 2.5
21/01/23 - 15st 1.5

I expected my start weight to be a lot higher...
I am certainly not expecting tomorrow's to go down based on today.
1.23.23. I didn't weigh today. Kinda cold.

Today is the viewing and tomorrow is the funeral. I still have been walking and yardwork. Haven't did the bands in a week tho. Eating has been decent. I dont expect a weight gain. I haven't been hungry.

I am getting a mini chainsaw to help with the yardwork and hopefully after tomorrow things will settle down into boringness for a while.
1.23.23. I didn't weigh today. Kinda cold.

Today is the viewing and tomorrow is the funeral. I still have been walking and yardwork. Haven't did the bands in a week tho. Eating has been decent. I dont expect a weight gain. I haven't been hungry.

I am getting a mini chainsaw to help with the yardwork and hopefully after tomorrow things will settle down into boringness for a while.
I'm attending a funeral soon too, a close family friend died last week.