Weigh Yourself Everyday (or frequently) Club

1.3.23 241.9 (-1.2)
Thursday Jan 5th : 228.2 (+0.4)

Not going as planned. We have lots of Xmas goodies still hanging around and at night time i'm giving in. Argghh!
Nothing like a stomach virus to get you back in the swing of things quickly.
LOL! But you were down, take your victories where you can.
Thursday Jan 5th : 228.2 (+0.4)

Not going as planned. We have lots of Xmas goodies still hanging around and at night time i'm giving in. Argghh!
Been there done that, evenings are always hardest for me. Today is another day, do well today and you'll be back on track.

1/1 - 181 lbs
1/2 - 181 lbs
1/3 - 181 lbs
1/4 - 181 lbs
1/5 - 180 lbs
Today is another day, get back on track today and you'll be fine.

1/1 - 181 lbs
1/2 - 181 lbs
1/3 - 181 lbs
1/4 - 181 lbs
1/5 - 180 lbs
1/6 - 181 lbs
You're very steady in your weight there Rob, you must be doing something right.

I did ok yesterday, ate ok and lost weight. I did have a late night snack but instead of reaching for junk food I ate low carbs and not much of it (cheese).

Saturday Jan 7th : 225.8 (-2.4)
I did ok yesterday, ate ok and lost weight. I did have a late night snack but instead of reaching for junk food I ate low carbs and not much of it (cheese).
Good for you! I find having a planned low calorie evening snack can help.
Rob, you must be doing something right
Yeah, just not consistently. Had a chocolate binge last night...

1/1 - 181 lbs
1/2 - 181 lbs
1/3 - 181 lbs
1/4 - 181 lbs
1/5 - 180 lbs
1/6 - 181 lbs
1/7 - 181 lbs
1.7.23. 242.4 (+1.10)

Now that I can eat again, i binged yesterday. Start to finish this virus lasted about a week. Dad took it the hardest, not being to eat or drink for about 3 days. His water intake is getting back up there and he was able to hold down some toast last night. Been touch or go all week. So stressful. We have been around him literally 24/7 while trying to get well ourselves.

I did work out with bands one day. That makes 20 workouts now. I am pretty proud of. Haven't walked as much but with dad getting better maybe I can throw in a few more. Main thing is calories and I dont have any motivation. I start stuff and something comes along to derail me. It is a constant battle. Not only with weight but everything. Working in getting back in gear. My nephews birthday was yesterday. Tomorrow is dads and mine is in a week. Woohoo. Cant "weight" to get older. Not.

Plowing ahead.
Hey Tom, good for you on the workouts, and I am glad you are feeling better.
Main thing is calories and I dont have any motivation.
Not that I am a great one to be giving advice on this but sometimes you just have to act as if you have the motivation. When I remember and try to do that it can help.
Down two days in a row!

1/1 - 181 lbs
1/2 - 181 lbs
1/3 - 181 lbs
1/4 - 181 lbs
1/5 - 180 lbs
1/6 - 181 lbs
1/7 - 181 lbs
1/8 - 181 lbs

181 must be my lucky number.... wish it was a bit lower.
Had a bad few days diet wise, haven't weighed for several days so did so this morning, i'm not up as much as I thought I would be.

Friday Jan 13th : 225.6 (+0.4)
Last edited:
1.13.23. 239.9 (-1.40)

Dad died. I will try to update in my diary in a day or two.