Weigh Yourself Everyday (or frequently) Club

Monday Nov 21st : 222.8 (-0.8)

So you dabble with coding Tom? It's an interest of mine too and years ago i've had coding jobs. I'm rusty now at it but coincidentally it has crossed my mind just the other day to attempt to relearn a programming language. Didn't know that about Python, interesting!

I started way back in the day with basic. My first computer was a commodore vic-20 then I graduated up to the 64. Then I got a job right out of high school. The software was written in foxpro and I basically used that all this time. I still have a copy on my machine I bought for myself. I have dabbled with c, c++, c#, vb.net, visual foxpro, and lua. Maybe a few more but dont really know or remember enough to code my way out of a paper box. Most of what I did w as s procedural or code snippets. These days I would like to code in a game environment like minecraft or stardew valley. Minecraft has a mod for computer craft which gives miniature computers and programmable turtles within the game. The language is lua. Stardew has a mod called farmtronics which uses miniscript. I just dabble but it would be nice to get past hello world in something these days. I've never felt very accomplished at programming but I like it.
I started way back in the day with basic. My first computer was a commodore vic-20 then I graduated up to the 64. Then I got a job right out of high school. The software was written in foxpro and I basically used that all this time. I still have a copy on my machine I bought for myself. I have dabbled with c, c++, c#, vb.net, visual foxpro, and lua. Maybe a few more but dont really know or remember enough to code my way out of a paper box. Most of what I did w as s procedural or code snippets. These days I would like to code in a game environment like minecraft or stardew valley. Minecraft has a mod for computer craft which gives miniature computers and programmable turtles within the game. The language is lua. Stardew has a mod called farmtronics which uses miniscript. I just dabble but it would be nice to get past hello world in something these days. I've never felt very accomplished at programming but I like it.
Me too, I started with Basic aged about 12 in my bedroom lol, I was terrible at it but I managed to convince my elder cousin that World War 3 was about to happen with a program I made that was slightly similar to that War Games movie with a young Mathew Broderick. My 1st computer was a Commodore 16 (we couldn't afford the 64). I've used Visual Basic, C#, C++ in work and in my free time, and Java (I did a Java university degree course module last year).

I've never been much good but I could always seem to pick it up, and now with things like YouTube it makes learning straight forward I think. I've seen the standard some "programmers" are at in the workplace (bad). I had a really well paying job for 1 year at a major bank programming but I screwed up the opportunity by partying too much i.e. several nights a week (I wasn't used to the money), that was in 2003/4.

I've been off work sick for years (I have a serious mental health condition which I'm on meds for, thankfully i've been symptom free for several years), I seen my psychiatrist just the other day. He wants to get me back into work which is a change of direction for him, in fact it's the 1st time any of them has mentioned work to me. I hesitated when he suggested it but he just said we'll discuss it again next time, so I don't think i'm going to be able to get out of it! I wondering now if I should brush up on some coding skills as he asked me what jobs I used to do.

Isn't coding really cool though!
The binge returned...

11/1 - 180 lbs

11/9 - 184 lbs
11/10 - 183 lbs
11/11 - 182 lbs
11/12 - 182 lbs
11/13 - 182 lbs
11/14 - 180 lbs
11/15 - 180 lbs
11/16 - 179 lbs
11/17 - 178 lbs
11/18 - 178 lbs
11/19 - 179 lbs

11/22 - 183 lbs...
The only plan for hernia at the moment is lose weight. As far as python, actually both. The inventor was reading Monty python scripts at the time and named it after that, but they do use the snake image also. It is a programming language.
Thanks Tom, and I am sure you are doing the right thing with your hernia, just don't put it off too long.

Interesting about Python! I am going to date myself, but the only computer language I have ever used was FORTRAN, and that was long ago. Back when we were using cards, no CRTs on computers then. Do people still used FORTRAN?
I think my body is deciding to go down some more though. I can feel it.
Keep at what you are doing and it will, no doubt it will!
Hey Tyke, good to see you still headed down!!
Thanks Tom, and I am sure you are doing the right thing with your hernia, just don't put it off too long.

Interesting about Python! I am going to date myself, but the only computer language I have ever used was FORTRAN, and that was long ago. Back when we were using cards, no CRTs on computers then. Do people still used FORTRAN?
I dont go back that far but have heard about punch cards and stuff. As far as I know fortran is still in use!
Me too, I started with Basic aged about 12 in my bedroom lol

I've never been much good but I could always seem to pick it up, and now with things like YouTube it makes learning

Isn't coding really cool though!
We sound a lot the same. I forgot I did buy a java course off of udemy at one point but didn't get far. I have a real bad prob of sticking to stuff. Hopefully this time will be better and sticking to this diet is showing me that I can do it. I am currently working on some writing on a project called "Old School - Reliving the Glory Days". In my story, cities create schools for seniors 65 to 75 that allows them to relive the high school middle as school environment in schools created especially for them. There is sports, yearbooks, the whole nine yards. I am working on creating me a "class schedule". I will be learning some things as I go along and I can use that learning experience in my writing. It should prove interesting. I have the first semester lined out. I follow through much better when I can check off activities in a spreadsheet or something.
11/1 - 180 lbs

11/9 - 184 lbs
11/10 - 183 lbs
11/11 - 182 lbs
11/12 - 182 lbs
11/13 - 182 lbs
11/14 - 180 lbs
11/15 - 180 lbs
11/16 - 179 lbs
11/17 - 178 lbs
11/18 - 178 lbs
11/19 - 179 lbs

11/22 - 183 lbs
11/23 - 183 lbs
11.25.22 up +2.8

Now to see what I can do between now and christmas. I doubled my exercise band routine. Haven't got to walk in several days now. Constant raining. Supposed to start my "semester" Monday but starting today. It should be fun.
189 lbs

Not feeling great about it, not at all. Guess the fact that I was able to overcome my feelings of resistance and weighted and posted this morning is some sign of hope...

Guess I need to update my signature later.
Tuesday Nov 29th : 224.4 (-0.4)

Had a few days where i didn't stick to my diet but last couple of days have been dieting ok. Have made a dieting chart mapping out projected weight loss over the next 6 months or so, hopefully it'll help. Next up, I really want to get into the 210's!
11.29.22 241.1 down -1.5

I weighed 239 17 times in November so far. The bad thing is the least weight gain sends me over 240 which is where I am now due to Thanksgiving. My new goal is to get deeper into the 230s so this doesnt happen. I still exercise. I had 75 minutes yesterday. 3 solid weeks of working with the bands 3 days a week. I can feel the muscle growth. Hopefully it will work out and I will start losing again. This is frustrating but way better than regaining 40 lbs and starting over. I am trying to stay as close as I can to lowest weight until it starts moving.
down -1.5
Good for you being down, and it will keep coming down if you stick to it. I also gained a lot over Thanksgiving, so I understand.
This is frustrating but way better than regaining 40 lbs and starting over
For sure better than gaining, and the frustration is normal. This isn't a quick process. Keep at it Tom, you are doing fine!
Wednesday Nov 30th : 222.8 (+0.4)
Just a minor bounce, stick to this and you'll be in the 210s soon!

11/26 - 189 lbs
11/27 - 187 lbs
11/28 - 186 lbs
11/29 - 184 lbs
11/30 - 183 lbs
Just a minor bounce, stick to this and you'll be in the 210s soon!

11/26 - 189 lbs
11/27 - 187 lbs
11/28 - 186 lbs
11/29 - 184 lbs
11/30 - 183 lbs

yeh not concerned about it. i had literally 2 or 3 chocolates last night watching England in the soccer World Cup. i'm pleased it didn't turn into a binge (the option was there to eat as many as i wanted). i really want the 210's.

so you're down 6 lbs in 4 days? nice going! i know some of it will be water weight but still, that's impressive, well done.
i had literally 2 or 3 chocolates last night watching England in the soccer World Cup. i'm pleased it didn't turn into a binge (the option was there to eat as many as i wanted).
Stopping like that is good, and really hard for me to do. Good for you. And you'll be in the 210s and below soon enough, just keep at it!
so you're down 6 lbs in 4 days? nice going! i know some of it will be water weight but still, that's impressive, well done.
It is almost all water. After bingeing I take on lots of water. I was in the 170s before...

October is a good month to be over, looking forward to a better December.

12/1 - 181 lbs
Friday Dec 2nd : 222.8 (no change)