Weigh Yourself Everyday (or frequently) Club

Just remembered some wise words from @Llama or @Cate, I think:

"Moderation is harder than abstinence. "

Certainly true for me...
Now that is a true saying (for me) if ever i've heard one! I'll remember that, thanks.

Zero tolerance to cheating worked well for me yesterday. Had 1 or 2 hunger pangs for junk but were easy to resist and overall had no real urge to pig out. But it's only 1 day, just hope i can keep it going.

These binges and cheating recently has effected my diet plans, my weight is hardly different to 1 month ago.

Mon Oct 31st : 224.8 (-2.2)
10/1 - 174 lbs
10/2 - 173 lbs
10/3 - 172 lbs pre-op
Surgery break
10/5 - 177 lbs - post-op
10/6 - 174 lbs
10/7 - 175 lbs
10/8 - 173 lbs
10/9 - 175 lbs
10/10 - 173 lbs
10/11 - 176 lbs
10/12 - 177 lbs
10/13 - 177 lbs
10/14 - 177 lbs
10/15 - 178 lbs
10/16 - 179 lbs
10/17 - 178 lbs
10/19 - 180 lbs
10/20 - 178 lbs
10/21 - 178 lbs
10/22 - 176 lbs
10/23 - 177 lbs
10/24 - 178 lbs
10/25 - 183 lbs
10/26 - 181 lbs
10/27 - 180 lbs
10/28 - 180 lbs
10/29 - 180 lbs
10/30 - 179 lbs
10/31 - 178 lbs

October has been a wild ride - mostly the result of my knee surgery. I ended up 4 lbs heavier than I began, but I suspect most of that is either water or the added weight of my new metal and plastic knees. Looking forward to a bit better November, happy Halloween all!
Down is always good!
These binges and cheating recently has effected my diet plans, my weight is hardly different to 1 month ago.
I know binges do that, but you should not feel too bad. Holding your weight despite the occasional binge is a good thing. A sign that most days you are eating well. You are doing this!
1 day, just hope i can keep it going.
Of course you can, one day at a time is all it takes!
10/1 - 174 lbs
10/31 - 178 lbs

October has been a wild ride - mostly the result of my knee surgery. I ended up 4 lbs heavier than I began, but I suspect most of that is either water or the added weight of my new metal and plastic knees. Looking forward to a bit better November, happy Halloween all!
Given the circumstances I think you've done well to be only 4lb up Rob.
Yes lets hope November is a good one :)

Tues Nov 1st : 226.8 (+2.0)

I messed up, again :ambivalence:
October was a wild ride, a low of 172 to a high of 183. No weight loss, but not a lot of gain, not when you take the surgery into account anyway. Unfortunately I ended it with too much Halloween candy last night. Looking forward to a better November.

11/1 - 180 lbs
Yes lets hope November is a good one
I agree, thanks Tyke.
Tues Nov 1st : 226.8 (+2.0)

I messed up, again
I didn't do well last night either. However today is another day, lets both do better!
11.96.22 239.5

Sunday is official weigh day. This first day in my 230s. I will take it. Weighed in 230s 6 days this week. Yesterday was horrible binge day. Dad fainted or something totally out of the blue. Really stressful. Haven't been in 230s in forever so I will take it.
Oh, Tom. Congratulations on being in the 230s. That would have been stressful with your Dad. I think most of us are stress eaters & learning how to deal with setbacks without resorting to binging on anything would be a good tool to have in our armoury. You deal with a lot & are doing so well.
11.96.22 239.5

Sunday is official weigh day. This first day in my 230s. I will take it. Weighed in 230s 6 days this week. Yesterday was horrible binge day. Dad fainted or something totally out of the blue. Really stressful. Haven't been in 230s in forever so I will take it.
Well done Tom. I echo what @Cate said.

Monday Nov 7th : 225.8 (-0.4)
Oh, Tom. Congratulations on being in the 230s. That would have been stressful with your Dad. I think most of us are stress eaters & learning how to deal with setbacks without resorting to binging on anything would be a good tool to have in our armoury. You deal with a lot & are doing so well.
Thank you. These is so much going on. Ugh. But I am trying. Next goal stay in my 230s on the way to 220s
Almost 3/4 of the way to your "mini" goal, Tyke! :D
Yep! Originally i did want to hit it by Xmas but no way to do that now. I'll be happy if I can get into the 210's by the end of this month. I've not binged for several days now but my diet is higher cals than it was at the beginning. Gives me hope when I think about the hare and the tortoise race :D.

11/1 - 180 lbs
11/9 - 184 lbs

Struggling a bit, eating too much and trying to do better...
Hang in there Rob :) hope you are recovering well from your surgery.

Thurs Nov 10th : 225 (-0.4)
11/1 - 180 lbs

11/9 - 184 lbs
11/10 - 183 lbs
Hang in there Rob :) hope you are recovering well from your surgery
Thanks Tyke, its kind of a feeble excuse, but I'll take it. Its the only one I got...