Weigh Yourself Everyday (or frequently) Club

10/1 - 174 lbs
10/2 - 173 lbs
10/3 - 172 lbs pre-op
Surgery break
10/5 - 177 lbs - post-op
10/6 - 174 lbs
10/7 - 175 lbs
10/8 - 173 lbs
10/9 - 175 lbs
10/10 - 173 lbs
10/11 - 176 lbs
10/12 - 177 lbs
10/13 - 177 lbs
10/14 - 177 lbs
10/15 - 178 lbs
10/16 - 179 lbs
10/17 - 178 lbs
10/19 - 180 lbs
10/20 - 178 lbs
10/21 - 178 lbs
10/22 - 176 lbs
10/23 - 177 lbs
10/24 - 178 lbs
Tue Oct 25th : 225.2 (+1.4)

Biscuits :rolleyes:
I've been taking 3 steps forward then 2 steps back recently :cautious:
10/1 - 174 lbs
10/2 - 173 lbs
10/3 - 172 lbs pre-op
Surgery break
10/5 - 177 lbs - post-op
10/6 - 174 lbs
10/7 - 175 lbs
10/8 - 173 lbs
10/9 - 175 lbs
10/10 - 173 lbs
10/11 - 176 lbs
10/12 - 177 lbs
10/13 - 177 lbs
10/14 - 177 lbs
10/15 - 178 lbs
10/16 - 179 lbs
10/17 - 178 lbs
10/19 - 180 lbs
10/20 - 178 lbs
10/21 - 178 lbs
10/22 - 176 lbs
10/23 - 177 lbs
10/24 - 178 lbs
10/25 - 183 lbs - can't blame all of this on water and swelling...
I've been taking 3 steps forward then 2 steps back recently
You and me both brother...
Tyke- what did I say about the biscuits? 🤣
Lol i did resist....for a few days :D

10/25 - 183 lbs - can't blame all of this on water and swelling...

You and me both brother...
This is hard work isn't it Rob!

Wed Oct 26th : 227 (+1.8) :oops:

I'm going to try my best to make the next 7 days on point diet wise. With the water i'm holding now I could lose 4+ lbs in 7 days if i diet ok.
It sure is hard work! I’m trying to be very strict & not buy anything sweet, including my favourite Speculaas biscuits, which I normally only have one of in the evening. We can do this!
10/1 - 174 lbs
10/2 - 173 lbs
10/3 - 172 lbs pre-op
Surgery break
10/5 - 177 lbs - post-op
10/6 - 174 lbs
10/7 - 175 lbs
10/8 - 173 lbs
10/9 - 175 lbs
10/10 - 173 lbs
10/11 - 176 lbs
10/12 - 177 lbs
10/13 - 177 lbs
10/14 - 177 lbs
10/15 - 178 lbs
10/16 - 179 lbs
10/17 - 178 lbs
10/19 - 180 lbs
10/20 - 178 lbs
10/21 - 178 lbs
10/22 - 176 lbs
10/23 - 177 lbs
10/24 - 178 lbs
10/25 - 183 lbs
10/26 - 181 lbs
This is hard work isn't it Rob!
Yes it is. And different from a lot of kinds of hard work. You can do great for several days and then wreck it all with a 14 minute binge... The need for persistence is what I think makes it hard for me.
I'm going to try my best to make the next 7 days on point diet wise.
Good for you! I know you can do it. Let us know how it goes.
It sure is hard work! I’m trying to be very strict & not buy anything sweet, including my favourite Speculaas biscuits, which I normally only have one of in the evening. We can do this!
i have trouble just limiting myself to 1 or 2 of something i shouldn't have...but i did last night :D i had 2 biscuits then put them away. i googled Speculaas biscuits, they look tasty! my current weakness is for malted milk biscuits :)
Yes it is. And different from a lot of kinds of hard work. You can do great for several days and then wreck it all with a 14 minute binge... The need for persistence is what I think makes it hard for me.

Good for you! I know you can do it. Let us know how it goes.

yeh that's right, many days of being disciplined can be cancelled out in minutes. you have done so well Rob to get to where you are in your diet journey, it gives me hope :)

well, yesterday was a good day diet wise. wasn't absolutely perfect but it was good. i'm striving for a week of good dieting then i may allow myself a small treat like an ice cream or a handful of biscuits, got to be careful to not let that turn into a binge though.

Thurs Oct 27th : 226 (-1.0) 1 good day down, another 6 to go
Thurs Oct 27th : 226 (-1.0) 1 good day down, another 6 to go
Good for you! Hoping for more for you!
i have trouble just limiting myself to 1 or 2 of something i shouldn't have...but i did last night
Good that you did it last night, that is still one of the problems I deal with, a lot. I tell myself I cannot have even one, but then get tempted. For a day or so it works, but then I over do it and start the cycle over...

10/1 - 174 lbs
10/2 - 173 lbs
10/3 - 172 lbs pre-op
Surgery break
10/5 - 177 lbs - post-op
10/6 - 174 lbs
10/7 - 175 lbs
10/8 - 173 lbs
10/9 - 175 lbs
10/10 - 173 lbs
10/11 - 176 lbs
10/12 - 177 lbs
10/13 - 177 lbs
10/14 - 177 lbs
10/15 - 178 lbs
10/16 - 179 lbs
10/17 - 178 lbs
10/19 - 180 lbs
10/20 - 178 lbs
10/21 - 178 lbs
10/22 - 176 lbs
10/23 - 177 lbs
10/24 - 178 lbs
10/25 - 183 lbs
10/26 - 181 lbs
10/27 - 180 lbs
10/1 - 174 lbs
10/2 - 173 lbs
10/3 - 172 lbs pre-op
Surgery break
10/5 - 177 lbs - post-op
10/6 - 174 lbs
10/7 - 175 lbs
10/8 - 173 lbs
10/9 - 175 lbs
10/10 - 173 lbs
10/11 - 176 lbs
10/12 - 177 lbs
10/13 - 177 lbs
10/14 - 177 lbs
10/15 - 178 lbs
10/16 - 179 lbs
10/17 - 178 lbs
10/19 - 180 lbs
10/20 - 178 lbs
10/21 - 178 lbs
10/22 - 176 lbs
10/23 - 177 lbs
10/24 - 178 lbs
10/25 - 183 lbs
10/26 - 181 lbs
10/27 - 180 lbs
10/28 - 180 lbs
Good to see!
10/1 - 174 lbs
10/2 - 173 lbs
10/3 - 172 lbs pre-op
Surgery break
10/5 - 177 lbs - post-op
10/6 - 174 lbs
10/7 - 175 lbs
10/8 - 173 lbs
10/9 - 175 lbs
10/10 - 173 lbs
10/11 - 176 lbs
10/12 - 177 lbs
10/13 - 177 lbs
10/14 - 177 lbs
10/15 - 178 lbs
10/16 - 179 lbs
10/17 - 178 lbs
10/19 - 180 lbs
10/20 - 178 lbs
10/21 - 178 lbs
10/22 - 176 lbs
10/23 - 177 lbs
10/24 - 178 lbs
10/25 - 183 lbs
10/26 - 181 lbs
10/27 - 180 lbs
10/28 - 180 lbs
10/29 - 180 lbs, binged last night...
10.29.22 - 239.2

Still trying :)
In the 230s and still trying, good for you Tom!!
a small rise but I didn't binge on biscuits yesterday (honestly @Cate :D). I think this rise is just a natural small fluctuation.
0.4 lbs is pretty meaningless. Not bingeing on biscuits however is quite meaningful and good news!
Last edited:
Sunday Oct 30th : 227 (+2.2)

"Just eat 1 biscuit" I thought.....which turned into a packet of them plus 3 ice creams :ack2:
Just a bit isn't working as it is leading to me pigging out, I have to adopt my earlier way of zero "naughty" foods as that worked for me before. So no biscuits today.

10.29.22 - 239.2

Still trying :)

Well done Tom, that is excellent to see :)

10/29 - 180 lbs, binged last night...

Me too Rob! The night time seems when I am at risk from bingeing.
10/1 - 174 lbs
10/2 - 173 lbs
10/3 - 172 lbs pre-op
Surgery break
10/5 - 177 lbs - post-op
10/6 - 174 lbs
10/7 - 175 lbs
10/8 - 173 lbs
10/9 - 175 lbs
10/10 - 173 lbs
10/11 - 176 lbs
10/12 - 177 lbs
10/13 - 177 lbs
10/14 - 177 lbs
10/15 - 178 lbs
10/16 - 179 lbs
10/17 - 178 lbs
10/19 - 180 lbs
10/20 - 178 lbs
10/21 - 178 lbs
10/22 - 176 lbs
10/23 - 177 lbs
10/24 - 178 lbs
10/25 - 183 lbs
10/26 - 181 lbs
10/27 - 180 lbs
10/28 - 180 lbs
10/29 - 180 lbs
10/30 - 179 lbs
"Just eat 1 biscuit" I thought.....which turned into a packet of them plus 3 ice creams :ack2:
Just a bit isn't working as it is leading to me pigging out, I have to adopt my earlier way of zero "naughty" foods as that worked for me before. So no biscuits today.
I sure know that situation. Same here, we just have to keep trying...
The night time seems when I am at risk from bingeing.
Yep, night is the hardest for me as well.

Keep at it, you can do it!!
"Just eat 1 biscuit" I thought.....which turned into a packet of them plus 3 ice creams :ack2:
Just a bit isn't working as it is leading to me pigging out, I have to adopt my earlier way of zero "naughty" foods as that worked for me before. So no biscuits today.
Just remembered some wise words from @Llama or @Cate, I think:

"Moderation is harder than abstinence. "

Certainly true for me...
"Just eat 1 biscuit" I thought.....which turned into a packet of them plus 3 ice creams :ack2: