Weigh Yourself Everyday (or frequently) Club

10/1 - 174 lbs
10/2 - 173 lbs
10/3 - 172 lbs pre-op weight, after not eating or drinking for the last ~18 hours...
Surgery break
10/5 - 177 lbs - post-op weigh in at Rehab
10/6 - 174 lbs
10/7 - 175 lbs
10/8 - 173 lbs
10/9 - 175 lbs
10/10 - 173 lbs
10/11 - 176 lbs
10/12 - 177 lbs - still hurting...

Hey Tyle, don't really have a goal weight, but I would like to be in the 160s. I have been in maintenance mode for almost 2 years, such as it is for a while. And as you say I have struggled to diet since my original weight loss. Its an unending battle, but better than the alternative.

Have you thought about your ultimate goal? I know you are trying to get to 200 by Christmas. When you get there what would be next for you?
My ultimate goal is 168. But 200 will be great. When i get to 200 i'm going to be less strict about eating low carbs, i don't mind if it takes a long time to get to 168. When (if!) I get to 168 then i'll go into maintenance mode to hopefully just maintain my weight. Will probably start exercising too.

Thursday Oct 13th : 226.6 (+1.0)
10.13.2022. 241.8

Finally broke 242 after 12 days. Dont know if it will last. 1.5 hours mowing and sweating. Still dont know why I am not dropping.
Finally broke 242 after 12 days. Dont know if it will last.
Good for you, and if you keep eating well it will stick. Water weight may bounce, but fat loss is real!
My ultimate goal is 168. But 200 will be great. When i get to 200 i'm going to be less strict about eating low carbs, i don't mind if it takes a long time to get to 168. When (if!) I get to 168 then i'll go into maintenance mode to hopefully just maintain my weight. Will probably start exercising too.
Sounds reasonable, are you not exercising now? If not why wait? I started when I was in the mid 200s, really glad I did.

10/1 - 174 lbs
10/2 - 173 lbs
10/3 - 172 lbs pre-op weight, after not eating or drinking for the last ~18 hours...
Surgery break
10/5 - 177 lbs - post-op weigh in at Rehab
10/6 - 174 lbs
10/7 - 175 lbs
10/8 - 173 lbs
10/9 - 175 lbs
10/10 - 173 lbs
10/11 - 176 lbs
10/12 - 177 lbs
10/13 - 177 lbs - doctor says the weight gain is swelling and the pattern is what to expect, increased swelling for the first couple of weeks, and then not down for 6 weeks or more... at least I have an excuse
Sounds reasonable, are you not exercising now? If not why wait? I started when I was in the mid 200s, really glad I did.
I was exercising but stopped :( i just don't enough drive/discipline etc to regularly exercise right now. I know i'll regret it!

Friday Oct 14th : 225 (-1.6)
10/1 - 174 lbs
10/2 - 173 lbs
10/3 - 172 lbs pre-op
Surgery break
10/5 - 177 lbs - post-op
10/6 - 174 lbs
10/7 - 175 lbs
10/8 - 173 lbs
10/9 - 175 lbs
10/10 - 173 lbs
10/11 - 176 lbs
10/12 - 177 lbs
10/13 - 177 lbs
10/14 - 177 lbs
I was exercising but stopped :( i just don't enough drive/discipline etc to regularly exercise right now. I know i'll regret it!
I started riding a bike, just a few laps around the house at first. It was something I liked. The best exercise is something you like well enough to keep doing. It doesn't have to be hard or painful, just start with something. As @Cate says walking would be good.

I think we too often believe exercise has to hurt or really push limits, just ain't true.
10/1 - 174 lbs
10/2 - 173 lbs
10/3 - 172 lbs pre-op
Surgery break
10/5 - 177 lbs - post-op
10/6 - 174 lbs
10/7 - 175 lbs
10/8 - 173 lbs
10/9 - 175 lbs
10/10 - 173 lbs
10/11 - 176 lbs
10/12 - 177 lbs
10/13 - 177 lbs
10/14 - 177 lbs
10/15 - 178 lbs - mini binge on low fat yogurt last night, not my worst but not great
@Tyke On cold & wet days( & sometimes sunny & dry days) I find it very hard to get out there. Once I'm out & dressed appropriately I feel better for every step I take. Does your Tyke love his walks? I find it very hard doing exercise inside.
Sunday Oct 16th : 226.4 (+0.4)

@Cate yeh i think i will start doing some walking as, like you say, even if u don't feel too great before you feel better afterwards. Tyke doesn't like walks now unfortunately, as he's got older i think he has arthritis in 1 of his back legs. he just started to not get excited to go for walks and eventually he stopped moving forward once on a walk. i miss walking him :(
10/1 - 174 lbs
10/2 - 173 lbs
10/3 - 172 lbs pre-op
Surgery break
10/5 - 177 lbs - post-op
10/6 - 174 lbs
10/7 - 175 lbs
10/8 - 173 lbs
10/9 - 175 lbs
10/10 - 173 lbs
10/11 - 176 lbs
10/12 - 177 lbs
10/13 - 177 lbs
10/14 - 177 lbs
10/15 - 178 lbs
10/16 - 179 lbs - pain and swelling up this morning....
10/1 - 174 lbs
10/2 - 173 lbs
10/3 - 172 lbs pre-op
Surgery break
10/5 - 177 lbs - post-op
10/6 - 174 lbs
10/7 - 175 lbs
10/8 - 173 lbs
10/9 - 175 lbs
10/10 - 173 lbs
10/11 - 176 lbs
10/12 - 177 lbs
10/13 - 177 lbs
10/14 - 177 lbs
10/15 - 178 lbs
10/16 - 179 lbs
10/17 - 178 lbs - still swollen
@Tyke I'm sorry about your doggo. Old age is a bugger. Would you consider putting him in some kind of pusher & taking him out for "walks"? I bet he would love it & you don't strike me as a man who would be worried about what anyone would think of you doing that. You could make it look blokey. I bet Tyke would love it :D Is doggo arthritis medication expensive? I buy stuff(tea mostly) from iherb & they have this- https://au.iherb.com/pr/charlie-frank-pet-hip-joint-for-cats-dogs-120-soft-chews/ which is only $20 AU. I need to order some rosehip capsules for myself. :blush5: I thought they had pet rosehip capsules.
I apparently fell down a rabbit hole looking for some supplements for me(thanks for the reminder, Tyke!)
@Tyke I'm sorry about your doggo. Old age is a bugger. Would you consider putting him in some kind of pusher & taking him out for "walks"? I bet he would love it & you don't strike me as a man who would be worried about what anyone would think of you doing that. You could make it look blokey. I bet Tyke would love it :D Is doggo arthritis medication expensive? I buy stuff(tea mostly) from iherb & they have this- https://au.iherb.com/pr/charlie-frank-pet-hip-joint-for-cats-dogs-120-soft-chews/ which is only $20 AU. I need to order some rosehip capsules for myself. :blush5: I thought they had pet rosehip capsules.
I apparently fell down a rabbit hole looking for some supplements for me(thanks for the reminder, Tyke!)
Good suggestion Cate, it had crossed my mind about putting Tyke in a pram of some sort and pushing him about :D. i'm not 100% confident on its safety however, would he try and jump out? Tyke jumped out my car window once when he was young, we were doing about 15 mph! thankfully no injuries.

For his arthritis he's on a monthly jab of a quite new drug called Librela. It's mega safe, much more safe/no side effects when compared to the usual treatments. It's effective too. he's deffo better on his leg now (but not cured ofc). it's costing me £77 per monthly jab so not cheap, but worth it.

Mon Oct 17th : 226.8 (no change)
10.18.22. 242.9

Still in the 242 club

I upped my calories about 400 for 10 days to see if it would help. Gained up to 245.4. Oh well. Calories are back on target and back down this morning.