Weigh Yourself Everyday (or frequently) Club

Hey, Tom. Good to see you again & that you have held onto most of your weight loss. Sorry to hear that you are struggling.
CW: 111.2lbs
GW: 103lbs
Well hello again, it has been a while. It was wonderful being able to get back to Spain and Florida last year, but with that and Xmas I am now back to 9 stone 11 lbs, how irritating. I can maintain my wait as long as I don't socialise or go on holiday apparently.

Anyway, as of today I'm beginning my fight to get back under 9 stone once again. I find the first week of dieting is always the most difficult so I'm hoping posting my daily weight on here will encourage me to stick with it.

So, weight this morning, 137.
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Well, I am glad the holiday parties did not affect the weight too much, though yesterday I felt sick with all the holiday food I was served, which was mostly carbs and sugar. Seven more lbs to go!

And Happy New Year everyone!

CW: 110.4lbs
GW: 103lbs
1st Jan 137 lbs
2nd Jan 137
3rd Jan 134
4th Jan 135 lbs
less amazing but it is always erratic at the beginning with water loss etc. and my scale only weighs in whole pounds.
I just looked on Calculator.net and it confirmed something I have really always known. At my size, to lose 1 pound a week I have to eat fewer than 1100 calories a day and to lose 2 pounds a week (which Weight Watchers promotes as ideal) I would have to eat fewer than 600 calories a day. Maths told me that, but it is a depressing thought. I find it isn't true at the beginning of a diet when I have recently put on a lot of weight suddenly, (like Christmas and holidays), but by the third week, yes, it is true. The only other thing I can do to change it is use up a lot of calories by exercising, particularly running, but that is more appealing when the weather is better.
Hi Ellyria! What's your goal? And amazing progress :)
Thank you, but my weight fluctuates a lot. I want to get back down below 9 stone, (so 125 lbs).