Weigh Yourself Everyday (or frequently) Club

Hey Tom, good to see you are still here and working at it. I am back, and will try to work at it, I need to.

10/4 - 183 lbs

I am up as the result of bingeing, no good way to say it. To be honest I feel better at this weight than I did lighter, so for now my objective isn't to lose weight so much as maintain and keep feeling good. I know that if I stop bingeing I will probably lose some weight, that would be good, but the not bingeing is what I most need.

Even with those goals weighing every day is still good for me, so I will do it, for a while anyway.

Good to see ya back! It's been lonely. I'm up +3 from my lowest. I can't seem to budge the weight to go down any more. This last month I just pretty much ate whatever. I didn't binge or anything, but I didn't track my calories much either.

I'm going to try and watch everything close again and see what happens. I'm hoping I can finally go down some more.

I forgot what height you are. I'm 5'8" and I am shooting for 175. My dad is a little shorter than me. he weighs between 140-150 and looks like a stick figure so I don't plan on going down to low.
Hey Tom, being up 3 lbs doesn't mean a whole lot. Or it wouldn't for me probably mostly water. If you get back to calorie tracking I suspect your losses will continue. Not bingeing is great, wish I could say the same. We all have our own problems to deal with I guess.

I am 5' 7', and am not sure what my "ideal" weight is. A few months back I got down into the mid 140s, and even there I know I had a bit of fat, but to be honest I did not feel very good. Light headed and often weak. Gaining a few pounds seems to have helped with that, but maybe it has nothing to do with the weight, who knows... Anyway I do feel better now, and though I would be happy to lose a few more pounds my goal right now is just to end the bingeing and keep feeling better. Oh, and not gain any more!

10/4 - 183 lbs
10/5 - 181 lbs
Good Morning All :) Hope Everyone has a great day!

Previous Monthly Readings:

04/25/21 268.8 Started
05/30/21 255.8
06/30/21 252.0
08/01/21 246.7
08/29/21 244.4
09/30/21 247.2

Month of May down: -13.7 lbs
Month of June down: -3.8 lbs
Month of July down: -5.3 lbs
Month of August down: -2.3
Month of September down: +2.8

Current Daily Readings

09/30/21 247.2
10/01/21 247.7
10/02/21 247.7
10/03/21 247.7
10/04/21 247.7
10/05/21 246.7
Hey Tom, being up 3 lbs doesn't mean a whole lot. Or it wouldn't for me probably mostly water. If you get back to calorie tracking I suspect your losses will continue. Not bingeing is great, wish I could say the same. We all have our own problems to deal with I guess.

I am 5' 7', and am not sure what my "ideal" weight is. A few months back I got down into the mid 140s, and even there I know I had a bit of fat, but to be honest I did not feel very good. Light headed and often weak. Gaining a few pounds seems to have helped with that, but maybe it has nothing to do with the weight, who knows... Anyway I do feel better now, and though I would be happy to lose a few more pounds my goal right now is just to end the bingeing and keep feeling better. Oh, and not gain any more!

10/4 - 183 lbs
10/5 - 181 lbs

I hear ya on the feel better part! I would like that myself. It says I should weigh anywhere between 139-169. In high school, I was at a good weight of 156. One of the very few times, I've been where I was supposed to. Then I had P.E. every day and skipped breakfast and lunch most of the time so I could play my dollar in quarters on video games on the way home. I walked 1.5 miles to and from school.

Honestly, anything below 200, I'd be super happy with. I haven't been there in forever.
Tom, that sounds a bit like my story. 160 something was my low in high school when I was wrestling holding my weight down for that and exercising a lot. That became my goal for a long time, and it wasn't a bad one. Your anything below 200 makes sense to me, I am still there and it sure feels better than where I was. One difference was that there were no video games when I was in high school it was pinball... But same story, I spent way too much time doing that.

10/4 - 183 lbs
10/5 - 181 lbs
10/6 - 178 lbs
Good Morning All :) Hope Everyone has a great day!

Previous Monthly Readings:

04/25/21 268.8 Started
05/30/21 255.8
06/30/21 252.0
08/01/21 246.7
08/29/21 244.4
09/30/21 247.2

Month of May down: -13.7 lbs
Month of June down: -3.8 lbs
Month of July down: -5.3 lbs
Month of August down: -2.3
Month of September down: +2.8

Current Daily Readings

09/30/21 247.2
10/01/21 247.7
10/02/21 247.7
10/03/21 247.7
10/04/21 247.7
10/05/21 246.7
10/06/21 246.7
Tom, that sounds a bit like my story. 160 something was my low in high school when I was wrestling holding my weight down for that and exercising a lot. That became my goal for a long time, and it wasn't a bad one. Your anything below 200 makes sense to me, I am still there and it sure feels better than where I was. One difference was that there were no video games when I was in high school it was pinball... But same story, I spent way too much time doing that.

10/4 - 183 lbs
10/5 - 181 lbs
10/6 - 178 lbs

I never played pinball too much. I played a few times before video games came out. Our first "game system" was pong. I was hooked ever since. I still play. I'm currently playing Fallout 4, an older game. I bought an expansion pack that has knockoffs of robotron, pitfall, donkey kong and a couple of others. lol. The olden days wasn't that good, but way better than today.
Hey Tom, your video gaming is way ahead of mine. I did once play pacman, but didn't see the point... Watch the grandkids on the xbox now and then, but never tried it myself.

10/4 - 183 lbs
10/5 - 181 lbs
10/6 - 178 lbs
10/7 - 177 lbs

Just water loss so far, I am sure. Not out of the range of my usual water variations. Still better than gaining.
Good Morning All :) Hope Everyone has a great day!

Previous Monthly Readings:

04/25/21 268.8 Started
05/30/21 255.8
06/30/21 252.0
08/01/21 246.7
08/29/21 244.4
09/30/21 247.2

Month of May down: -13.7 lbs
Month of June down: -3.8 lbs
Month of July down: -5.3 lbs
Month of August down: -2.3
Month of September down: +2.8

Current Daily Readings

09/30/21 247.2
10/01/21 247.7
10/02/21 247.7
10/03/21 247.7
10/04/21 247.7
10/05/21 246.7
10/06/21 246.7
10/07/21 248.9
10/08/21 248.9
Hey Tom and company! Good morning.

Tom, are you tracking calories? I know you said you were thinking about it. I find it really helps me, though the next 2 weeks it will be hard.

Speaking of which, I may not have access to a scale until I return so may have a gap in the weighing. Will do what I can.

10/4 - 183 lbs
10/5 - 181 lbs
10/6 - 178 lbs
10/7 - 177 lbs
10/8 - 177 lbs
10/9 - 176 lbs
Good Morning All :) Hope Everyone has a great day!

Previous Monthly Readings:

04/25/21 268.8 Started
05/30/21 255.8
06/30/21 252.0
08/01/21 246.7
08/29/21 244.4
09/30/21 247.2

Month of May down: -13.7 lbs
Month of June down: -3.8 lbs
Month of July down: -5.3 lbs
Month of August down: -2.3
Month of September down: +2.8

Current Daily Readings

09/30/21 247.2
10/01/21 247.7
10/02/21 247.7
10/03/21 247.7
10/04/21 247.7
10/05/21 246.7
10/06/21 246.7
10/07/21 248.9
10/08/21 248.9
10/09/21 249.4
Hey Tom and company! Good morning.

Tom, are you tracking calories? I know you said you were thinking about it. I find it really helps me, though the next 2 weeks it will be hard.

Speaking of which, I may not have access to a scale until I return so may have a gap in the weighing. Will do what I can.

10/4 - 183 lbs
10/5 - 181 lbs
10/6 - 178 lbs
10/7 - 177 lbs
10/8 - 177 lbs
10/9 - 176 lbs

I haven't been tracking calories for the past 3 weeks now. I did always before. I just got tired of it because I wasn't losing. I need to get back on the ball. I'm up 5 lbs now.
Hey Tom, counting calories has helped me a lot. When I do and record them I always eat better, hard not to think about things.

No scale this am, but thought I should check in anyway.
Good Morning All :) Hope Everyone has a great day!

Previous Monthly Readings:

04/25/21 268.8 Started
05/30/21 255.8
06/30/21 252.0
08/01/21 246.7
08/29/21 244.4
09/30/21 247.2

Month of May down: -13.7 lbs
Month of June down: -3.8 lbs
Month of July down: -5.3 lbs
Month of August down: -2.3
Month of September down: +2.8

Current Daily Readings

09/30/21 247.2
10/01/21 247.7
10/02/21 247.7
10/03/21 247.7
10/04/21 247.7
10/05/21 246.7
10/06/21 246.7
10/07/21 248.9
10/08/21 248.9
10/09/21 249.4
10/10/21 248.9
Good Morning All :) Hope Everyone has a great day!

Previous Monthly Readings:

04/25/21 268.8 Started
05/30/21 255.8
06/30/21 252.0
08/01/21 246.7
08/29/21 244.4
09/30/21 247.2

Month of May down: -13.7 lbs
Month of June down: -3.8 lbs
Month of July down: -5.3 lbs
Month of August down: -2.3
Month of September down: +2.8

Current Daily Readings

09/30/21 247.2
10/01/21 247.7
10/02/21 247.7
10/03/21 247.7
10/04/21 247.7
10/05/21 246.7
10/06/21 246.7
10/07/21 248.9
10/08/21 248.9
10/09/21 249.4
10/10/21 248.9
10/11/21 248.9
Good Morning All :) Hope Everyone has a great day!

Previous Monthly Readings:

04/25/21 268.8 Started
05/30/21 255.8
06/30/21 252.0
08/01/21 246.7
08/29/21 244.4
09/30/21 247.2

Month of May down: -13.7 lbs
Month of June down: -3.8 lbs
Month of July down: -5.3 lbs
Month of August down: -2.3
Month of September down: +2.8

Current Daily Readings

09/30/21 247.2
10/01/21 247.7
10/02/21 247.7
10/03/21 247.7
10/04/21 247.7
10/05/21 246.7
10/06/21 246.7
10/07/21 248.9
10/08/21 248.9
10/09/21 249.4
10/10/21 248.9
10/11/21 248.9
10/12/21 248.9
Hey gang, I'm back. I've packed on 4-5lbs in the last while.
Currently at 113lbs - ten lbs to go.

I've been trying to juice celery every night before bed to help with digestion. Today I threw out any binge eats I had in the cabinets- chocolate and mini oreos. I bought them b/c I have been feeling depressed lately. But need to get my life back under control. Also, I put on a couple lbs being at my parents and eating whatever, and now I just need to reel it all back in.
Good Morning All :) Hope Everyone has a great day!

Previous Monthly Readings:

04/25/21 268.8 Started
05/30/21 255.8
06/30/21 252.0
08/01/21 246.7
08/29/21 244.4
09/30/21 247.2

Month of May down: -13.7 lbs
Month of June down: -3.8 lbs
Month of July down: -5.3 lbs
Month of August down: -2.3
Month of September down: +2.8

Current Daily Readings

09/30/21 247.2
10/01/21 247.7
10/02/21 247.7
10/03/21 247.7
10/04/21 247.7
10/05/21 246.7
10/06/21 246.7
10/07/21 248.9
10/08/21 248.9
10/09/21 249.4
10/10/21 248.9
10/11/21 248.9
10/12/21 248.9
10/13/21 248.9 Sis' Birthday
Hey gang, I'm back. I've packed on 4-5lbs in the last while.
Currently at 113lbs - ten lbs to go.

I've been trying to juice celery every night before bed to help with digestion. Today I threw out any binge eats I had in the cabinets- chocolate and mini oreos. I bought them b/c I have been feeling depressed lately. But need to get my life back under control. Also, I put on a couple lbs being at my parents and eating whatever, and now I just need to reel it all back in.

Welcome Back!
Good Morning All :) Hope Everyone has a great day!

Previous Monthly Readings:

04/25/21 268.8 Started
05/30/21 255.8
06/30/21 252.0
08/01/21 246.7
08/29/21 244.4
09/30/21 247.2

Month of May down: -13.7 lbs
Month of June down: -3.8 lbs
Month of July down: -5.3 lbs
Month of August down: -2.3
Month of September down: +2.8

Current Daily Readings

09/30/21 247.2
10/01/21 247.7
10/02/21 247.7
10/03/21 247.7
10/04/21 247.7
10/05/21 246.7
10/06/21 246.7
10/07/21 248.9
10/08/21 248.9
10/09/21 249.4
10/10/21 248.9
10/11/21 248.9
10/12/21 248.9
10/13/21 248.9 Sis' Birthday
10/14/21 250.0
10/15/21 250.0
10/16/21 250.6

Gotta put the brakes on. Ugh.