Weigh Yourself Everyday (or frequently) Club

9th 135
10th 135
11th 136
12th 134
13th 135
14th 134
17th 136 (was away for the weekend)

Not going as well as I'd hoped, but still trying.
I'm back and I think this weigh yourself everyday thing helps me.

2/22/2022 - 184 lbs, actually the same on the 23rd, but I wanted to get posted on the 2s Tuesday!
I've weighed myself everyday days since 1st January and my weight has fluctuated in that time between 137 and 133 lbs. I'm going to the USA next week, so I know it will be helpless trying to lose weight till I get back in April. I'm disappointed with myself that I didn't get on with it before I left. Still, never mind.
137 and 133 lbs
That doesn't seem a bad range, what is your goal?

Were are you going in the US? Its a big place. I know watching your diet and exercise is hard when you travel. I usually more or less give up on exercise, but I do try to eat well, sometimes I am successful.
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That doesn't seem a bad range, what is your goal?

Were are you going in the US? Its a big place. I know watching your diet and exercise is hard when you travel. I usually more or less give up on exercise, but I do try to eat well, sometimes I am successful.
Oh my goal is to lose about a stone I suppose. So 120 lbs or so. I'm going to central Florida for 28 days, I have a small holiday home there. I run, so I find it pleasant to exercise there, much more so than here where my outside activity is limited in this cold and wet. My problem there is, socialising and the availability of vast portions of restaurant food in Florida and my lack of willpower regarding it. I'll give the diet another go when I get back in April. Lockdown was good for my figure. I can limit my food, (and alcohol), if I don't socialise.
Oh my goal is to lose about a stone I suppose. So 120 lbs or so.
Sounds like a reasonable goal, but I know losing those last few pounds are usually the hardest. Would it be ok to maintain whilst in Florida and then start trying to lose when you get back?
I'm going to central Florida for 28 days
That is a coincidence, I am also headed to Florida. Flying into Orlando on March 5 and out March 15. From there I go to a friend's home in Frostproof and then we are headed to the Keys for a fishing trip. Wave if you see me!

Where is your house? I lived in Florida for about 30 years, in Utah now though.
2/22/2022 - 184 lbs
2/24/2022 - 183 lbs
2/25/2002 - 183 lbs
2/26/2022 - 182 lbs

Still just bouncing, but its in the right direction. Too soon to see any real loss.
2/22/2022 - 184 lbs
2/24/2022 - 183 lbs
2/25/2002 - 183 lbs
2/26/2022 - 182 lbs
2/27/2022 - 182 lbs

Still just bouncing, but at least it's not up.
2/22/2022 - 184 lbs
2/24/2022 - 183 lbs
2/25/2002 - 183 lbs
2/26/2022 - 182 lbs
2/27/2022 - 182 lbs
2/28/2022 - 181 lbs

Still just bouncing, but maybe a trend is emerging.
Feb 2022 started recording weight daily on the 22nd at 184, dropped to 181 by the end of month.

3/1/2022 - 181
3/2/2022 - 179

Feels good to see the 170s!
Feb 2022 - started recording weight daily on the 22nd at 184, dropped to 181 by the end of month.

3/1/2022 - 181
3/2/2022 - 179
3/3/2022 - 179

Nothing new, but still in the 170s
Feb 2022 - started recording weight daily on the 22nd at 184, dropped to 181 by the end of month.

3/1/2022 - 181
3/2/2022 - 179
3/3/2022 - 179
3/4/2022 - 179

I probably will not be able to weigh in for the next 10 days or so, on vacation. Will try my best to stay on track, we'll see.
In Florida now with no scale so I probably will not be able to weigh in for about a week and a half. My objective is just not to regain too much. We'll see.