Weigh Yourself Everyday (or frequently) Club

Great job! I won´t be posting here daily once I go back to work on Monday but I´ll keep recording the weigh-ins I do get around to, probably twice a week, just to have a record I can look back on.
Date____Weight__BIA BF%__Navy BF%__Lean____Fat__Calories__1 Mile__3 Miles
Dec 01___258.0___36.0%____33.1%____168.9___89.1___1541
Dec 02___257.8___36.0%____33.1%____168.7___89.1___1549
Dec 03___255.4___36.0%____33.1%____167.2___88.2___1707
Dec 04___255.6___36.5%____33.8%____165.8___89.8___1639
Dec 05___255.4___35.5%____33.4%____167.4___88.0___1674
Dec 06___258.2___33.5%____34.4%____170.5___87.7___1652____10:18
Dec 07___255.2___35.0%____33.8%____167.5___87.7___1655
Dec 08___253.2___36.0%____32.4%____166.6___86.6___1697_____________38:39
Dec 09___252.0___36.5%____33.4%____163.9___88.1___1701
Dec 10___252.2___35.5%____33.4%____165.3___86.9___1700_____________38:40
Dec 11___252.0___35.0%____32.4%____167.0___85.0___1701
Dec 12___252.6___35.0%____32.4%____167.4___85.2___1701____10:35
Dec 13___252.4___34.0%____32.8%____168.1___84.3___1700
Dec 14___253.4___34.5%____33.1%____167.7___85.7___1701_____________37:20
Dec 15___252.4___34.0%____34.1%____166.5___85.9___1701
Dec 16___
Dec 17___
Dec 18___
Dec 19___249.4___33.5%____31.7%____168.0___81.4___1702
Dec 20___250.2___34.5%____
Dec 21___250.4___34.0%____32.7%____166.9___83.5___1679
Dec 22___250.0___33.5%____32.1%____168.0___82.0___1648_____________37:07
Dec 23___
Dec 24___
Dec 25___248.8___
Dec 26___248.6___32.5%____32.4%____167.9___80.7___1695____10:25
Dec 27___
Dec 28___

Dec 29___246.4___33.0%____31.7%____166.6___79.8___1705
Dec 30___
Dec 31___245.0___33.0%____31.7%____165.7___79.3___TBD
76.5 kg and 33.3 % fat on 12/21
Didn't weigh 12/22
76.2, forgot to look at the fat number on 12/23
75.9 and 33.0% on 12/24
75.9 and 33.0% on 12/25
76.5 and 33.3% on 12/26
76.0 kg, 33.1 % fat, 48.8% water on 12/27
76.5 kg, 33.3% f, 48.6% w on 12/28. Very bloated
76.2 kg, 33.2% fat, 48.7% water on 12/29. Bloat starting to go down
76.6 33.4 48.6 on 12/30. Start of period
76.6 33.4 48.6 on 12/31

77.0 kg, 33.5% fat 48.5% water 01/01
Hey LaMa, post when it helps, no need to do it every day unless it helps you. I have found it helpful, I always have weighed daily, but recording it here helps me see trends, or lack of trends, better. Err, congrats on a great year, I posting something about it on your diary, you have done an incredible thing my man.

And January begins with a new low for me, but not much below the old low, and still in the 150s.
  • August began 161, ended 159, ranged 163 to 159.
  • September began 160, ended 158, ranged 160 to 154.
  • October began 159, ended 158, ranged from 155 to 162.
  • November began 160, ended 153, ranged from 153 to 164.
  • December averaged 156 and ranged from 151 to 159.
  • January 2010
    • 1 - 150 lbs
After losing over 160 lbs I am in maintenance and trying to stay somewhere in the 150s.
Date____Weight__BIA BF%_Navy BF%_Lean____Fat__Calories_1 Mile_3 Miles
Dec 01___258.0___36.0%___33.1%___168.9___89.1__1541
Dec 02___257.8___36.0%___33.1%___168.7___89.1__1549
Dec 03___255.4___36.0%___33.1%___167.2___88.2__1707
Dec 04___255.6___36.5%___33.8%___165.8___89.8__1639
Dec 05___255.4___35.5%___33.4%___167.4___88.0__1674
Dec 06___258.2___33.5%___34.4%___170.5___87.7__1652__10:18
Dec 07___255.2___35.0%___33.8%___167.5___87.7__1655
Dec 08___253.2___36.0%___32.4%___166.6___86.6__1697__________38:39
Dec 09___252.0___36.5%___33.4%___163.9___88.1__1701
Dec 10___252.2___35.5%___33.4%___165.3___86.9__1700__________38:40
Dec 11___252.0___35.0%___32.4%___167.0___85.0__1701
Dec 12___252.6___35.0%___32.4%___167.4___85.2__1701__10:35
Dec 13___252.4___34.0%___32.8%___168.1___84.3__1700
Dec 14___253.4___34.5%___33.1%___167.7___85.7__1701__________37:20
Dec 15___252.4___34.0%___34.1%___166.5___85.9__1701
Dec 16___
Dec 17___
Dec 18___
Dec 19___249.4___33.5%___31.7%___168.0___81.4__1702
Dec 20___250.2___34.5%___
Dec 21___250.4___34.0%___32.7%___166.9___83.5__1679
Dec 22___250.0___33.5%___32.1%___168.0___82.0__1648__________37:07
Dec 23___
Dec 24___
Dec 25___248.8___
Dec 26___248.6___32.5%___32.4%___167.9___80.7__1695__10:25
Dec 27___
Dec 28___

Dec 29___246.4___33.0%___31.7%___166.6___79.8__1705
Dec 30___
Dec 31___245.0___33.0%___31.7%___165.7___79.3__1698
Jan 01___
76.5 kg and 33.3 % fat on 12/21
77.0 kg, 33.5% fat 48.5% water 01/01
77.1kg , 33.6% fat, 48.4% water 01/02

Not much fun to be had here but I haven't weighed myself daily during my period in forever so that may still play a role. I guess we'll see in a couple of days.
244.4... 76.7
More new lows! Good for you Err! LaMa, while I don't share your particular situation right now I do know from weighing every day that my weight jumps around. Weighing frequently and recording has allowed me to figure out some of the reasons for it, but not all. The most important lesson is not to expect too much consistency. Give it some time, I am sure you will be fine! You have gained less than 1 kg over this, I gained more than that just from yesterday to today with no clear explanation...

Speaking of bouncing, this morning I am back up from my low low yesterday, but still well within my target range.
  • August began 161, ended 159, ranged 163 to 159.
  • September began 160, ended 158, ranged 160 to 154.
  • October began 159, ended 158, ranged from 155 to 162.
  • November began 160, ended 153, ranged from 153 to 164.
  • December averaged 156 and ranged from 151 to 159.
  • January 2010
    • 1 - 150 lbs
    • 2 - 153 lbs
After losing over 160 lbs I am in maintenance and trying to stay somewhere in the 150s.
You´re absolutely right of course; I´m more annoyed with this weird period - the details of which I´ll spare you - than with the scale itself. Fingers crossed it´ll pass soon.
Date___Weight__BIA BF%_NavyBF%_Lean__Fat__Calories
Jan 01__244.4___31.0%__31.7%___167.7__76.7__2132
Jan 02__245.2___32.0%__30.7%___168.3__76.9__TBD

Revised yesterday's calories after eating another small meal late in the evening. I burned an estimated 1300 extra calories snowshoeing for 3+ hours so the extra 400 calories won't hurt any. I'll probably go over my 1700 target a little bit today as well.
76.5 kg and 33.3 % fat on 12/21
77.0 kg, 33.5% fat 48.5% water 01/01
77.1kg , 33.6% fat, 48.4% water 01/02
77.6 kg, 33.8% fat, 48.3% water. At least this time I know why the numbers jumped up...
Revised yesterday's calories after eating another small meal late in the evening. I burned an estimated 1300 extra calories snowshoeing for 3+ hours so the extra 400 calories won't hurt any. I'll probably go over my 1700 target a little bit today as well.
I think you are wise to be keeping your calories up, so long as you are exercising and still losing weight anyway. I think I let mine get too low in my weight loss phase, it slowed my metabolism and no doubt lead to more muscle loss than the ideal. You should be doing better.

LaMa, your weight is still only 1.1 kg above where it was before Christmas, and I am sure it will drop back down again soon. I find weighing and recording every day is of some help in understanding the bouncing.

And speaking of bouncing my weight is up a little again this morning, but still well within my target range. LaMa, I am up about 2 kg just since Friday, more than you in the last 2 weeks. And I am happy about it.
  • August began 161, ended 159, ranged 163 to 159.
  • September began 160, ended 158, ranged 160 to 154.
  • October began 159, ended 158, ranged from 155 to 162.
  • November began 160, ended 153, ranged from 153 to 164.
  • December averaged 156 and ranged from 151 to 159.
  • January 2010
    • 1 - 150 lbs
    • 2 - 153 lbs
    • 3 - 155 lbs
After losing over 160 lbs I am in maintenance and trying to stay somewhere in the 150s.
Date___Weight__BIA BF%_NavyBF%_Lean__Fat__Calories__Mile Run
Jan 01__244.4___31.0%__31.7%___167.7__76.7__2132
Jan 02__245.2___32.0%__30.7%___168.3__76.9__1993
Jan 03__246.2___32.5%__31.0%___168.0__78.2__TBD_____
76.5 kg and 33.3 % fat on 12/21
77.0 kg, 33.5% fat 48.5% water 01/01
77.1kg , 33.6% fat, 48.4% water 01/02
77.6 kg, 33.8% fat, 48.3% water 01/03
77.3 kg 33.7% fat 48.4% water 01/04
Nice new mile time Err, well below a 10 minute mile! And it looks like maybe LaMa is starting to lose a little of that water weight.

Nothing new here, which is fine.
  • August began 161, ended 159, ranged 163 to 159.
  • September began 160, ended 158, ranged 160 to 154.
  • October began 159, ended 158, ranged from 155 to 162.
  • November began 160, ended 153, ranged from 153 to 164.
  • December averaged 156 and ranged from 151 to 159.
  • January 2010
    • 1 - 150 lbs
    • 2 - 153 lbs
    • 3 - 155 lbs
    • 4 - 156 lbs
After losing over 160 lbs I am in maintenance and trying to stay somewhere in the 150s.
Date___Weight__BIA BF%_NavyBF%_Lean__Fat__Calories__Mile Run
Jan 01__244.4___31.0%__31.7%___167.7__76.7__2132
Jan 02__245.2___32.0%__30.7%___168.3__76.9__1993
Jan 03__246.2___32.5%__31.0%___168.0__78.2__1701____

Jan 04__246.6___32.0%__30.7%___169.3__77.3__TBD
76.5 kg and 33.3 % fat on 12/21
77.0 kg, 33.5% fat 48.5% water 01/01
77.1kg , 33.6% fat, 48.4% water 01/02
77.6 kg, 33.8% fat, 48.3% water 01/03
77.3 kg 33.7% fat 48.4% water 01/04
76.8 kg, 33.5% fat, 48.5% water 01/05
Hey Vic, good to see you, and you'll be in the 130s soon, I am sure. Nice to see you continuing down LaMa, and good to see you holding the losses Err.

No real change here, a good thing.
  • August began 161, ended 159, ranged 163 to 159.
  • September began 160, ended 158, ranged 160 to 154.
  • October began 159, ended 158, ranged from 155 to 162.
  • November began 160, ended 153, ranged from 153 to 164.
  • December averaged 156 and ranged from 151 to 159.
  • January 2010
    • 1 - 150 lbs
    • 2 - 153 lbs
    • 3 - 155 lbs
    • 4 - 156 lbs
    • 5 - 155 lbs
After losing over 160 lbs I am in maintenance and trying to stay somewhere in the 150s.
Date___Weight__BIA BF%_NavyBF%_Lean__Fat__Calories__Mile Run
Jan 01__244.4___31.0%__31.7%___167.7__76.7__2132
Jan 02__245.2___32.0%__30.7%___168.3__76.9__1993
Jan 03__246.2___32.5%__31.0%___168.0__78.2__1701____

Jan 04__246.6___32.0%__30.7%___169.3__77.3__1729
Jan 05__244.6___31.5%__32.1%___166.8__77.8__TBD