Weigh Yourself Everyday (or frequently) Club

Good new body fat low LaMa! How do you determine the % water? Nice holding your losses Err, now I think you are solidly into the lower half of the 200s.

Nothing new here.
  • August began 161, ended 159, ranged 163 to 159.
  • September began 160, ended 158, ranged 160 to 154.
  • October began 159, ended 158, ranged from 155 to 162.
  • November began 160, ended 153, ranged from 153 to 164.
  • December
    • 1 - 152 lbs
    • 2 - 151 lbs
    • 3 - 151 lbs
    • 4 - 153 lbs
    • 5 - 158 lbs
    • 6 - 157 lbs
    • 7 - 156 lbs
    • 8 - 158 lbs
    • 9 - 156 lbs
    • 10 - 154 lbs
    • 11 - 155 lbs
    • 12 - 155 lbs
    • 13 - 153 lbs
    • 14 - 151 lbs
    • 15 - 152 lbs
    • 16 - 154 lbs
    • 17 - 158 lbs
    • 18 - 154 lbs
    • 19 - 158 lbs
    • 20 - 159 lbs
    • 21 - 157 lbs
    • 22 - 159 lbs
    • 23 - 158 lbs
    • 24 - 157 lbs
    • 25 - 159 lbs
    • 26 - 156 lbs
    • 27 - 157 lbs
After losing over 160 lbs I am in maintenance and trying to stay somewhere in the 150s.
Not a new low, but not bad either. The water thing´s just the last number my scale spits out. Have no idea what it´s supposed to be - I thought we were supposed to be roughly 60% water. Doesn´t really matter though: all I´m interested in is if that percentage spikes when I bloat and goes down when I´m dehydrated. Not looking forward to tomorrow´s weigh-in: I ate way too much today.
Date____Weight__BIA BF%__Navy BF%__Lean____Fat__Calories__1 Mile__3 Miles
Nov 15___264.6____________36.3%____168.6___96.0___1576____11:20
Nov 21___261.4____________35.4%____168.9___92.5___1557____11:13
Nov 28___259.2____________34.4%____170.0___89.2___1555____10:42
Dec 01___258.0___36.0%____33.1%____168.9___89.1___1541
Dec 02___257.8___36.0%____33.1%____168.7___89.1___1549
Dec 03___255.4___36.0%____33.1%____167.2___88.2___1707
Dec 04___255.6___36.5%____33.8%____165.8___89.8___1639
Dec 05___255.4___35.5%____33.4%____167.4___88.0___1674
Dec 06___258.2___33.5%____34.4%____170.5___87.7___1652____10:18
Dec 07___255.2___35.0%____33.8%____167.5___87.7___1655
Dec 08___253.2___36.0%____32.4%____166.6___86.6___1697_____________38:39
Dec 09___252.0___36.5%____33.4%____163.9___88.1___1701
Dec 10___252.2___35.5%____33.4%____165.3___86.9___1700_____________38:40
Dec 11___252.0___35.0%____32.4%____167.0___85.0___1701
Dec 12___252.6___35.0%____32.4%____167.4___85.2___1701____10:35
Dec 13___252.4___34.0%____32.8%____168.1___84.3___1700
Dec 14___253.4___34.5%____33.1%____167.7___85.7___1701_____________37:20
Dec 15___252.4___34.0%____34.1%____166.5___85.9___1701
Dec 16___
Dec 17___
Dec 18___
Dec 19___249.4___33.5%____31.7%____168.0___81.4___1702
Dec 20___250.2___34.5%____
Dec 21___250.4___34.0%____32.7%____166.9___83.5___1679
Dec 22___250.0___33.5%____32.1%____168.0___82.0___1648_____________37:07
Dec 23___
Dec 24___
Dec 25___248.8___
Dec 26___248.6___32.5%____32.4%____167.9___80.7___1695____10:25
Dec 27___
Not a new low, but not bad either. The water thing´s just the last number my scale spits out. Have no idea what it´s supposed to be - I thought we were supposed to be roughly 60% water. Doesn´t really matter though: all I´m interested in is if that percentage spikes when I bloat and goes down when I´m dehydrated. Not looking forward to tomorrow´s weigh-in: I ate way too much today.

I haven't had my scale long enough to notice if it detects water retention, but the water % seems pretty steady day to day despite varying throughout the day:

48-48.5% first thing in the morning (highest body fat reading)
50-51% right before bed
52% right after exercise & a shower (lowest body fat reading)
76.5 kg and 33.3 % fat on 12/21
Didn't weigh 12/22
76.2, forgot to look at the fat number on 12/23
75.9 and 33.0% on 12/24
75.9 and 33.0% on 12/25
76.5 and 33.3% on 12/26
76.0 kg, 33.1 % fat, 48.8% water on 12/27
76.5 kg, 33.3% f, 48.6% w on 12/28. Very bloated.
Out of curiosity I just weighed myself again (about 2 hours later, after drinking 1.2 l of water and working out for a while). Haven´t eaten anything yet.
77.4 kg, 33.7% fat, 48.4% water. Which confirms that I shouldn´t rely on the water and fat numbers on my scale other than to measure changes and even then only when I weigh under the exact same circumstances.
Nice new low! And good on the new body fat lows. LaMa your scale is probably reliable, just not very precise. So small short term body fat and water changes don't mean much, but longer term its probably a good trend indicator.

Same same here.
  • August began 161, ended 159, ranged 163 to 159.
  • September began 160, ended 158, ranged 160 to 154.
  • October began 159, ended 158, ranged from 155 to 162.
  • November began 160, ended 153, ranged from 153 to 164.
  • December
    • 1 - 152 lbs
    • 2 - 151 lbs
    • 3 - 151 lbs
    • 4 - 153 lbs
    • 5 - 158 lbs
    • 6 - 157 lbs
    • 7 - 156 lbs
    • 8 - 158 lbs
    • 9 - 156 lbs
    • 10 - 154 lbs
    • 11 - 155 lbs
    • 12 - 155 lbs
    • 13 - 153 lbs
    • 14 - 151 lbs
    • 15 - 152 lbs
    • 16 - 154 lbs
    • 17 - 158 lbs
    • 18 - 154 lbs
    • 19 - 158 lbs
    • 20 - 159 lbs
    • 21 - 157 lbs
    • 22 - 159 lbs
    • 23 - 158 lbs
    • 24 - 157 lbs
    • 25 - 159 lbs
    • 26 - 156 lbs
    • 27 - 157 lbs
    • 28 - 158 lbs
After losing over 160 lbs I am in maintenance and trying to stay somewhere in the 150s.
LaMa your scale is probably reliable, just not very precise. So small short term body fat and water changes don't mean much, but longer term its probably a good trend indicator.
I agree that it´s useful for long term trends if I consistently weigh myself under the same circumstances. Which I normally do, because what´s the fun in seeing a higher number? But if a liter of extra water results in a higher number for the fat % (higher than I´ve seen in two years or so) and a lower number for the water % that points to a quirk in the formula used to calculate fat and water from the resistance reading the scale provides. So I´d say the resistance reading is probably reliable but the formula isn´t.
Hi guys!!! I'm back!!! Only gained 2 lbs in the last 10 days so I can't be that upset about it...I'm going to have those 2 lbs off by the 1st...but what a waste December was...thats ok! I'm going to rev up my game for spring and hopefully be down to my ultimate loss of 100 lbs this time next year!

Week 1 loss..... 4.58
Week 2 loss... 2.2
Date____Weight__BIA BF%__Navy BF%__Lean____Fat__Calories__1 Mile__3 Miles
Nov 15___264.6____________36.3%____168.6___96.0___1576____11:20
Nov 21___261.4____________35.4%____168.9___92.5___1557____11:13
Nov 28___259.2____________34.4%____170.0___89.2___1555____10:42
Dec 01___258.0___36.0%____33.1%____168.9___89.1___1541
Dec 02___257.8___36.0%____33.1%____168.7___89.1___1549
Dec 03___255.4___36.0%____33.1%____167.2___88.2___1707
Dec 04___255.6___36.5%____33.8%____165.8___89.8___1639
Dec 05___255.4___35.5%____33.4%____167.4___88.0___1674
Dec 06___258.2___33.5%____34.4%____170.5___87.7___1652____10:18
Dec 07___255.2___35.0%____33.8%____167.5___87.7___1655
Dec 08___253.2___36.0%____32.4%____166.6___86.6___1697_____________38:39
Dec 09___252.0___36.5%____33.4%____163.9___88.1___1701
Dec 10___252.2___35.5%____33.4%____165.3___86.9___1700_____________38:40
Dec 11___252.0___35.0%____32.4%____167.0___85.0___1701
Dec 12___252.6___35.0%____32.4%____167.4___85.2___1701____10:35
Dec 13___252.4___34.0%____32.8%____168.1___84.3___1700
Dec 14___253.4___34.5%____33.1%____167.7___85.7___1701_____________37:20
Dec 15___252.4___34.0%____34.1%____166.5___85.9___1701
Dec 16___
Dec 17___
Dec 18___
Dec 19___249.4___33.5%____31.7%____168.0___81.4___1702
Dec 20___250.2___34.5%____
Dec 21___250.4___34.0%____32.7%____166.9___83.5___1679
Dec 22___250.0___33.5%____32.1%____168.0___82.0___1648_____________37:07
Dec 23___
Dec 24___
Dec 25___248.8___
Dec 26___248.6___32.5%____32.4%____167.9___80.7___1695____10:25
Dec 27___
Dec 28___
76.5 kg and 33.3 % fat on 12/21
Didn't weigh 12/22
76.2, forgot to look at the fat number on 12/23
75.9 and 33.0% on 12/24
75.9 and 33.0% on 12/25
76.5 and 33.3% on 12/26
76.0 kg, 33.1 % fat, 48.8% water on 12/27
76.5 kg, 33.3% f, 48.6% w on 12/28. Very bloated
76.2 kg, 33.2% fat, 48.7% water. Bloat starting to go down.
I see some nice new lows this morning, Vic and Err, good work!

Hey Korrie, you are down 2.5 lbs from where you started December, that is a positive accomplishment! Losing a couple of pounds in the holiday season month is not a waste, I am sure you have had much worse Decembers. I know its possible to lose 100 lbs in a year, can be done, but as you know consistently losing weight over time is more important than how fast. I have always done best by focusing on eating well today and not so much thinking about long term goals. That has served me well so far, so I keep doing it. Just eat right today and all else will come along.

Good that your bloat is on the wane LaMa, from my point of view your numbers look pretty stable, and I am hoping they will go down soon. You know I feel bloated from time to time for no good reason. This morning my belly feels like its pushing out, much like it felt a lot of the time over 100 lbs back. Sometimes for me looking in the mirror helps, you might try that, a kg or two will make no difference in how you look.

More of boring to report here.
  • August began 161, ended 159, ranged 163 to 159.
  • September began 160, ended 158, ranged 160 to 154.
  • October began 159, ended 158, ranged from 155 to 162.
  • November began 160, ended 153, ranged from 153 to 164.
  • December
    • 1 - 152 lbs
    • 2 - 151 lbs
    • 3 - 151 lbs
    • 4 - 153 lbs
    • 5 - 158 lbs
    • 6 - 157 lbs
    • 7 - 156 lbs
    • 8 - 158 lbs
    • 9 - 156 lbs
    • 10 - 154 lbs
    • 11 - 155 lbs
    • 12 - 155 lbs
    • 13 - 153 lbs
    • 14 - 151 lbs
    • 15 - 152 lbs
    • 16 - 154 lbs
    • 17 - 158 lbs
    • 18 - 154 lbs
    • 19 - 158 lbs
    • 20 - 159 lbs
    • 21 - 157 lbs
    • 22 - 159 lbs
    • 23 - 158 lbs
    • 24 - 157 lbs
    • 25 - 159 lbs
    • 26 - 156 lbs
    • 27 - 157 lbs
    • 28 - 158 lbs
    • 29 - 157 lbs
After losing over 160 lbs I am in maintenance and trying to stay somewhere in the 150s.
Date____Weight__BIA BF%__Navy BF%__Lean____Fat__Calories__1 Mile__3 Miles
Dec 01___258.0___36.0%____33.1%____168.9___89.1___1541
Dec 02___257.8___36.0%____33.1%____168.7___89.1___1549
Dec 03___255.4___36.0%____33.1%____167.2___88.2___1707
Dec 04___255.6___36.5%____33.8%____165.8___89.8___1639
Dec 05___255.4___35.5%____33.4%____167.4___88.0___1674
Dec 06___258.2___33.5%____34.4%____170.5___87.7___1652____10:18
Dec 07___255.2___35.0%____33.8%____167.5___87.7___1655
Dec 08___253.2___36.0%____32.4%____166.6___86.6___1697_____________38:39
Dec 09___252.0___36.5%____33.4%____163.9___88.1___1701
Dec 10___252.2___35.5%____33.4%____165.3___86.9___1700_____________38:40
Dec 11___252.0___35.0%____32.4%____167.0___85.0___1701
Dec 12___252.6___35.0%____32.4%____167.4___85.2___1701____10:35
Dec 13___252.4___34.0%____32.8%____168.1___84.3___1700
Dec 14___253.4___34.5%____33.1%____167.7___85.7___1701_____________37:20
Dec 15___252.4___34.0%____34.1%____166.5___85.9___1701
Dec 16___
Dec 17___
Dec 18___
Dec 19___249.4___33.5%____31.7%____168.0___81.4___1702
Dec 20___250.2___34.5%____
Dec 21___250.4___34.0%____32.7%____166.9___83.5___1679
Dec 22___250.0___33.5%____32.1%____168.0___82.0___1648_____________37:07
Dec 23___
Dec 24___
Dec 25___248.8___
Dec 26___248.6___32.5%____32.4%____167.9___80.7___1695____10:25
Dec 27___
Dec 28___

Dec 29___246.4___33.0%____31.7%____166.6___79.8___TBD
76.5 kg and 33.3 % fat on 12/21
Didn't weigh 12/22
76.2, forgot to look at the fat number on 12/23
75.9 and 33.0% on 12/24
75.9 and 33.0% on 12/25
76.5 and 33.3% on 12/26
76.0 kg, 33.1 % fat, 48.8% water on 12/27
76.5 kg, 33.3% f, 48.6% w on 12/28. Very bloated
76.2 kg, 33.2% fat, 48.7% water. Bloat starting to go down
76.6 33.4 48.6 Start of period
Another new low! You are killing the 240s! I know its probably not what you want LaMa, but you are maintaining a pretty stable weight, not a bad thing, particularly through the holiday season.

And just when I was starting to worry that I was drifting up a bit I am back down below 155, all is good, just need to convince myself of it.
  • August began 161, ended 159, ranged 163 to 159.
  • September began 160, ended 158, ranged 160 to 154.
  • October began 159, ended 158, ranged from 155 to 162.
  • November began 160, ended 153, ranged from 153 to 164.
  • December
    • 1 - 152 lbs
    • 2 - 151 lbs
    • 3 - 151 lbs
    • 4 - 153 lbs
    • 5 - 158 lbs
    • 6 - 157 lbs
    • 7 - 156 lbs
    • 8 - 158 lbs
    • 9 - 156 lbs
    • 10 - 154 lbs
    • 11 - 155 lbs
    • 12 - 155 lbs
    • 13 - 153 lbs
    • 14 - 151 lbs
    • 15 - 152 lbs
    • 16 - 154 lbs
    • 17 - 158 lbs
    • 18 - 154 lbs
    • 19 - 158 lbs
    • 20 - 159 lbs
    • 21 - 157 lbs
    • 22 - 159 lbs
    • 23 - 158 lbs
    • 24 - 157 lbs
    • 25 - 159 lbs
    • 26 - 156 lbs
    • 27 - 157 lbs
    • 28 - 158 lbs
    • 29 - 157 lbs
    • 30 - 153 lbs
After losing over 160 lbs I am in maintenance and trying to stay somewhere in the 150s.
Date____Weight__BIA BF%__Navy BF%__Lean____Fat__Calories__1 Mile__3 Miles
Dec 01___258.0___36.0%____33.1%____168.9___89.1___1541
Dec 02___257.8___36.0%____33.1%____168.7___89.1___1549
Dec 03___255.4___36.0%____33.1%____167.2___88.2___1707
Dec 04___255.6___36.5%____33.8%____165.8___89.8___1639
Dec 05___255.4___35.5%____33.4%____167.4___88.0___1674
Dec 06___258.2___33.5%____34.4%____170.5___87.7___1652____10:18
Dec 07___255.2___35.0%____33.8%____167.5___87.7___1655
Dec 08___253.2___36.0%____32.4%____166.6___86.6___1697_____________38:39
Dec 09___252.0___36.5%____33.4%____163.9___88.1___1701
Dec 10___252.2___35.5%____33.4%____165.3___86.9___1700_____________38:40
Dec 11___252.0___35.0%____32.4%____167.0___85.0___1701
Dec 12___252.6___35.0%____32.4%____167.4___85.2___1701____10:35
Dec 13___252.4___34.0%____32.8%____168.1___84.3___1700
Dec 14___253.4___34.5%____33.1%____167.7___85.7___1701_____________37:20
Dec 15___252.4___34.0%____34.1%____166.5___85.9___1701
Dec 16___
Dec 17___
Dec 18___
Dec 19___249.4___33.5%____31.7%____168.0___81.4___1702
Dec 20___250.2___34.5%____
Dec 21___250.4___34.0%____32.7%____166.9___83.5___1679
Dec 22___250.0___33.5%____32.1%____168.0___82.0___1648_____________37:07
Dec 23___
Dec 24___
Dec 25___248.8___
Dec 26___248.6___32.5%____32.4%____167.9___80.7___1695____10:25
Dec 27___
Dec 28___

Dec 29___246.4___33.0%____31.7%____166.6___79.8___1705
Dec 30___
76.5 kg and 33.3 % fat on 12/21
Didn't weigh 12/22
76.2, forgot to look at the fat number on 12/23
75.9 and 33.0% on 12/24
75.9 and 33.0% on 12/25
76.5 and 33.3% on 12/26
76.0 kg, 33.1 % fat, 48.8% water on 12/27
76.5 kg, 33.3% f, 48.6% w on 12/28. Very bloated
76.2 kg, 33.2% fat, 48.7% water on 12/29. Bloat starting to go down
76.6 33.4 48.6 on 12/30. Start of period
76.6 33.4 48.6 on 12/31
244.6... 30.3%
Great new lows Err! More than half way through the 240s! LaMa, you are still pretty consistent, an increase of less than a kg doesn't mean much, you've been at this long enough to know that. Hopefully when Tom departs you'll be down a little!

December was a good month for me, first month where I have managed to stay in the 150s all month. Started on the low end drifted up a bit, but ending the month back down in the lower half of the 150 range. I ranged from 151 to 159 with an average of 156. The 150s has become my maintenance target.
  • August began 161, ended 159, ranged 163 to 159.
  • September began 160, ended 158, ranged 160 to 154.
  • October began 159, ended 158, ranged from 155 to 162.
  • November began 160, ended 153, ranged from 153 to 164.
  • December
    • 1 - 152 lbs
    • 2 - 151 lbs
    • 3 - 151 lbs
    • 4 - 153 lbs
    • 5 - 158 lbs
    • 6 - 157 lbs
    • 7 - 156 lbs
    • 8 - 158 lbs
    • 9 - 156 lbs
    • 10 - 154 lbs
    • 11 - 155 lbs
    • 12 - 155 lbs
    • 13 - 153 lbs
    • 14 - 151 lbs
    • 15 - 152 lbs
    • 16 - 154 lbs
    • 17 - 158 lbs
    • 18 - 154 lbs
    • 19 - 158 lbs
    • 20 - 159 lbs
    • 21 - 157 lbs
    • 22 - 159 lbs
    • 23 - 158 lbs
    • 24 - 157 lbs
    • 25 - 159 lbs
    • 26 - 156 lbs
    • 27 - 157 lbs
    • 28 - 158 lbs
    • 29 - 157 lbs
    • 30 - 153 lbs
    • 31 - 154 lbs
After losing over 160 lbs I am in maintenance and trying to stay somewhere in the 150s.