Weigh Yourself Everyday (or frequently) Club

18/02/2013 11st6.6 i.e. 160.6 pounds --- I'd really like to go lower!!!
19/02/2013 11st4.8 i.e. 158.8 pounds --- at last - another milestone! :party:
----- and into the 150s-----------
20/02/2013 11st5.2 i.e. 159.2 pounds --- up a bit but thankfully still in the 150s
21/02/2013 11st5.2 i.e. 159.2 pounds --- same
22/02/2013 11st5.2 i.e. 159.2 pounds --- same :toetap05:
23/02/2013 11st4.4 i.e. 158.4 pounds --- new low since the house move :hurray:
24/02/2013 11st5.2 i.e. 159.2 pounds --- this is silly :toetap05:
25/02/2013 11st3.6 i.e. 157.6 pounds --- new low since the house move :hurray: ate salmon last night
26/02/2013 11st3.6 i.e. 157.6 pounds --- I'm happy to maintain it :hurray:
27/02/2013 11st3.6 i.e. 157.6 pounds --- still maintaining it...
28/02/2013 11st2.6 i.e. 156.6 pounds --- new low since the house move (toilet activity) :hurray:
=== 1 stone lost since 2nd January :party:
01/03/2013 11st3.2 i.e. 157.2 pounds --- up a little - only to be expected (ate late)
02/03/2013 11st1.6 i.e. 155.6 pounds --- well timed toilet activity :hurray:
03/03/2013 11st4.2 i.e. 158.2 pounds --- Akbars meal out - at least I enjoyed it
04/03/2013 11st4.0 i.e. 158.0 pounds --- missed blueberries Saturday after meal out so extra hungry so ate 71 surplus calories in calorie balance!!! drank water as normal
05/03/2013 11st2.6 i.e. 156.6 pounds --- drank water - bringing sodium aspect of gain down :hurray:
05/03/13 22st12
18/02/2013 11st6.6 i.e. 160.6 pounds --- I'd really like to go lower!!!
19/02/2013 11st4.8 i.e. 158.8 pounds --- at last - another milestone! :party:
----- and into the 150s-----------
20/02/2013 11st5.2 i.e. 159.2 pounds --- up a bit but thankfully still in the 150s
21/02/2013 11st5.2 i.e. 159.2 pounds --- same
22/02/2013 11st5.2 i.e. 159.2 pounds --- same :toetap05:
23/02/2013 11st4.4 i.e. 158.4 pounds --- new low since the house move :hurray:
24/02/2013 11st5.2 i.e. 159.2 pounds --- this is silly :toetap05:
25/02/2013 11st3.6 i.e. 157.6 pounds --- new low since the house move :hurray: ate salmon last night
26/02/2013 11st3.6 i.e. 157.6 pounds --- I'm happy to maintain it :hurray:
27/02/2013 11st3.6 i.e. 157.6 pounds --- still maintaining it...
28/02/2013 11st2.6 i.e. 156.6 pounds --- new low since the house move (toilet activity) :hurray:
=== 1 stone lost since 2nd January :party:
01/03/2013 11st3.2 i.e. 157.2 pounds --- up a little - only to be expected (ate late)
02/03/2013 11st1.6 i.e. 155.6 pounds --- well timed toilet activity :hurray:
03/03/2013 11st4.2 i.e. 158.2 pounds --- Akbars meal out - at least I enjoyed it
04/03/2013 11st4.0 i.e. 158.0 pounds --- missed blueberries Saturday after meal out so extra hungry so ate 71 surplus calories in calorie balance!!! drank water as normal
05/03/2013 11st2.6 i.e. 156.6 pounds --- drank water - bringing sodium aspect of gain down :hurray:
06/03/2013 11st2.8 i.e. 156.8 pounds --- drank water but no improvement
I got back from my week away last night. I ate like a pig ALL week, chips, chocolate, cake, everything junky. I was completely dreading the scales this morning. So I but the bullet and went down and weighed myself, and the scales said 143.2! I'm so shocked. That's the lowest I can ever remember the scales saying (Apart from when I was 112lbs of course.) I don't understand how I've lost and not gained! I'm ecstatic really! Lets just hope it stays down overnight, cause this is definitely motivation. :D
20/02/2013 11st5.2 i.e. 159.2 pounds --- up a bit but thankfully still in the 150s
21/02/2013 11st5.2 i.e. 159.2 pounds --- same
22/02/2013 11st5.2 i.e. 159.2 pounds --- same :toetap05:
23/02/2013 11st4.4 i.e. 158.4 pounds --- new low since the house move :hurray:
24/02/2013 11st5.2 i.e. 159.2 pounds --- this is silly :toetap05:
25/02/2013 11st3.6 i.e. 157.6 pounds --- new low since the house move :hurray: ate salmon last night
26/02/2013 11st3.6 i.e. 157.6 pounds --- I'm happy to maintain it :hurray:
27/02/2013 11st3.6 i.e. 157.6 pounds --- still maintaining it...
28/02/2013 11st2.6 i.e. 156.6 pounds --- new low since the house move (toilet activity) :hurray:
=== 1 stone lost since 2nd January :party:
01/03/2013 11st3.2 i.e. 157.2 pounds --- up a little - only to be expected (ate late)
02/03/2013 11st1.6 i.e. 155.6 pounds --- well timed toilet activity :hurray:
03/03/2013 11st4.2 i.e. 158.2 pounds --- Akbars meal out - at least I enjoyed it
04/03/2013 11st4.0 i.e. 158.0 pounds --- missed blueberries Saturday after meal out so extra hungry so ate 71 surplus calories in calorie balance!!! drank water as normal
05/03/2013 11st2.6 i.e. 156.6 pounds --- drank water - bringing sodium aspect of gain down :hurray:
06/03/2013 11st2.8 i.e. 156.8 pounds --- drank water but no improvement
07/03/2013 11st2.0 i.e. 156.0 pounds --- drank water - heading back down :hurray:
Okay...I cheated at weighed myself twice in a day! I posted about it in my diary but I came home and weighed after work/an entire day of eating and drinking...and I was down to 157! No idea how or why. I am sure it will be back up tomorrow but it feels goo right now!
Okay...I cheated at weighed myself twice in a day! I posted about it in my diary but I came home and weighed after work/an entire day of eating and drinking...and I was down to 157! No idea how or why. I am sure it will be back up tomorrow but it feels goo right now!

No need to consider it cheating... If you get on the scales and get a weighing it is yours... I have often weighed myself several times a day... In challenges my team used to often weigh first thing - then again after exercising but before eating and used to often see a reduction between the two numbers...

Enjoy the good feeling of the low number!
23/02/2013 11st4.4 i.e. 158.4 pounds --- new low since the house move :hurray:
24/02/2013 11st5.2 i.e. 159.2 pounds --- this is silly :toetap05:
25/02/2013 11st3.6 i.e. 157.6 pounds --- new low since the house move :hurray: ate salmon last night
26/02/2013 11st3.6 i.e. 157.6 pounds --- I'm happy to maintain it :hurray:
27/02/2013 11st3.6 i.e. 157.6 pounds --- still maintaining it...
28/02/2013 11st2.6 i.e. 156.6 pounds --- new low since the house move (toilet activity) :hurray:
=== 1 stone lost since 2nd January :party:
01/03/2013 11st3.2 i.e. 157.2 pounds --- up a little - only to be expected (ate late)
02/03/2013 11st1.6 i.e. 155.6 pounds --- well timed toilet activity :hurray:
03/03/2013 11st4.2 i.e. 158.2 pounds --- Akbars meal out - at least I enjoyed it
04/03/2013 11st4.0 i.e. 158.0 pounds --- missed blueberries Saturday after meal out so extra hungry so ate 71 surplus calories in calorie balance!!! drank water as normal
05/03/2013 11st2.6 i.e. 156.6 pounds --- drank water - bringing sodium aspect of gain down :hurray:
06/03/2013 11st2.8 i.e. 156.8 pounds --- drank water but no improvement
07/03/2013 11st2.0 i.e. 156.0 pounds --- drank water - heading back down :hurray:
08/03/2013 11st1.8 i.e. 155.8 pounds --- drank water - getting a touch lower :hurray:
143.6. According to loseit.com, I've lost 13.4lbs. I am SO close to the Stone mark. Come on body, let me get to 14lbs lost please! Also, my next weight loss goal is 139lbs.
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