Weigh Yourself Everyday (or frequently) Club

14 stone 6lbs 16/1

14 stone 3 3/4lbs 17/1

14 stone 8ls 22/1

14 stone 7lbs 23/1

14 stone 6 1/4 24/1

14 stone 8lbs 25/1

14 stone 7 3/4lbs 26/1

14 stone 7lbs 27/1
14 stone 6lbs 16/1

14 stone 3 3/4lbs 17/1

14 stone 8ls 22/1

14 stone 7lbs 23/1

14 stone 6 1/4 24/1

14 stone 8lbs 25/1

14 stone 7 3/4lbs 26/1

14 stone 7lbs 27/1

14 stone 6 3/4lbs 28/1
14 stone 6lbs 16/1

14 stone 3 3/4lbs 17/1

14 stone 8ls 22/1

14 stone 7lbs 23/1

14 stone 6 1/4 24/1

14 stone 8lbs 25/1

14 stone 7 3/4lbs 26/1

14 stone 7lbs 27/1

14 stone 6 3/4lbs 28/1

14 stone 6 1/4lbs 29/1`

Start weight: 302lbs

Current: 250lbs

Goal: 210lbs

You can follow my progress here if you like:

It's been a horibly bad week for weight loss. My car is dead and I don't live in a city so i can only walk.
Only down 1 pound in a whole week.
Can I join this club?

I weigh myself every day and have done for years, except when I 'm super stressed out and forget.

IMO it helps keep myself in check & not let things spiral out of control before it's too late.

As long I'm able to accept the fluctuations of weight that happen for all sorts of reasons from day to day (water retention, time of month etc), and not feel like 'ALL IS LOST' then it's all cool.

I also remind myself, when my weight goes all over the place despite my sticking to diet/exercise, that actually it's the average weight of the week that should be taken into account, if you really want an idea as to your current weight.

That's how crazily it fluctuates.

*Sigh* Why can't weightloss just be a simple, straightforward procedure which doesn't lead to us despairing and tearing our hair out at every turn?

Today's weight: 60.2 kgs (132 pounds) This is Day 1 for me, so no progress obviously as yet... I'm just making this my official starting weight for my hopefully-successful weightloss journey)
Last monday I started my workout regimen. I weighed 300 lbs. I weigh 298 today. Not much progress, but at least its going in the right direction.
today weighed 91kilo