Weigh Yourself Everyday (or frequently) Club

Originally Posted by luckychick

10/4/11 - 184 lb

Yahoo! I'm down 6 lb from start! I can get my jeans on again!

Congratulations. I know that's a great feeling!
In my opinion, this thread isn't only a way to motivate people trying to lose weight, but it could also 'save' some people from getting to that point by keeping them conscious of their weight. Whoever started this entire thread, I would like to personally thank you! :)

Keep up the great work everyone!
Thanks Emerald. It is great even though I still weighed the same today.

10/5 - 184lb

I agree with GetYourLifeBack - Thanks for starting this thread and good luck to everyone in reaching their goal and maintaining their goal.
10/6 - 184.4 lb

My workout partner at the gym doesn't understand my weighting myself everyday. In fact, I don't think that she weights herself at all. I guess you just have to go with whatever works best for you. I like to weigh in everyday even if I see a .4 lb jump. I know I am still doing good because I feel better.
Oh my goodness, it has been a few years since I posted on this thread, and I have to say that my weight DEFINATLY goes up when I dont watch every day. I start slipping into bad habits, comforting myself with food when I am stressed/tired/emotional..etc, so I am back to weighing in every day, and excersising and watching my food!!

todays weight: 204

ht 5 ft 8in

goal weights

short term November 20th 2011) 195

mid term (March 1st 2012) 180

long term 165
I weigh myself every day, now that I'm trying to lose weight. But it is confounding.

For example, this morning I weighed myself the usual way. (That's naked, after my morning workout, but just before I get in the shower.) On the first go, I weighed 161.2. I wanted to see the % body fat, bone mass, and other readings, so I weighed myself a second time. ...Same thing: 161.2.

I heard my husband's ring tone, so I scampered (still naked) to the phone. That took maybe a minute. On my way back towards the shower, I decided to urinate. Curious about how much less I'd weigh after urinating, I got on the (unmoved) scale again.

Keep in mind the elapsed time between weighings was less than five minutes. It should go without saying that I didn't eat or drink anything, and was still naked.

This time, the scale read 161.5. Baffled by the 0.3lb weight GAIN, I stepped off, then back on, again. Nope! I was still 161.5, now. I did this again and again. ...161.5 each time. (So, that's the weight I recorded in my food & activity journal.)

I don't know how this is even possible...physically. One might argue that my scale is unreliable, but that theory already led to me buying a fancy, new scale, after the old one gave me similar results.

This isn't the first time, though. On a more spectacular occasion, I weighed myself, then sat down at my computer, to check email. You know how that can go... Before I knew it, it was 2 hrs later. Nothing about me had changed. I hadn't had anything to eat or drink, and hadn't changed my clothes. Purely out of curiosity, I weighed myself again, and the scale indicated I was (inexplicably!!) 2 lbs heavier!

How can someone mass 2lbs, or even 0.3 lbs, more without adding anything? When I answer that question, maybe I'll finally see some results. (Despite eating under 1,500 calories a day...many days less than 1,000, and working out so hard every day, I'm always at a net gain of 1-5 lbs, compared to the day I started trying to lose weight. I do have POS, and the most common side effect is "inability to lose weight," due to the condition's effect on insulin sensitivity.)
Yep. No surprise here.

Yesterday's post-workout/pre-shower weight: 161.5 lbs


AM - 1hr on treadmill, 30 min's ballet, 100 crunches, then stretching

PM - 20 min's yoga

Busy running errands most of the day. Grabbed a cup of coffee. Ate a banana when I arrived home. (i normally try not to miss my breakfast-snack-lunch-snack daytime schedule.) Hubby wouldn't be home 'til 6:30, so I waited to have dinner with him. I made a vegetable & brown rice dish, with my portion being about 1.5 cups of vegetables, and <0.5 cup of brown rice. I drank water with that.

Today's post-workout/pre-shower weight: 161.9 lbs
I have 10 lbs more than this time last year. I feel very disappointed. I can't wear some garments that i used to wear last year. I think that the difference is that this year i don't have enough time to rest because i am a lot of hours away from home because of work. Another difference is that this year i haven't get joined the gym, while the previous year i had already joined the gym.Another difference is that this year i use to eat in restaurants more often than the last year. All of them gave me 10 lbs more than the last year. How can i try to lose weight again? I feel that i can't make this. Although i think it's important because i feel that i weight more than i should.
Hello Everyone!!!

I am just getting started with my weight loss journey (at least this time around). I was recently challenged by my brother and a friend to complete a Tough Mudder. The only problem with that proposition is that I currently weight 281 lbs. 20 years ago I could have completed one of those with my eyes closed, but that was about 80 lbs ago also.

My goal is to get under 200 lbs ultimately, but I would be more than happy to lose 50-60 lbs by the day of the event. The good thing is that I still have 9 months to lose the weight. The bad thing is that I ONLY have 9 months to lose the weight.

I have started this week by walking 30 minutes per day, and then biking 15 minutes at the gym. I am hoping to build an endurance base, and then be able to push myself harder. At 281 lbs it really hurts to push myself. I walked/ran for 30 minutes last week, and I was limping around for days. I think I will have to take my time and ease into this as best I can.

I do play tennis once to twice per week, and volleyball on the weekends so I'm not completely out of shape. I'm not in good enough shape to really push my limits in any way though, and my initial goals are to get into shape to push myself, and lose that first 20 lbs.

Good luck to everyone in here, and hopefully I will be active in the forums over the course of the next 9 months (and beyond).

New here, and this is my first post. I started at about 290# in February 2011, am currently down to 246, as of this morning. I have been weighing almost daily since I started. Went off weighing daily three weeks ago when I was down to 241. 'nuf said.

I was on Weight Watchers. It is a decent program, but I felt I could do it on my own, and I had some issues with parts of their dogma. I do not like milk, and disagree that it is a necessary part of a healthy diet. I am not lacto-phobic, and like yogurt, and cheese. The latter I like a bit too much. I think it is better to learn to enjoy eating healthy, rather than eating the foods we have been made used to, just add artificial sweeteners.

I only read the first page of this thread, but there was one guy who talked about tracking on a spread sheet. I have been tracking all kinds of stuff using spread sheets since my first copy of Lotus 1-2-3 on 5 1/4" floppy. In the last couple of months I have been working on one that tracks calories by entering nutritional info. From that it calculates Calories, %Cal from fat, carb, and protein. It also tracks %dv for sodium and fiber. Keeping sodium below 2000mg/day is a challenge, as is getting more than about 10% of Cal from protein.

I don't make New Years resolutions. There is always a temptation to falter on a pledge, then rationalize with "I'll start again next year". My starting here today is not because I decided to make a resolution. It is part of an ongoing resolve, and it coincides with the date I had set for the roll out of my tracking spreadsheet v1.0. I have been tracking on v0.1-0.3 since November.
to all the people on here, i have lost roughly 84 pounds since last may, i want to loose another 64 before summer (holiday) i have the ability to do it but of recent around the past 2/3 months i have been on a plateau and stayed at 234 lbs. i suppose in a way it is good because many people cannot sustain their weight however i really want to have that perfect beach body, does anybody have any tips for foods, exercises, motivation. i recently found that eating one teaspoon of cinnamon mixed in my porridge helped me loose 1 pound every week alone, even when eating exactly the same foods. after christmas i really need to start, so yeh advice please!
There is a popular book, I forget the name and author, but I am sure if you google the signature catch phrase, you will find it. That phrase is; "Eat real food, not too much, and mostly plants."

I am skeptical about a teaspoon of cinnamon being a "magic natural diet drug".

Today's weight is 244
Thank you, I will check that out, the cinnamon really works for me, it raises metabolism and means that I burn more fat, give it a go it might work!

Todays weight is 234
Well after living with my girlfriend(not a healthy eater) for just over a year, I've put back on about 35 pounds (yikes!) and so I'm back at it. Starting at 230.6 and hopefully going to end up around 185-190.

01/07/2012 - 230.6
A01/07/2012 - 230.6
01/08/2012 - 228.8