Weigh Yourself Everyday (or frequently) Club

Mornin all. AnnaGail I couldn't figure out how to get to your diary but I hope all is well. Thanks for the boost Sanniiie this mornings weight 130.8.

Good Morning All!

At the top left of this thread is a search forum, type AnnaGail's Diary click to search. A thread comes up with different posts scroll down to find AnnaGail's Diary, click on it. You should be at my front door or if you clicked "last" you are at my back door. Welcome!! I haven't been posting much lately, but plan to start posting my food and exercise again.
Go to my diary and I will explain my visit to the hospital
8/4/2011 147.2
8/5/2011 146.6
8/6/2011 147.6
8/7/2011 145.6
8/8/2011 147
8/9/2011 hospital
8/10/2011 hospital
8/11/2011 145.6
8/12/2011 146.6
8/13/2011 146
8/14/2011 144.8 :) I reached my goal, and slid right by it, lol. Now my goal is not to gain it back, and to move on down toward 135 lbs :) My goal was to reach 145 by September and keep it off.

We all are given one life and it is our choice what paths we take. No worries while we sleep, but dawn of awakening we start over making our daily patterns and marks in our lives. These daily patterns and marks become habits of lifestyle and we soon forget it is our choice. Lets make the right choices eat healthy and exercise more often.

By AnnaGail
8/4/2011 147.2
8/5/2011 146.6
8/6/2011 147.6
8/7/2011 145.6
8/8/2011 147
8/9/2011 hospital
8/10/2011 hospital
8/11/2011 145.6
8/12/2011 146.6
8/13/2011 146
8/14/2011 144.8
8/15/2011 145.6 with clothes

We all are given one life and it is our choice what paths we take. No worries while we sleep, but dawn of awakening we start over making our daily patterns and marks in our lives. These daily patterns and marks become habits of lifestyle and we soon forget it is our choice. Lets make the right choices eat healthy and exercise more often.

By AnnaGail
There's a real learning curve with this new setup. Good morning folks just checking in I'm at 130.8. Congratulations AnnaGail on reaching a goal. I'm proud of you. Keep going guys.
Hi everybody,

I'm sorry, for not responding for a long time. But the last week was very bad and because of this I have a weight gain. But now I want to start again and weigh myself every day. So stupid but what the hell I'm back now!! =)

8/22/2011: 173.3 lbs :eek:

8/23/2011: 172.4 lbs

I hope I will get back my ticker weight until Friday (my weekly tracking) otherwise I have to move up my ticker weight. :eek:

@annaGail it's really great how successful you lose weight! Keep it up!:hurray:
Hi everybody,

I'm sorry, for not responding for a long time. But the last week was very bad and because of this I have a weight gain. But now I want to start again and weigh myself every day. So stupid but what the hell I'm back now!! =)

8/22/2011: 173.3 lbs :eek:

8/23/2011: 172.4 lbs

I hope I will get back my ticker weight until Friday (my weekly tracking) otherwise I have to move up my ticker weight. :eek:

@annaGail it's really great how successful you lose weight! Keep it up!:hurray:
8/22/2011: 173.3 lbs

8/23/2011: 172.4 lbs

8/24/2011: 171.5 lbs

8/25/2011: 170.2 lbs

This evening I will meet two old friends. Of course, that will be celebrated and tomorrow on the scale I get a shock :svengo:
hi i`m back, lost 45lbs when i was last here and managed to keep it off all threw summer. now looking to lose another stone stone, 14lbs.

25/8 13 stone 10lbs
Hey been away for a while; I started back at work and needed to get into the swing of things. Im also riding out a hurricane as I guess many on the East Coast are. I had a set back but I'm at 129.6 so that's exciting.
Hi all,

i'd like to join u more as an awareness exercise for myself... want to get a feel of how my weight fluctuates and decide where to go from there. U guys are highly motivated! - by posting it here will help discipline myself with tracking hopefully. Just a manual weighing scale though, so no decimals available. thanks

9/04/2011: 178
I'm currently weighing in at 282.8 pounds. I'm getting new scales soon though and that may change. Hopefully not because I ate deep fried mars bar from a Glasgow chippy.
I currently weigh 277 pounds. Don't get too excited; I have new scales and I think they enjoy flattering me. I'm going to post in this thread every day BTW, even if no one else does. It should help keep myself motivated. If after every yorkie I have to go weigh myself... Well, no more yorkie bars!
Hi, hope its not too late to join.

6/9/2011 - Weight: 268.6

Going back to tracking my weight everyday, it was tideous, but it also kept me on track...

See you tomorrow folks.:coolgleama:
Aargh:) 268.8 today 7/9/2011, dont know whats going on, here's to my fingers being crossed that its just water weight.

Ah well, time to stop procrastinating and get on with my daily exercise.

p.s. what to do when you are sore from the day before and you still have 1.5 hours of exercise for the day ahead of you?
I'm in for weighing myself everyday. I started going to the gym August 31st and started a diet October 1st. Hope to get to my goal before our family reunion in August 2012.

I didn't loose much the last month going to the gym 3x a week. Hopefully, I will see results with the diet modification.

10/2/11 - 186.4 lb

Starting Weight - 190 lb

Goal Weight - 130 lb