Weigh Yourself Everyday (or frequently) Club

Weighing yourself every day is much more often than is likely to be necessary to see improvement and can cause anxiety if progress isn't there daily. On the other hand, if it keeps you as an individual motivated then fine.

As far as weighing first thing goes FleurDeLis, it is the lightest you'll be but that's not the reason for recommending it, it's the best time to get a consistent and comparable reading. On our programme we actually provide guidance on how to weigh yourself with the best accuracy for comparison as we know bogus results can cause such frustration and despair with some people it can undermine their mentality and progress.

Hi Uniqueyou that may be true for some people! But most of the time its people that is not trying to lose to begin with and keep staying at the same weight all the time. I found that wighting yourself everyday helps keep us motivated in losing pounds of weight. And I have seen it done on this thread, go and read the beginning posts and join us.

I was not the one who started this motivating thread, but I have to say it is "Great" motivating thread and I am glad it was thought of. Try it it can't hurt. :seeya:
I think posting my weight here will really be a motivator, so I'm going to start off tomorrow morning. I hear it's best to weight yourself in the morning because that is the lightest you'll be for the whole day.

p.s. I'm loving this site and all the encouragement that comes with it! Thank you everyone for making this place possible!!:party:

Hi FleurD I am glad u are liking the forum. I like weighting myself in the morning too and posting on the weigh yourself everyday club. If you weigh yourself without clothes that is your true weight. Yes as you eat through the day your weight will be higher, but after you sleep and weigh yourself again your weight will be back down, if you haven't over ate and eventually you will have another loss :)
Hi FMK, that is great! You keep that up and those numbers will keep disappearing into thin air, lol. I started using "No salt" doesn't tasted that bad and I don't gain as much water weight. :seeya:


July 1, 2011 I weigh 150.8
July 3, 2011 151.4
July 4, 2011 149.8
July 5, 2011 149.4
July 6, 2011 149.6
July 7, 2011 150.0
July 8, 2011 152.8
July 9, 2011 150
July 10, 2011 150.2
July 11, 2011 150
July 12, 2011 150.2
July 13, 2011 149.6
July 14, 2011 149
July 15, 2011 149
July 16, 2011 149
This is a club for those that want to face the facts & weigh them selfs everyday. For myself I know when I weighed 160 Lbs. many many years ago if I weighed myself everyday I would not of wound up weighing 309 Lbs. I think that is the way with a lot of us. So just post your weight everyday. I think if we do this we will eventually get sick & tired & start losing weight.

Todays weight - 249.50

I agree totally with Troutman!!!:iagree:
Yep that is me too, everymorning unless I get very busy I weigh myself! :)

July 1, 2011 I weigh 150.8
July 3, 2011 151.4
July 4, 2011 149.8
July 5, 2011 149.4
July 6, 2011 149.6
July 7, 2011 150.0
July 8, 2011 152.8
July 9, 2011 150
July 10, 2011 150.2
July 11, 2011 150
July 12, 2011 150.2
July 13, 2011 149.6
July 14, 2011 149
July 15, 2011 149
July 16, 2011 149
July 17, 2011 149
July 18, 2011 148.2
July 1, 2011 I weigh 150.8
July 3, 2011 151.4
July 4, 2011 149.8
July 5, 2011 149.4
July 6, 2011 149.6
July 7, 2011 150.0
July 8, 2011 152.8
July 9, 2011 150
July 10, 2011 150.2
July 11, 2011 150
July 12, 2011 150.2
July 13, 2011 149.6
July 14, 2011 149
July 15, 2011 149
July 16, 2011 149
July 17, 2011 149
July 18, 2011 148.2
July 19, 2011 148.4 :)
July 1, 2011 I weigh 150.8
July 3, 2011 151.4
July 4, 2011 149.8
July 5, 2011 149.4
July 6, 2011 149.6
July 7, 2011 150.0
July 8, 2011 152.8
July 9, 2011 150
July 10, 2011 150.2
July 11, 2011 150
July 12, 2011 150.2
July 13, 2011 149.6
July 14, 2011 149
July 15, 2011 149
July 16, 2011 149
July 17, 2011 149
July 18, 2011 148.2
July 19, 2011 148.4
July 20, 2011 148.4
July 1, 2011 I weigh 150.8
July 3, 2011 151.4
July 4, 2011 149.8
July 5, 2011 149.4
July 6, 2011 149.6
July 7, 2011 150.0
July 8, 2011 152.8
July 9, 2011 150
July 10, 2011 150.2
July 11, 2011 150
July 12, 2011 150.2
July 13, 2011 149.6
July 14, 2011 149
July 15, 2011 149
July 16, 2011 149
July 17, 2011 149
July 18, 2011 148.2
July 19, 2011 148.4
July 20, 2011 148.4
July 21, 2011 148.4
July 22, 2011 149.2
July 1, 2011 I weigh 150.8
July 3, 2011 151.4
July 4, 2011 149.8
July 5, 2011 149.4
July 6, 2011 149.6
July 7, 2011 150.0
July 8, 2011 152.8
July 9, 2011 150
July 10, 2011 150.2
July 11, 2011 150
July 12, 2011 150.2
July 13, 2011 149.6
July 14, 2011 149
July 15, 2011 149
July 16, 2011 149
July 17, 2011 149
July 18, 2011 148.2
July 19, 2011 148.4
July 20, 2011 148.4
July 21, 2011 148.4
July 22, 2011 149.2
July 23, 2011 149.2
July 1, 2011 I weigh 150.8
July 3, 2011 151.4
July 4, 2011 149.8
July 5, 2011 149.4
July 6, 2011 149.6
July 7, 2011 150.0
July 8, 2011 152.8
July 9, 2011 150
July 10, 2011 150.2
July 11, 2011 150
July 12, 2011 150.2
July 13, 2011 149.6
July 14, 2011 149
July 15, 2011 149
July 16, 2011 149
July 17, 2011 149
July 18, 2011 148.2
July 19, 2011 148.4
July 20, 2011 148.4
July 21, 2011 148.4
July 22, 2011 149.2
July 23, 2011 149.2
July 24, 2011 148
July 1, 2011 I weigh 150.8
July 3, 2011 151.4
July 4, 2011 149.8
July 5, 2011 149.4
July 6, 2011 149.6
July 7, 2011 150.0
July 8, 2011 152.8
July 9, 2011 150
July 10, 2011 150.2
July 11, 2011 150
July 12, 2011 150.2
July 13, 2011 149.6
July 14, 2011 149
July 15, 2011 149
July 16, 2011 149
July 17, 2011 149
July 18, 2011 148.2
July 19, 2011 148.4
July 20, 2011 148.4
July 21, 2011 148.4
July 22, 2011 149.2
July 23, 2011 149.2
July 24, 2011 148
July 25, 2011 147 :)
July 1, 2011 I weigh 150.8
July 3, 2011 151.4
July 4, 2011 149.8
July 5, 2011 149.4
July 6, 2011 149.6
July 7, 2011 150.0
July 8, 2011 152.8
July 9, 2011 150
July 10, 2011 150.2
July 11, 2011 150
July 12, 2011 150.2
July 13, 2011 149.6
July 14, 2011 149
July 15, 2011 149
July 16, 2011 149
July 17, 2011 149
July 18, 2011 148.2
July 19, 2011 148.4
July 20, 2011 148.4
July 21, 2011 148.4
July 22, 2011 149.2
July 23, 2011 149.2
July 24, 2011 148
July 25, 2011 147
July 26, 2011 145.6 :)

Love drops like that don't you lol ^_^

Yes I do!!

But it is always subject of change with me, but my goal is onward bound :)

July 1, 2011 I weigh 150.8
July 3, 2011 151.4
July 4, 2011 149.8
July 5, 2011 149.4
July 6, 2011 149.6
July 7, 2011 150.0
July 8, 2011 152.8
July 9, 2011 150
July 10, 2011 150.2
July 11, 2011 150
July 12, 2011 150.2
July 13, 2011 149.6
July 14, 2011 149
July 15, 2011 149
July 16, 2011 149
July 17, 2011 149
July 18, 2011 148.2
July 19, 2011 148.4
July 20, 2011 148.4
July 21, 2011 148.4
July 22, 2011 149.2
July 23, 2011 149.2
July 24, 2011 148
July 25, 2011 147
July 26, 2011 145.6
July 27, 2011 146.2 :toetap05:

We all are given one life and it is our choice what paths we take. No worries while we sleep, but dawn of awakening we start over making our daily patterns and marks in our lives. These daily patterns and marks become habits of lifestyle and we soon forget it is our choice. Lets make the right choices eat healthy and exercise more often.

By AnnaGail
6/19/2011 290.6
6/20/2011 290.0
6/21/2011 291.0
6/22/2011 289.6
6/23/2011 288.6
6/24/2011 287.4
6/25/2011 288.6
6/26/2011 286.4
6/27/2011 287.8
6/28/2011 288.0
6/29/2011 288.0
6/30/2011 288.0
7/1/2011 288.0
7/2/2011 286.2
7/3/2011 284.0
7/4/2011 284.0
7/5/2011 284.4
7/6/2011 284.6
7/7/2011 285.2
7/8/2011 285.6
7/9/2011 286.0
7/10/2011 283.8
7/11/2011 284.0
7/12/2011 283.4
7/13/2011 282.8
7/14/2011 282.8
7/15/2011 281.6
7/16/2011 280.2
7/17/2011 281.4
7/18/2011 283.4
7/19/2011 283.4
7/20/2011 283.4
7/21/2011 281.6
7/22/2011 282.0
7/23/2011 282.0
7/24/2011 282.6
7/25/2011 281.8
7/26/2011 282.6
7/27/2011 283.0
7/28/2011 282.0
7/29/2011 279.0

Got stuck in the 282s for a while there, hoping to start moving down again now.
Love this thread will post todays weight I was 132.2 yesterday woke up this morning to 133.4 what!!!!!!!!!! Not happy.
Hey hun
Weight fluctuates day to day. It even fluctuates throughout the same day.
Things that can make you seem heavier or lighter are:

  • salt content of the foods you've eaten
  • using the bathroom
  • eating
  • drinking water
  • wearing different clothing
  • temperature
  • humidity
And so many other things.
Don't get frustrated.
Please understand weight fluctuations before deciding to weigh yourself every day. Or else you'll most likely put yourself through more than whats necessary
Weighed in at 132.4 this morning. I also drank a gallon of water yesterday so aiming for that today. Thanks Emrald you and I have the same goal weight. It's awesome you lost 85 pounds so proud of you!
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Weighed in at 132.4 this morning. I also drank a gallon of water yesterday so aiming for that today. Thanks Emrald you and I have the same goal weight. It's awesome you lost 85 pounds so proud of you!

Thanks love. I saw your other post in the 130s club. You're doing so great!