Maybe this will help. My life is so upside down and awful that I'm really fighting emotional eating. I'm actually close to just wanting to give up...
Jan 1, 2010: 356.8
Jericho, sorry that life is not going so good for you right now!
I am sure that most members on this board have some sort of problem going on in their life. We all join this board for encouragement to help us achieve our goals. Kinda like a big family! Leaning on one another for support.
I am the same way, if something upsets me I want to eat, and I get comfort from eating. I have learned over the years to exchange bad sweets like candy, cakes, and cookies for good sweets like fruits. I can have a whole cup of berries of any kind for 1 point. I am not sure what the amount of the calories are. Really to count points, I have to know the amount of calories.
So you could snack on a cup of berries through the day. Last night I had ate all my points, but I was s............o hungry. I had a cup of left over kale in the fridge and I reheated it in the microwave (no points). So as you see there are ways that we can stuff our face and still not gain weight. Three Double Bubble gums (1 point). Any raw vegetable (o points), you could munch on veggies all day, as long as you don't eat the whole bin, lol.
Sometimes I allow curtain kinds of candy...a few pieces of hard candy won't hurt you, but don't try eating the whole bag at once, heee. I love cinnamon candy especially homemade, and I know one of my nieces made me some. (She has a goody bag for me, for Christmas, but it has snowed so bad we haven't got to see one another.) But I know it is in my sister's car!! yum.
My husband bought me some Cinnamon Imperials (little cinn. pisces), kind of candy you can buy two sm. bags for a dollar (last me about 3 0r 4 days), yum. There are 5 servings in the bag 30 pieces a serving. (1point). You could measure out a cup of cereal and put them in a little baggie and snack on them all day. Don't give up or let anything stand in your way to a healthy weight goal. You would be hurting only #1 yourself, if you don't take care of you, who will?
I hope this little "pep" talk helps...