Weigh Yourself Everyday (or frequently) Club

I had to take a week to regroup because I wasn't losing any weight, but I've now started up again.
Feb 20 -- 174.6

I'm a newbie. Is it alright if I going you in weighing everyday. I feel this will really help me. My name is Brittney. I'm a college student, trying to lose the weight I gained when I came to school 2.5 yrs ago. I'm trying to lose 30 lbs to get down to 120 ( what I was when I came to school). I look forward to meeing all of you !!

Todays weight : 150.0lbs
I do this any way ... so im curious how all of you do it ... I personally get up from sleeping, use the bathroom ... take off all my clothes then step on the scale .... i feel like i get a more accurate read this way lol i know a lil crazy ...

Anyway ... todays read 194.2 Down two lbs from yesterday !!! WOO HOO
I have been weighing myself almost everyday since the begining of january.
Starting weight - 185pounds
Weight today - 166 pounds
I really hope I stay motivated on this diet!
1/25--168.10 --> When I got serious...
2/15--162.6 oh yeah!!!
2/22--164.0--not sure, but I think it's water = monthly
I have noticed a trend from last month and this month. Just about 2 pounds of gain at this time...
I do this any way ... so im curious how all of you do it ... I personally get up from sleeping, use the bathroom ... take off all my clothes then step on the scale .... i feel like i get a more accurate read this way lol i know a lil crazy ...

Anyway ... todays read 194.2 Down two lbs from yesterday !!! WOO HOO

I do the same thing every morning. I've been away from home for nearly two weeks. Afraid to get on the scale Friday morning. I was working out and running every day the first week then I tore a muscle doing squats and could barely get out of bed for the past week. Nice vacation.
Finally broke 220lbs

Stuck going up and down 1/2 pound for 8-10 days. Being on vacation and injured didn't help. Back in the gym doing cardio and broke 220lbs this morning. 219.5lbs !!
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My last six-and-a-half months:

That plan line is 0.38 lbs/day.

Since this is my first post and all, I started 15 Jan 2008 at 304 lbs. This current curve is the 'second push to the finish' after slacking off last summer; I started again August 4th, at 240.6.

Currently at 196.6. Plan to be 172, 13% bf; BMI 24.2, we'll see where I bottom out, and where I stay is where it'll be easy to maintain.

There was nothing easy about this progress. Stay in there, folks, and yes, I weigh myself four times a day (and track all four lines).
Another new low

Hit 218.5lbs. I've been sick and fighting a really sore back. (Never show off doing squats :( )

Ran 4 miles this morning and hacked and coughed my way through it. Felt much better afterwards. My back/hip is still tender. It hurts more to sit than to run.
down another few

Weighed in today at 216.5lbs down 22lbs 28lbs to go. I feel pretty good about losing weight on a business trip.
another 1/2lb

I'm really zoned in on the diet. No cheating and no snacks. The gym has been tough between the travel, back injury and being sick but I do whatever I can. If I can't run I walk.
Ugh. The scale hasn't budged this week. But I had a great weight-loss week last week, so I guess I can't really complain....as long as next week's good too!
I'm in! I weigh myself everyday too. It's become a bit of an obsession but I don't care. It keeps me motivated and lets me know where I am.

Today's weight: 103 lbs
New low!

I hit 215lbs this morning. Down 23.5lbs. Only 1.5lbs til the 1/2 way mark.