Weigh Yourself Everyday (or frequently) Club

Week Of 1/16 -- 2.2 lbs lost
Week Of 1/24 -- 2.6 lbs lost
Jan 31 -- 178.2
Feb 1 -- 179.0
Today's weight loss/gain: +.8 lbs
Total weight loss - 5.2 lbs
I went to the gym with my friend today to lift and do cardio.. hope it pays off im gonna go 5 times a week.
hi everyone, hope the weight is melting off :)

1/29 151 lbs
1/30 150 lbs
1/31 149 lbs
2/2 148.5 lbs
Week Of 1/16 -- 2.2 lbs lost
Week Of 1/24 -- 2.6 lbs lost
Jan 31 -- 178.2
Feb 1 -- 179.0
Feb 2 -- 178.2
Today's weight loss/gain: -.8 lbs
Total weight loss - 6 lbs
Week Of 1/16 -- 2.2 lbs lost
Week Of 1/24 -- 2.6 lbs lost
Jan 31 -- 178.2
Feb 1 -- 179.0
Feb 2 -- 178.2
Feb 3 -- 178.6
Today's weight loss/gain: +.4 lbs
Total weight loss - 5.6 lbs
Weigh in for today is 163.4 lbs.

46 lbs lost and 34 lbs left to go....sheesh, after 4 and a half months its gettin tougher!
165.4 yesterday and (I know its because I hadn't drank my 3L of water but...) 164.2 today. I usually weigh at 2pm but today I just wanted to see in the morning what the difference was so I cheated and looked.
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I'm so bad about this...I weigh myself sometimes three times a day. I get frustrated when there is fluctuation throughout the day even though I know it is completely normal. It's so crazy though how different your weight can be at different times during the day.

Anyway, I weighed in at 183 this morning, I just want to be out of the 180s!!
Week Of 1/16 -- 2.2 lbs lost
Week Of 1/24 -- 2.6 lbs lost
Jan 31 -- 178.2
Feb 1 -- 179.0
Feb 2 -- 178.2
Feb 3 -- 178.6
Feb 4 -- 178.2
Today's weight loss/gain: -.4 lbs
Total weight loss - 6 lbs
hopefully this time I won't go back up.
Daily weight

I'm so bad about this...I weigh myself sometimes three times a day. I get frustrated when there is fluctuation throughout the day even though I know it is completely normal. It's so crazy though how different your weight can be at different times during the day.

Anyway, I weighed in at 183 this morning, I just want to be out of the 180s!!

Your body will fluctuate up to two pounds a day due to little metabolic processes taking place. Things such as fluid intake/output can also cause weight to fluctuate. Dont beat yourself up and I know exactly how you feel! Take it one day at a time, and only try to weigh yourself once in the morning...you need to weigh yourself at around the same time every day to get a more accurate reading. You'll get there!
Week Of 1/16 -- 2.2 lbs lost
Week Of 1/24 -- 2.6 lbs lost
Jan 31 -- 178.2
Feb 1 -- 179.0
Feb 2 -- 178.2
Feb 3 -- 178.6
Feb 4 -- 178.2
Feb 5 -- 177.8
Today's weight loss/gain: -.4 lbs
Total weight loss - 6.4 lbs
yess finally that little plateau was annoying me
162.7 lbs today

47 lbs lost and 33 lbs more to go! I am soooooo ready to move into the 150's already! LOL....Good job everyone, you are a great inspiration to me!
Week Of 1/16 -- 2.2 lbs lost
Week Of 1/24 -- 2.6 lbs lost
Jan 31 -- 178.2
Feb 1 -- 179.0
Feb 2 -- 178.2
Feb 3 -- 178.6
Feb 4 -- 178.2
Feb 5 -- 177.8
Feb 6 -- 175.8
Today's weight loss/gain: -2 lbs
Total weight loss - 8.4 lbs
uhh, I don't really know? maybe all those times I was fluctuating it was water retention or something? But anyways today is my weigh in day and this week I lost 2.4 pounds and now that I think about it, 175 isn't that bad
Week Of 1/16 -- 2.2 lbs lost
Week Of 1/23 -- 2.6 lbs lost
Week Of 1/30 -- 2.4 lbs lost
Feb 7 -- 175.8
Total weight loss/gain: 0 lbs
Total weight loss this week: 0 lbs
4th weeek here we go