Weigh Yourself Everyday (or frequently) Club

1/21 weight: 152.6
1/27:151 again
1/29 Today: 150.0 Getting closer to the 140's!:hurray: I haven't seen the 140's in a decade.
Today: 151

I'm feeling strong.

marie, I got into the high 140's. I slipped back but I'm headed there again. Good job.
:cuss: I weighed myself today and i'm 165.10. :banghead:

Ok, so my trainer has me eating more...i'm confused. I feel so full! I know it's all good for you but man it seems like alot when i'm trying to lose weight.

The list was getting so big I had to reorganize it.
Week Of 1/23 -- 2.20 lbs lost
Jan 24 -- 181.2
Jan 25 -- 181.0
Jan 26 -- 181.4
Jan 27 -- 180.4
Jan 28 -- 179.4
Jan 29 -- 179.8
Today's weight loss/gain: +.40 lbs
Total weight loss - 4.40 lbs
Ive been slacking off a bit, I need to get back on track
27/1/2010. 94.2kg/207.68lbs (-.5kg/1.1lbs today!)
28/1/2010. No change
29/1/2010 No weigh in tummy bug
30/1/2010. 93.5kg/206.13lbs (.7kg/1.55lbs)

My weigh in day us Tuesday so I'll post weekly losses on a Tuesday and start over every Wednesday. It's 4.2kg/9.26lbs so far. That's nearly 10lbs but it won't really show up until I lose a stone (14lbs). Yay!
Week Of 1/23 -- 2.20 lbs lost
Jan 24 -- 181.2
Jan 25 -- 181.0
Jan 26 -- 181.4
Jan 27 -- 180.4
Jan 28 -- 179.4
Jan 29 -- 179.8
Jan 30 -- 179.4
Today's weight loss/gain: -.4 lbs
Total weight loss - 4.8 lbs
Today is my weigh in day, I lost 2.6 pounds this weeek
Week Of 1/16 -- 2.2 lbs lost
Week Of 1/24 -- 2.6 lbs lost
Jan 31 -- 178.2
Today's weight loss/gain: -1.2 lbs
Total weight loss - 6 lbs
Oh yeahh
27/1/2010. 94.2kg/207.68lbs (-.5kg/1.1lbs today!)
28/1/2010. No change
29/1/2010 No weigh in tummy bug
30/1/2010. 93.5kg/206.13lbs (.7kg/1.55lbs)
31/1/2010 Stayed the Same!
Hi All! I'm new to the forum. I was about 195 pounds around Thanksgiving time, and today I'm at 178 lbs. I have about 40 more pounds to go before I reach my goal!

It's nice connecting with you!



Welcome to the forum. I'm also new. (Just came on today.) First, I want to congratulate you on your 30+ pounds of weight loss! That's awesome. You should be really proud. I think it's great tat you're making a point to stay motivated so that you can keep the weight off and reach our goals!

It sounds like we have a similar journey - except you're much farther ahead. LOL My goal weight is between 135 and 138 lbs. I started at 195 around Thanksgiving time and as of today I'm 178 pounds. So, I still have a good 40 - 43 pounds left to go.

It's great connecting with you. How did you lose the first 35 pounds or so. Did you decide to alter your lifestyle in general? For me, that's the approach I'm taking. I've decided that in order to keep the weight off once I lose it, I have to commit to just eating healthier and exercising most days of the week.

Hope to hear back from you.


Hi everyone,

I just found this forum and think it may help me to get back on my diet. I lost 35 pounds from June to December. Since then I have gained back 5 and have not felt hardly any motivation to either eat healthy or exercise much.

But I'm feeling more motivated now and so I'm here for some accountability and motivation.

I weigh 151 pounds now with a goal weight of 137 ppounds. Tomorrow is Day 1 of restarting my diet.

FYI: I am using the weight loss program from Life Extension. I'll add more details as I post.

In advance; great job on those who are successfully losing pounds.
27/1/2010. 94.2kg/207.68lbs (-.5kg/1.1lbs today!)
28/1/2010. No change
29/1/2010 No weigh in tummy bug
30/1/2010. 93.5kg/206.13lbs (.7kg/1.55lbs)
31/1/2010 Stayed the Same!
1/2/2010 Stayed the same! (damn!)
hi Bree,

You're making good progress. As for my diet, I am fairly closely following the Life Extension Diet. You can find it at

Basically I try to keep to about 1400 cal per day. I do exercise 3 times a week, burning about 400-500 cal a session. I am also doing not too heavy free weights for upper body strength. I take alli 120 mg (the OTC brand says one tablet but the diet calls for the perscription strength) with each meal. It blocks about 30% of the fat so you have to stay under 15 or so grams of fat per meeal or the "treatment effects" are pretty unpleasant - I'll just leave it to your immagination. I also take Irvingia -I get it from life extension and it blocks carbs. Also, I take about 6-8 grams of fiber a day in addition to lots of fruit and vegetables.

All this led to about 35 pounds over 6 months. I gained back 4 over the holidays into January, but I'm back on track since Friday. I generally lose 1-3 pounds a week.

Good luck with you diet. Let's stay in touch here and be a mini cheering squad :)


I went to the gym today and had a session with my PT and I weighed in at 166.8



I am disappointed. I was at 165.0 for two days. I know the fluxuation is normal. We'll see tomorrow...:biggrinjester::biggrinjester: