Weigh Yourself Everyday (or frequently) Club

I have a question for the members of this club. You weigh yourself everyday...do you use a digital scale or a traditional scale to weigh yourself?
digital scale for me.

161.0 for today :)
Jan 16 -- 184.2
Jan 17 -- 182.8
Jan 18 -- 182.2
Jan 19 -- 183.2
Jan 20 -- 182.4
Today's weight loss/gain - -.80 lbs
Total weight loss - 1.80 lbs
good, I was hoping it didn't go up....off to school...midterms...sigh....
01/13 187.8 Began pilates
01/14 188.6
01/15 189.6 Pilates
01/16 190.2
01/17 190.0
01/18 189.0
01/19 191.0 1st day at gym.. 20 min elliptical and worked upper body..
01/20 189.8 GYm 20min elliptical , worked mid body (-1.2)
Week 1 09/01/2010 - start weight 173 - finish 169 - loss 4lbs
week 2 16/01/2010 - start weight 168 -

16/01/2010 - 12.0 (168lbs) - loss 1lb
17/01/2010 - 11.13 (167lbs) - loss 1lbs
18/01/2010 - 11.12 (166LBS) - loss 1lbs
21/01/2010 - 168.2 lbs +2.2
Jan 16 -- 184.2
Jan 17 -- 182.8
Jan 18 -- 182.2
Jan 19 -- 183.2
Jan 20 -- 182.4
Jan 21 -- 181.4
Today's weight loss/gain - -1.00 lb
Total weight loss - 2.80 lbs
01/13 187.8 Began pilates
01/14 188.6
01/15 189.6 Pilates
01/16 190.2
01/17 190.0
01/18 189.0
01/19 191.0 1st day at gym.. 20 min elliptical and worked upper body..
01/20 189.8 GYm 20min elliptical , worked mid body (-1.2)
01/21 187.8 (-2.0)
Well done all, some good stats below keep it up.

Week 1 09/01/2010 - start weight 173 - finish 169 - loss 4lbs
week 2 16/01/2010 - start weight 168 -

16/01/2010 - 168.0 LBS -1lb
17/01/2010 - 167.0 LBS -1lbs
18/01/2010 - 166.0 LBS -1lbs
21/01/2010 - 168.2 LBS + 2.2 LBS
22/01/2010 - 168.6 LBS +0.4LBS

Not done anything particularly different this week, maybe a bit less exercise and have gained weight, see what tomorrows weigh day brings.
Jan 16 -- 184.2
Jan 17 -- 182.8
Jan 18 -- 182.2
Jan 19 -- 183.2
Jan 20 -- 182.4
Jan 21 -- 181.4
Jan 22 -- 181.0
Today's weight loss/gain - -.40 lb
Total weight loss - 3.20 lbs
I've been exercising so much
Jan 16 -- 184.2
Jan 17 -- 182.8
Jan 18 -- 182.2
Jan 19 -- 183.2
Jan 20 -- 182.4
Jan 21 -- 181.4
Jan 22 -- 181.0
Jan 23 -- 182.0
Today's weight loss/gain - +1.00 lb
Total weight loss - 2.20 lbs
Well atleast I lost 2.20 pounds this week
01/13 187.8 Began pilates
01/14 188.6
01/15 189.6 Pilates
01/16 190.2
01/17 190.0
01/18 189.0
01/19 191.0 1st day at gym.. 20 min elliptical and worked upper body..
01/20 189.8 GYm 20min elliptical , worked mid body (-1.2)
01/21 187.8 (-2.0)
01/22 188.8
01/23 187.6
I'm going to give this a bash. I do weigh everyday but only chart once a week. Was 94.7kg on Tuesday my weigh in day. It's Saturday now and I've been 95.6 for three days. Not sure why. Someone on here mentioned eating too few calories so I increased to 1300. Did no exercise today.

23/1/2010 95.6kg (total loss 3kg since 10/1/2010)

I'm 5'7"
41 yrs old
start 97.7 kg (214lbs)
goal 65kg (143lbs)
Joined today

I just joined today. I weigh myself everyday just before I hop in the shower in the morning. I started December 27th at 238.5lbs and weighed 224lbs today. I'm a 48 year old guy who is 6'1" tall. My Goal is 188.5lbs (50lbs).

I track my weight at this site
plus I'm keeping and Excel spread sheet.