Weigh Yourself Everyday (or frequently) Club

09/01/2010 - 12.5 (173LBS) -
10/01/2010 - 12.3 (171LBS) - 20 minutes step routine 45 minute walk.
11/01/2010 - 12.1 (169LBS) - 20 minutes step routine 45 minute walk
12/01/2010 - 12.1 (169LBS) - 45 minute walk
13/01/2010 - 12.0 (168LBS) - 45 minute walk
14/01/2010 - 12.2 (170LBS)


No Idea what happened yesterday, didn't appear to do anything different although had some cheese for tea (counted) but certain foods have this effect and of course natural gain/loss is what we have to put up with weighing every day. Not letting this put me off, as long as I lose 3/4lbs in my first week, I shall be chuffed to bits.
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09/01/2010 - 12.5 (173LBS) -
10/01/2010 - 12.3 (171LBS) - 20 minutes step routine 45 minute walk.
11/01/2010 - 12.1 (169LBS) - 20 minutes step routine 45 minute walk
12/01/2010 - 12.1 (169LBS) - 45 minute walk
13/01/2010 - 12.0 (168LBS) - 45 minute walk
14/01/2010 - 12.2 (170LBS)


No Idea what happened yesterday, didn't appear to do anything different although had some cheese for tea (counted) but certain foods have this effect and of course natural gain/loss is what we have to put up with weighing every day. Not letting this put me off, as long as I lose 3/4lbs in my first week, I shall be chuffed to bits.

I wouldnt worry about it.. I too gained overnight, and on monday, and i dont know why. I didnt have anything extra to eat.. was very strict in that aspect, and i excercised, so im stumped. But your right.. when weighing everyday we have to expect this sometimes. You should be chuffed if you lose 3/4 lbs! I hope you do :)
I guess i'm in, but does it count when you weigh twice a day. :eek: i like to see what i weigh in the morning before i eat anything, then before bed i weigh again to see how much weight in food, water ect. i have gained.
thats bad isn't it? most of the time i weigh the same as i did in the morning.

AT 163 today.
8/1 190.08 (-1.76) weekly weigh in (-6.16lbs)
9/1 189.64 (-0.44)
10/1 187.44 (-2.2)
11/1 188.76 (+1.32)
12/1 187.88 (-0.88)
13/1 185.56 (-1.32)
14/1 187.44 (+0.88)
15/1 185.56 (-0.88) weekly weigh in (-3.52lbs)
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I wouldnt worry about it.. I too gained overnight, and on monday, and i dont know why. I didnt have anything extra to eat.. was very strict in that aspect, and i excercised, so im stumped. But your right.. when weighing everyday we have to expect this sometimes. You should be chuffed if you lose 3/4 lbs! I hope you do :)

Thanks so much for that extra support

I lost 1lb overnight so that is four and today to go. Really need to do this as I suffered some medical issue with joints last year and know that by losing this excess weight, should it happen again, recovery will be so much easier in terms of exercise etc. I'm not yet 100% fit but trying.


Not sure about weighing twice a day, is there any point. Only reason I enjoy once a day in the morning is to ensure I am keeping on track as I can easily slip. Its good to recognise tightly what we did right/wrong the day before. Ideally you should get weighed the same time each morning I guess and then maintain one a week/fortnight when you are at the ideal weight. Its a very personal thing so don't let others influence what suits you. Good luck.

09/01/2010 - 12.5 (173LBS) -
10/01/2010 - 12.3 (171LBS) - 20 minutes step routine 45 minute walk.
11/01/2010 - 12.1 (169LBS) - 20 minutes step routine 45 minute walk
12/01/2010 - 12.1 (169LBS) - 45 minute walk
13/01/2010 - 12.0 (168LBS) - 45 minute walk
14/01/2010 - 12.2 (170LBS) - 45 minute walk
15/01/2010 - 12.1 (169LBS) -

8/1 190.08 (-1.76) WEEKLY WEIGH IN (-6.16LBS)
9/1 189.64 (-0.44)
10/1 187.44 (-2.2)
11/1 188.76 (+1.32)
12/1 187.88 (-0.88)
13/1 185.56 (-1.32)
14/1 187.44 (+0.88)
15/1 185.56 (-0.88) WEEKLY WEIGH IN (-3.52LBS)
16/1 187.88 (+1.32) :banghead:

I honestly dont know why i keep having days where i gain weight. I havent had one over indulgence, or treat. It just doesnt make sense. Its getting me very depressed. I dont know how i am going to lose weight now that i cant excercise till my shoulder recovers :(

16/01/2010 - 12.0 (168LBS)

Really pleased with the way things are going right now and back on my eating which suits me.


Try not to let the ups and downs get to you, I was shocked when I gained 2lbs the other day. Main thing is start week weight and finish week weight and as long as you have lost 1lb or even stayed the same its brilliant. You can watch your eating and walk when you get your shoulder done, then back to full fitness once recovered. Maintain your weight at least so you do not have such hard work to do when back in full fitness. :hurray:
8/1 190.08 (-1.76) WEEKLY WEIGH IN (-6.16LBS)
9/1 189.64 (-0.44)
10/1 187.44 (-2.2)
11/1 188.76 (+1.32)
12/1 187.88 (-0.88)
13/1 185.56 (-1.32)
14/1 187.44 (+0.88)
15/1 185.56 (-0.88) WEEKLY WEIGH IN (-3.52LBS)
16/1 187.88 (+1.32) :banghead:

I honestly dont know why i keep having days where i gain weight. I havent had one over indulgence, or treat. It just doesnt make sense. Its getting me very depressed. I dont know how i am going to lose weight now that i cant excercise till my shoulder recovers :(

Your weight can vary from day to day or even at different times of the day, due to the amount of water you are retaining, the food in your digestive tract, etcetera.

Actually, 4 1/2 pounds lost in a week might be a little too fast. If I were you, I'd increase the calorie intake a bit.
Okay, I'll join in:

Unfortunately, I neglected to record my weight when I got up this morning, so I'll start with the weight I just took:

Goal Weight: 108 lb.

1-16-10 -- 115.2 lb.
8/1 190.08 (-1.76) weekly weigh in (-6.16lbs)
9/1 189.64 (-0.44)
10/1 187.44 (-2.2)
11/1 188.76 (+1.32)
12/1 187.88 (-0.88)
13/1 185.56 (-1.32)
14/1 187.44 (+0.88)
15/1 185.56 (-0.88) weekly weigh in (-3.52lbs)
16/1 187.88 (+1.32)
17/1 187.44 (-0.44)
oh what the heck i will join too even though the numbers are going up.. I just began doing pilates 4 days ago, since then i am noticing weight gain.. I am not doing anything wrong so not taking it hard on myself.

01/13 187.8 Began pilates
01/14 188.6
01/15 189.6 Pilates
01/16 190.2

16/01/2010 - 12.0 (168LBS)
17/01/2010 - 11.13 (167LBS) LOSS 1

Doing some daily exercise which is helping greatly to shift the weight, keep my mood up and obviously keep metabolism right. I've not been hungry once all week.
Jan 16 -- 184.2
Jan 17 -- 182.8
Jan 18 -- 182.2
Jan 19 -- 183.2
Today's weight loss/gain - +1.00 lbs
Total weight loss - 1.00 lbs
hmm, might be water retention, ate hella salty popcorn yesterday.
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01/13 187.8 Began pilates
01/14 188.6
01/15 189.6 Pilates
01/16 190.2
01/17 190.0
01/18 189.0
01/19 191.0 1st day at gym.. 20 min elliptical and worked upper body..