Weigh Yourself Everyday (or frequently) Club

10/30/2009 - 197.5
11/02/2009 - 198.5
11/03/2009 - 198.0
11/04/2009 - 197.8
11/05/2009 - 197.2
11/06/2009 - 197.2
11/07/2009 - 197.2

Start Weight - 212.5///Goal Weight - 155.0

Mini Goals
190.0 (22.5) -
180.0 (32.5) -
175.0 (37.5) -
165.0 (47.5) -
155.0 (57.5) -

In order to get something you've never gotten before you first must do something you've never done before.

11/02/2009 - 198.5
11/03/2009 - 198.0
11/04/2009 - 197.8
11/05/2009 - 197.2
11/06/2009 - 197.2
11/07/2009 - 197.2
11/08/2009 - 197.0

Start Weight - 212.5///Goal Weight - 155.0

Mini Goals
190.0 (22.5) -
180.0 (32.5) -
175.0 (37.5) -
165.0 (47.5) -
155.0 (57.5) -

In order to get something you've never gotten before you first must do something you've never done before.

i have been weighing myself everyday since feb. I have lost more than 50 lbs now and I think that weighing everyday keeps me on track. If I eat too much one day it shows up on the scale and that motivates me to get back on track!
11/03/2009 - 198.0
11/04/2009 - 197.8
11/05/2009 - 197.2
11/06/2009 - 197.2
11/07/2009 - 197.2
11/08/2009 - 197.0
11/14/2009 - 196.2

Start Weight - 212.5///Goal Weight - 155.0

Mini Goals
190.0 (22.5) -
180.0 (32.5) -
175.0 (37.5) -
165.0 (47.5) -
155.0 (57.5) -

In order to get something you've never gotten before you first must do something you've never done before.

11/04/2009 - 197.8
11/05/2009 - 197.2
11/06/2009 - 197.2
11/07/2009 - 197.2
11/08/2009 - 197.0
11/14/2009 - 196.2
11/24/2009 - 196.6

Start Weight - 212.5///Goal Weight - 155.0

Mini Goals
190.0 (22.5) -
180.0 (32.5) -
175.0 (37.5) -
165.0 (47.5) -
155.0 (57.5) -

In order to get something you've never gotten before you first must do something you've never done before.

november 4th i was 239,today 228,set a new goal was 150 now 130,best going at it ten at a time that way you dont get down,really gunna push for june completion,could be hard though!
gunna push for june completion,could be hard though!

I hope you do reach your goal! However you are never going to be finished or reach “completion”. Managing ones weight successfully takes a life long commitment.

I weighed in at 190 pounds this morning. That is just in my green zone.
I can see myself getting thinner!

I'm a single father and about 3 weeks ago i weighed about 245. Ive been trying to find a partner for awhile now but i had a female actually tell me that it wasn't how i acted it was my weight. now i never really to my weight into consideration but i was going no where with the ladies. my wife passed away about 6 years ago and its been really rough trying to keep work in this economy and still be able to take care of my kids, not that im saying i want someone just to watch my kids, but im kind scared about being alone. so anyway enough rambling. My friend about work told me about some stuff he was taking just to put of a few pounds for his wife. he gave me some and said i should start taking them. i didnt really want to take anything but i was kinda desperate and he kinda put me on the spot. After i took then about a week and a half i actually lost 15 pounds, without changing the way i eat or anything. and here after 3 weeks ive lost 27 pounds, its amazing. Im not trying to say that this is the best thing in the world but i am saying that it is working for me. There is probably other stuff out there that works good but this is the only one i have found. So if anyone is interested just PM me and ill get ya the link. i think there is a free 14 day trial or something, just have to pay like $1 shipping. But anyway thanks for listening and i wish you all luck on your weight loss.
I hope you do reach your goal! However you are never going to be finished or reach “completion”. Managing ones weight successfully takes a life long commitment.

I weighed in at 190 pounds this morning. That is just in my green zone.

thinking in long term aswell but romantic issues arise so idont care how i get there before june,thinking it will be somewhere around 145-160,which will do for then,my calorie intake is very limited only real vice is coke and soft drinks,dipping into 227 today,im a little behind wanting to get near 200 for xmas but ive placed strict no limits on xmas food and drink.im really pleased so far.
Where did everyone go? If you are weighing in every day you are not telling us about it here. I was at goal of 188 pounds this morning. So I celebrated a little today and probably will be up some tomorrow.
Back again

Well im back again :ack2: I had managed to lose 20kg this year (oh dear, now its last year..). When i stopped excercising and eating right i put it all back on.

So its new years day and i have a few things i am starting/stopping today.
No more smoking, and back to eating right and excercising. I must make being healthy my main priority this year.

So, weighed in this morning at 89.2kg (196.24LBS)
This weigh yourself everyday club used to keep me so motivated. Hope ppl keep posting here, as i sure will be...

Went for a 60min walk today as the gym was closed.
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1/1 196.24 60min Walk
2/1 194.92 (-1.32) 60min Cardio Gym
3/1 192.72 (-2.2) 60min Cardio Gym & 40min walk
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1/1 196.24 60min Walk
2/1 194.92 (-1.32) 60min Cardio Gym
3/1 192.72 (-2.2) 60min Cardio Gym & 40min walk
4/1 191.84 (-0.88) Day off
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1/1 196.24 60min Walk
2/1 194.92 (-1.32) 60min Cardio Gym
3/1 192.72 (-2.2) 60min Cardio Gym & 40min walk
4/1 191.84 (-0.88) Day off
5/1 191.4 (-0.44) 60min Cardio Gym & 45min walk
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1/1 196.24 60min Walk
2/1 194.92 (-1.32) 60min Cardio Gym
3/1 192.72 (-2.2) 60min Cardio Gym & 40min walk
4/1 191.84 (-0.88) Day off
5/1 191.4 (-0.44) 60min Cardio Gym & 45min walk
6/1 190.52 (-0.88) Day off - Cheat Day
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1/1 196.24 60min Walk
2/1 194.92 (-1.32) 60min Cardio Gym
3/1 192.72 (-2.2) 60min Cardio Gym & 40min walk
4/1 191.84 (-0.88) Day off
5/1 191.4 (-0.44) 60min Cardio Gym & 45min walk
6/1 190.52 (-0.88) Day off - Cheat Day
7/1 191.84 (+1.32) 60min Cardio Gym
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