Weigh Yourself Everyday (or frequently) Club

Finally Back...

After falling off the wagon for nearly 3 months, i am back to trying to lose weight, and weighing myself every day.

10/19 188.76 - Walk 45min
10/20 187 (-1.76) - 35min Cardio Gym
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10/19 188.76 - Walk 45min
10/20 187 (-1.76) - 35min Cardio Gym
10/21 186.12 (-0.88) - 45min Cardio Gym
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Yep i too agree 100% with you...weighing myself eveyday helps me to chk my weight everyday and motivates me to work hard at the gym and loose weight.
10/19 188.76 - Walk 45min
10/20 187 (-1.76) - 35min Cardio Gym
10/21 186.12 (-0.88) - 45min Cardio Gym
10/22 185.24 (-0.88) - Day off
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to affraid

I'm afraid to see my weight, but i guess i have 200 lbs. For me is a lot and i want to find ways to lose weight! some help?
Hi Everyone!

I weighed in today, and am down to 198! I started at 204lbs a little over two weeks ago. Hopefully this trend will continue...LOL!

10/19 188.76 - Walk 45min
10/20 187 (-1.76) - 35min Cardio Gym
10/21 186.12 (-0.88) - 45min Cardio Gym
10/22 185.24 (-0.88) - Day off
10/23 185.68 (+0.44) - 60min Cardio Gym
I'm in for this one =) My name is Emily and my starting weight is 305 =( But its gonna get lower n lower~!!

10/23-- 305.0
Major injury... Will it stop me?

Well yesterday i dislocated my right shoulder. It was soooo painfull !!! Im in a sling for the next two weeks untill i see my orthopaedic surgeon to organise a shoulder reconstruction (this is my fifth dislocation of that shoulder) :ack2:
So my dillema is will this stop me excercising? Ive only just started again on my weight loss and excercise journey, so i dont want to have to stop now!
Mayby i can still walk or do the seated bike at the gym? We'll see how it goes....

10/19 188.76 - Walk 45min
10/20 187 (-1.76) - 35min Cardio Gym
10/21 186.12 (-0.88) - 45min Cardio Gym
10/22 185.24 (-0.88) - Day off
10/23 185.68 (+0.44) - 60min Cardio Gym
10/24 184.36 (-1.32) - Day off
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10/19 188.76 - Walk 45min
10/20 187 (-1.76) - 35min Cardio Gym
10/21 186.12 (-0.88) - 45min Cardio Gym
10/22 185.24 (-0.88) - Day off
10/23 185.68 (+0.44) - 60min Cardio Gym
10/24 184.36 (-1.32) - Day off
10/25 184.36 (0)
Havent been excercising last few days because of my dislocated shoulder :ack2:

10/19 188.76 - Walk 45min
10/20 187 (-1.76) - 35min Cardio Gym
10/21 186.12 (-0.88) - 45min Cardio Gym
10/22 185.24 (-0.88) - Day off
10/23 185.68 (+0.44) - 60min Cardio Gym
10/24 184.36 (-1.32) - Day off
10/25 184.36 (0) - Day off
10/26 183.92 (-0.44) WEEKLY WEIGH IN (4.9LBS)
10/26/2009 - 199.5

Start Weight - 212.5///Goal Weight - 130.0

Mini Goals
175.0 (37.5) -
162.5 (50.0) -
145.0 (67.5) -

In order to get something you've never gotten before you first must do something you've never done before.
Hello all,

I'm daily weigher and I'm hoping this lub will keep me motivated through the holidays. currently, I am 199. I binged Sunday, so I know alot of this is water weight. I was 196 last week.

Kakutzi - You seem to lose steadily. Aything special you are doing?
10/26/2009 - 199.5
10/27/2009 - 197.5

Start Weight - 212.5///Goal Weight - 130.0

Mini Goals
175.0 (37.5) -
162.5 (50.0) -
145.0 (67.5) -

In order to get something you've never gotten before you first must do something you've never done before.