Weigh Yourself Everyday (or frequently) Club

Feeling great..

Eating healthy and losing weight is so nice. :troll:

07/06/09 237
07/28/09 224
07/29/09 224
07/31/09 223
08/02/09 222 :biggrinjester:

07/11/09 Walked 1.5 miles
07/25/09 Walked 1/2 miles
07/27/09 Walked 2 miles
07/28/09 Walked 2 miles
07/26/09 Walked 1 miles hurt my back just a bit so need to take it easy
07/31/09 Walked 2 miles
08/02/09 Walked 3 miles
I read an article somewhere awhile back about moving the scale in front of the fridge. I did this about 4 months ago, and have lost about 4 pounds effortlessly. I honestly think it's because every time I go for ice cream (my Achilles' heel), I stop and weigh myself. Sometimes I continue on and just chow down, but a lot of the time I stop and choose something different.

...I think weighing yourself everyday is such a great idea--helps keep you on track. That, and there are times (*cough*after Thanksgiving *cough*) where you are amazed at how much weight you can gain in a day!

...I waas opposed to weighing myself everyday at first--I've battled with eating disorders in the past, and was concerned I was going to get obsessive about my weight. I came to realize that there is a middle ground between ignoring the weight and obsessing about it (who knew, lol.) ...I suppose that's for another post altogether.

Good luck everyone on your weight loss journey. :)
I agree

I think weighing yourself everyday is such a great idea--helps keep you on track. That, and there are times (*cough*after Thanksgiving *cough*) where you are amazed at how much weight you can gain in a day!

Hi Hott Potato,

On all my diets that I have been on I tried to only weight once a week but then could never resist doing more then feel like I was not in control. strange I know.

Soooooooo so far this has worked great for me. Hope it does for you as well.

Jeanne :coolgleamA:

PS: I use to live in Las Vegas
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In pain today

:ack2:Woke to my whole body in pain. The weather must be changing on me.

07/06/09 237
07/28/09 224
07/29/09 224
07/31/09 223
08/02/09 222
08/03/09 222

07/11/09 Walked 1.5 miles
07/25/09 Walked 1/2 miles
07/27/09 Walked 2 miles
07/28/09 Walked 2 miles
07/26/09 Walked 1 miles hurt my back just a bit so need to take it easy
07/31/09 Walked 2 miles
08/02/09 Walked 3 miles
08/03/09 just stretched
Wow what a differance a day makes

Wow what a differance a day makes. Today I am back to feeling way too good. :bigear:

07/06/09 237
07/28/09 224
07/29/09 224
07/31/09 223
08/02/09 222
08/03/09 222
08/04/09 222

07/11/09 Walked 1.5 miles
07/25/09 Walked 1/2 miles
07/27/09 Walked 2 miles
07/28/09 Walked 2 miles
07/26/09 Walked 1 miles hurt my back just a bit so need to take it easy
07/31/09 Walked 2 miles
08/02/09 Walked 3 miles
08/03/09 just stretched
08/04/09 Walked 2 miles
Needs to work, great to see you so positive I need this at the moment and well done for doing so well. Keep it up. I love weighing every day it keeps me motivated.

Well Ive managed to pile around 5lbs on, partly not weighing, partly not trying and very much emotionally out of control through worry over a health issue. I have a habit of thinking the worst before I get the answers. For now, I know that losing this 20lbs is the best way forward so that I shall do with the help of this forum.

WEEK 11 - 2/8/09 - 8/8/09 - START WEIGHT 159 - WK 10 ENDED (+1.8LBS)
05/08/09 - 159.6 (+.6)

I either eat sensibly or go off the boil, I'm determined to see triggers for what they are and put a stop to this. Hope you all have a great day, there is no doubt in my mind that lack of exercise and eating crap goes a huge way towards my moods, past experience has proved it.
You will CAN do this

Hi there CrazyMaizy,

Ok you need to keep control, stay up beat, active, and eat right. You can do this all you need is to be a bit obsessed. I am like you either I am on it or off of it. With my long term goal of 18 months I plan to stay on it forever. Sometimes I think having a whole lot to lose makes me more motivated. But you DO NOT want to be like me and let it gets so out of control. SO STAY POSITIVE little one.... You will CAN do this. :bigear:

Hope you all have another wonderful healthy day

Wow.. down one more. :willy_nilly: Work got in the way of my exercising this morning.. dang it. I would love to send to everyone all the positive good feelings I have now that I have been exercising most every day and eating right all of the time for the last month. Why do I ever stop this I do not know.. sure is grand. Hope you all have another wonderful healthy day. :hurray:

07/06/09 237
08/04/09 222
08/05/09 221

07/11/09 Walked 1.5 miles
07/25/09 Walked 1/2 miles
07/27/09 Walked 2 miles
08/02/09 Walked 3 miles
08/03/09 just stretched
08/04/09 Walked 2 miles

8/5/09 159.4
8/6/09 160.2 (tom)
8/7/09 159.2
8/8/09 159.0
8/9/09 159.2
8/10/09 159.8 (had 1 vodka lemonade)
8/11/09 159.2
8/12/09 158.2
8/13/09 159.2
8/14/09 158.2
8/15/09 158.8
8/16/09 160.0
8/17/09 159.0
8/18/09 158.8
8/19/09 159.0
8/20/09 158.6
8/21/09 158.8
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WEEK 11 - 2/8/09 - 8/8/09 - START WEIGHT 159 - WK 10 ENDED (+1.8LBS)

02/08/09 - 159.0
03/08/09 - 159.6 (+6)
05/08/09 - 159.6 (15 minutes exercise bike & 50 min walk
06/08/09 - 158.8 (-0.8)

A of weight bit off and feeling a lot more upbeat today.

Well done Jeannie another 1 off, this is about long term and your plan for 18 months seems pretty groovy, you will get there, never ever give up. Try new things and keep moving. Well done everyone.
:hurray: Hi Guys... TOM is one good thing about being older. hahaha...

07/06/09 237
08/04/09 222
08/05/09 221
08/06/09 221

07/11/09 Walked 1.5 miles
08/04/09 Walked 2 miles
08/05/09 Walked 2 miles
08/06/09 Walked 2 miles
A ok...

:party: You all have a wonderful motivated weekend. Stay positive!

07/06/09 237
08/04/09 222
08/05/09 221
08/06/09 221
08/06/09 220

07/11/09 Walked 1.5 miles
08/04/09 Walked 2 miles
08/05/09 Walked 2 miles
08/06/09 Walked 2 miles
Down one more pound.

:patriot: Down one more pound. It just keeps slowly dropping off. Feeling better but still have a very long way to go to hit my BIG goal. Only 8 pounds from my first mini goal weight though.

07/06/09 237
08/04/09 222
08/05/09 221
08/06/09 221
08/07/09 220
08/08/09 219

07/11/09 Walked 1.5 miles
08/04/09 Walked 2 miles
08/05/09 Walked 2 miles
08/06/09 Walked 2 miles
08/07/09 Walked 2 miles
I have weighed evey morning but did not post it every time. Still feeling very good. Jeanne

07/06/09 237
08/07/09 220
08/08/09 219
08/11/09 218

07/11/09 Walked 1.5 miles
08/04/09 Walked 2 miles
08/05/09 Walked 2 miles
08/06/09 Walked 2 miles
08/07/09 Walked 2 miles
Hi Everyone,

I'm back from my vacation. I will not start dieting until Sat. So I will weigh in on Sat. All I will say I had a great vacation in everyway (including eating).

I am getting a bit inconsistent about posting but I am still weighing every day and exercising most days. I remain very committed to my plan and it seems to be working very well for me. YES! :hurray:

07/06/09 237
8/10/2009 219
8/11/2009 218 1
8/12/2009 218
8/13/2009 218
8/14/2009 218
8/15/2009 216 2

07/11/09 Walked 1.5 miles
08/15/09 Walked 2 miles
The vacation did cost a lot (weight wise). The 236.75 (gain of 4.75 Lbs.) is when we actually got back. The 244.00, (gain of 7.25 Lbs.) was only 4 days, after we got home. A total gain of 12 Lbs. :banghead: Not a good thing to do.

My wife only gained 2 Lbs. for the whole time.

Did have a good trip. Fishing was great & that is what I wish I could do every week. It was nice to get home monday evening. Then take the rest of the week off.


08/11/09 - 236.75 + 4.75
08/15/09 - 244.00 + 7.25


08/15/09 - 5.01 MILES - 1 HR. 24 MINS. - AVG. HEART RATE - 126

08/11/09 - 236.75 + 4.75
08/15/09 - 244.00 + 7.25
08/16/09 - 241.25 - 2.75


08/15/09 - 5.01 miles - 1 hr. 24 mins. - avg. Heart rate - 126
08/16/09 - bike - 5.42 miles - 30 mins. 15 secs. - avg. Heart rate - 119