Weigh Yourself Everyday (or frequently) Club

my weight loss
07/06/09 237
8/10/2009 219
8/11/2009 218 1
8/12/2009 218
8/13/2009 218
8/14/2009 218
8/15/2009 216 2
8/16/2009 216
8/17/2009 216
08/11/09 - 236.75 + 4.75
08/15/09 - 244.00 + 7.25
08/16/09 - 241.25 - 2.75
08/17/09 - 241.25 - 0.00


08/15/09 - 5.01 MILES - 1 HR. 24 MINS. - AVG. HEART RATE - 126
08/16/09 - bike - 5.42 MILES - 30 MINS. 15 SECS. - AVG. HEART RATE - 119
08/17/09 - NO EXERCISE

08/11/09 - 236.75 + 4.75
08/15/09 - 244.00 + 7.25
08/16/09 - 241.25 - 2.75
08/17/09 - 241.25 - 0.00
08/18/09 - 238.75 - 2.50


08/15/09 - 5.01 miles - 1 hr. 24 mins. - avg. Heart rate - 126
08/16/09 - bike - 5.42 miles - 30 mins. 15 secs. - avg. Heart rate - 119
08/17/09 - no exercise
08/18/09 - walk - 4.11 miles - 1 hr. 10 mins. - avg. Heart rate - 138 - temp - 99

I like weighing everyday. I've lost 31 pounds so far in 4 months and weighing everyday helped me to see where I was. I noticed that if I weighed right before bed, I could tell what I would be the next day, which was usually a pound difference, but it actually motivated me even more. So today's weight is 132.

08/11/09 - 236.75 + 4.75
08/15/09 - 244.00 + 7.25
08/16/09 - 241.25 - 2.75
08/17/09 - 241.25 - 0.00
08/18/09 - 238.75 - 2.50
08/19/09 - 236.25 - 2.50


08/15/09 - 5.01 miles - 1 hr. 24 mins. - avg. Heart rate - 126
08/16/09 - bike - 5.42 miles - 30 mins. 15 secs. - avg. Heart rate - 119
08/17/09 - NO EXERCISE
08/18/09 - walk - 4.11 miles - 1 hr. 10 mins. - avg. Heart rate - 138 - temp - 99
08/19/09 - bike - 10.19 miles - 55 mins. 04 secs. - avg. Heart rate - 126

Hi troutman, and glad to be here.
So, today's weight is 131
I lose a pound on average of 3-4 days, maybe 2 if I really try, but I might be 130 by Saturday.

08/11/09 - 236.75 + 4.75
08/15/09 - 244.00 + 7.25
08/16/09 - 241.25 - 2.75
08/17/09 - 241.25 - 0.00
08/18/09 - 238.75 - 2.50
08/19/09 - 236.25 - 2.50
08/20/09 - 236.50 + 0.25


08/15/09 - 5.01 MILES - 1 HR. 24 MINS. - AVG. HEART RATE - 126
08/16/09 - BIKE - 5.42 MILES - 30 mins. 15 secs. - avg. Heart rate - 119
08/17/09 - NO EXERCISE
08/18/09 - WALK - 4.11 MILES - 1 hr. 10 mins. - avg. Heart rate - 138 - TEMP. - 99
08/19/09 - MIKE - 10.19 MILES - 55 mins. 04 secs. - avg. Heart rate - 126
08/20/09 - NO EXERCISE

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08/11/09 - 236.75 + 4.75
08/15/09 - 244.00 + 7.25
08/16/09 - 241.25 - 2.75
08/17/09 - 241.25 - 0.00
08/18/09 - 238.75 - 2.50
08/19/09 - 236.25 - 2.50
08/20/09 - 236.50 + 0.25
08/21/09 - 234.25 - 2.25


08/15/09 - 5.01 miles - 1 hr. 24 mins. - avg. Heart rate - 126
08/16/09 - bike - 5.42 miles - 30 mins. 15 secs. - avg. Heart rate - 119
08/17/09 - no exercise
08/18/09 - walk - 4.11 miles - 1 hr. 10 mins. - avg. Heart rate - 138 - temp. - 99
08/19/09 - bike - 10.19 miles - 55 mins. 04 secs. - avg. Heart rate -
08/20/09 - no exercise
08/21/09 - walk / jog - 2.05 miles - 25 mins. Secs. 01 - avg. Heart rate - 141

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Got to focus on me!

I was working way to much and not exercising last week. I hope to get my butt back in the diet game this week. Walked 1 mile yesterday and 2 miles today and it feels great if I just do it.. :smash: Got to focus on me!

my weight loss
07/06/09 237
8/10/2009 219
8/11/2009 218 1
8/15/2009 216 2
8/24/2009 215 1

I know what you mean, about just getting out to exercise. I feel so good if I just do it. Is easy to say, just not easy to do at times.

That is why the only pressure I put on my self is not to miss exercise two days in a row.

I have not missed two days in a row since I started to exercise.

New start

I weigh myself every day. It keeps me in check.

This week I started at 63.2 and went up to 63.9 today. This is because I ate too much weds and thurs.

I just finished a 6km walk in 45 minutes which is pretty darn fast walking.

Hoping to be somewhere in the 62 by next week. Just got to stop putting stuff in my mouth.
Re : Weigh Yourself Everyday Club

I don't know about weigh everyday club. But now i here about club. So, i try this. and thanks for this information.
Today i have reached my initial weight goal. I feel very nice but i would like to keep it and i am anxious about this. I think i shouldn't change anything although i have reached my initial weight goal.
Today i have reached my initial weight goal. I feel very nice but i would like to keep it and i am anxious about this. I think i shouldn't change anything although i have reached my initial weight goal.

Congratulations :) dw if you live a healthy life style (which seems your are since you reached your goal) then should be fine, keep it up.

I way myself every morning just to see if i did fluctuate in some way over night :D
Although i 've reached my initial weight target i 've just kept it for one week. Today i 'am near 1 1/2 pound above it. I wiil try again to be close to my weight target. I try to stay on track although there is some fluctuation. :eek:
Ok I am back

I weighed this morning and lucky for me I did not gain but I want to lose a lot more so I need to get my fat butt back at this... dang me anyway :banghead:

09/28/09 215
Two weeks ago, I recently started walking, working up to a jog six days a week. We went shopping yesterday, and I decided that having a scale in the house might be a good thing :eek:

After weighing myself yesterday, I feel as if I should have weighed myself BEFORE I started the exercise and calorie cutting. I weighed in at 204 yesterday, and felt like I've made no progress at all...but I didn't know what my "beginning" weight was in the first place. The last time I got on a scale, I weighed 160. I just about fell over last night... :banghead:

Needless to say I went for a much longer walk and did more jogging today and will continue to do so...LOL.
Weighed and lost one pound. But it is coming off slow. I think it is suppose to come off slow just like it went on. :piggy:

09/28/09 215
10/03/09 214
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