Weigh Yourself Everyday (or frequently) Club

Is there a weigh-youself 40 times a day thread? I weigh myself at least once a day if not more. my scale at home weighs me about 3 lbs heavier then my scale at work so I weigh neked in the morn at home, then when I get to work I weigh again fully clothed, shoes removed.
so far, the numbers I can remember:
7/20: 184
7/23: 181
its going down, so thats a good thing. Lets hope I can keep it that way!
07/06/09 237
07/18/09 227
07/19/09 226
07/17/09 226
07/23/09 224
07/24/09 224
07/25/09 225 dang

07/11/09 Walked 1.5 miles
07/17/09 Walked 1 mile
07/18/09 cooked for 115 for lunch and dinner
07/19/09 cleaned up the grounds
07/20/09 Walked 1.5 miles
07/22/09 Walked 2 miles
07/25/09 Walked 2 miles
I forgot to tell everyone I was going away for my anniversary (31 YRS. - Actual date was July 7Th., just very busy with business). It is the best time :party: we have had together for a long long long time.
We did get back tues. evening. It has just taken us until friday night to get caught up with our work. Thats the one problem when you don't get a paid vacation.

Start date - 01/26/09 - Start Weight - 311.25 LBS.

07/09/09 - 235.25 + 2.25 - 1,700 CALORIES
07/10/09 - 236.00 + 0.75 - 2,000 CALORIES
07/11/09 - 234.25 - 1.75 - 2,300 CALORIES
07/12/09 - 234.25 - 0.00
07/13/09 - 238.00 + 3.75 - Monday - week 23 weigh-in + 0.50 LBS.

07/14/09 - 235.00 - 3.00
07/15/09 - 234.00 - 1.00
07/16/09 - 233.50 - 0.50
07/17/09 - 231.75 - 1.75
07/25/09 - 235.00 + 3.25


07/09/09 - 4.19 MILES - 1 HR. 10 MINS.
07/10/09 - BIKE - 4.30 - 29:45
07/11/09 - 7.04 MILES (DISTANCE RECORD) - 1 HR. 56 MINS. - AVG. HEART RATE - 124
07/12/09 - BIKE - 5.57 - 36:43 - AVG. HEART RATE - 120
07/13/09 - 2.07 MILES - 26 MINS. 49 SECS. - (12:59 - 2 – 4 MILE RECORD MILE PACE) - AVG. HEART RATE - 148
07/14/09 - 4.08 MILES - 1 HR. 5 MINS. - AVG. HEART RATE - 127 - 99 Degrees
07/15/09 - BIKE - 6.75 - 42 MINS. 43 SECS. - AVG. HEART RATE - 124 - 99 Degrees
07/16/09 - 2.59 MILES - 39 MINS. 15 SECS. - HEART RATE - 132 - 95 Degrees
07/17/09 - 3.00 MILES - 48 MINS. 54 SECS. - HEART RATE - 124 - 105 Degrees
07/25/09 - 5.07 MILES - 1 HR. 19 MINS. - HEART RATE - 137 - 100 Degrees

It looks like some having been doing good, & others not so good. We just have to remember were in this for the long term, & never never never never quit.

It looks like some having been doing good, & others not so good. We just have to remember were in this for the long term, & never never never never quit.


Well, I don't like 'not so good' because were you to follow me around everyday and see my workouts and how I eat, you'd know I've been being 'very good'. What has been 'not so good' is that I am not losing weight(or even inches at this point) like I should be and that's been ongoing for a few months. Weighing everyday can be more then motivation; if we have been prone to medical issues that can interfere with weight loss, then it can be a good indicator that perhaps something more is going on. For me, I've had issues since I had my first child in 1998 with my thyroid. I've also been having episodes of what feel like hypoglycemia mid morning, even when I've eaten breakfast. My hair is coming out too...not to where I'm bald, but very much mimicing what I've been through before. With all of these things combined, that tells me that I may be having thyroid issues again and it's time to stop punishing myself thinking I"ve done something wrong and get myself in to see my doctor and address the potential concerns.

I hope you don't think I'm jumping your sh*t, I just don't care for the idea that some are doing 'not so good'. That reflects a negative position on their efforts when there are people who have had health issues and actually found out by an extended plateau that there was something going on. I believe another woman on here recently had some health issues that were indeed stalling her out. That's about the time it started to click for me and I decided to track it better and perhaps consider going to my doctor for some blood tests. I figured this was either a motivator and I'd find I was missing something or I'd, sadly, find out it was time to have that looked at again. I really wish it was the former.

Always, always be aware that if you've had health issues, there still is a potential they could crop up again and that a stubborn plateau when you know you are doing everything 'right' could be something more.
Start date - 01/26/09 - Start Weight - 311.25 LBS.

07/09/09 - 235.25 + 2.25
07/10/09 - 236.00 + 0.75
07/11/09 - 234.25 - 1.75
07/12/09 - 234.25 - 0.00
07/13/09 - 238.00 + 3.75

07/14/09 - 235.00 - 3.00
07/15/09 - 234.00 - 1.00
07/16/09 - 233.50 - 0.50
07/17/09 - 231.75 - 1.75
07/25/09 - 235.00 + 3.25
07/26/09 - 234.50 - 0.50


07/10/09 - BIKE - 4.30 - 29:45
07/11/09 - 7.04 MILES (DISTANCE RECORD) - 1 HR. 56 MINS. - AVG. HEART RATE - 124
07/12/09 - BIKE - 5.57 - 36:43 - AVG. HEART RATE - 120
07/13/09 - 2.07 MILES - 26 MINS. 49 SECS. - (12:59 - 2 – 4 MILE RECORD MILE PACE) - AVG. HEART RATE - 148
07/14/09 - 4.08 MILES - 1 HR. 5 MINS. - AVG. HEART RATE - 127 - 99 Degrees
07/15/09 - BIKE - 6.75 - 42 MINS. 43 SECS. - AVG. HEART RATE - 124 - 99 Degrees
07/16/09 - 2.59 MILES - 39 MINS. 15 SECS. - HEART RATE - 132 - 95 Degrees
07/17/09 - 3.00 MILES - 48 MINS. 54 SECS. - HEART RATE - 124 - 105 Degrees
07/25/09 - 5.07 MILES - 1 HR. 19 MINS. - HEART RATE - 137 - 100 Degrees
07/26/09 - BIKE - 7.10 - 41 MINS. 38 SECS. - AVG. HEART RATE - 120

Hi Angel,

First of all look at my numbers. I have not been doing to good. You would know that if you would look at my numbers. I know why I have not been doing well, eating to much food.

Second of all, most people that are not doing well, know why they are not doing well. And most of the time it's not health issues.

How many calories should you be eating every day?

How many calories are you eating every day?

How many calories are you burning with exercise?

07/06/09 237
07/23/09 224
07/24/09 224
07/25/09 225 dang
07/26/09 225
07/27/09 224

07/11/09 Walked 1.5 miles
07/20/09 Walked 1.5 miles
07/22/09 Walked 2 miles
07/25/09 Walked 2 miles
07/26/09 Walked 2 miles
07/25/09 Walked 1/2 miles
Start date - 01/26/09 - Start Weight - 311.25 LBS.

07/10/09 - 236.00 + 0.75
07/11/09 - 234.25 - 1.75
07/12/09 - 234.25 - 0.00
07/13/09 - 238.00 + 3.75

07/14/09 - 235.00 - 3.00
07/15/09 - 234.00 - 1.00
07/16/09 - 233.50 - 0.50
07/17/09 - 231.75 - 1.75
07/25/09 - 235.00 + 3.25
07/26/09 - 234.50 - 0.50
07/26/09 - 235.50 + 1.00


07/11/09 - 7.04 MILES (DISTANCE RECORD) - 1 HR. 56 MINS. - AVG. HEART RATE - 124
07/12/09 - BIKE - 5.57 - 36:43 - AVG. HEART RATE - 120
07/13/09 - 2.07 MILES - 26 MINS. 49 SECS. - (12:59 - 2 – 4 MILE RECORD MILE PACE) - AVG. HEART RATE - 148
07/14/09 - 4.08 MILES - 1 HR. 5 MINS. - AVG. HEART RATE - 127 - 99 Degrees
07/15/09 - BIKE - 6.75 - 42 MINS. 43 SECS. - AVG. HEART RATE - 124 - 99 Degrees
07/16/09 - 2.59 MILES - 39 MINS. 15 SECS. - HEART RATE - 132 - 95 Degrees
07/17/09 - 3.00 MILES - 48 MINS. 54 SECS. - HEART RATE - 124 - 105 Degrees
07/25/09 - 5.07 MILES - 1 HR. 19 MINS. - HEART RATE - 137 - 100 Degrees
07/26/09 - BIKE - 7.10 - 41 MINS. 38 SECS. - AVG. HEART RATE - 120
07/27/09 - 2.28 MILES - 30 MINS. 33 SECS - HEART RATE - 141

French fries and queso and beer, oh my!!

:waving: O.k., so this is my first post, and this is also the first time in my life I've had to lose weight. I gained about 40 pounds during my knees surgeries, so right now I'm up to 204. I've been working out really hard, and getting noticeably stronger and in better shape, but I have yet to lose any weight! I know it's not all about the number, but my poor knees can't handle carrying my fat ass around all day! :banghead:
My problem, like most people I would guess, is with eating. I work 40+ hours a week and I'm a full time student, so most days it feels like I have to choose between taking the time to cook healthy meals or using that time to sleep, work, breate, etc... I'm admittedly very bad about making excuses. I've tried every "diet" and nothing worked. So as far as my bitter and frustrated frame of reference goes, it doesn't matter what I eat, because I'm never going to lose weight, and since I'm not gaining it...blah blah blah....
So I've resolved myself to making better decisions, which I'm confident I can do. I can avoid the fries, the chips and queso, maybe not the beer, but I've decided that's o.k....I could really use some help though...
Where does one find the time for the grocery shopping and cooking and measuring and preparing, etc, etc. I wish I knew how to make better choices and still maintain my sanity!

I'll be checking in every day with my weight! I'm hoping that this will, at the very least, be a constant visual reminder of what I need to do. Thanks in advance for the help!

T :patriot:
Start date - 01/26/09 - Start Weight - 311.25 LBS.

07/10/09 - 236.00 + 0.75
07/11/09 - 234.25 - 1.75
07/12/09 - 234.25 - 0.00
07/13/09 - 238.00 + 3.75

07/14/09 - 235.00 - 3.00
07/15/09 - 234.00 - 1.00
07/16/09 - 233.50 - 0.50
07/17/09 - 231.75 - 1.75
07/25/09 - 235.00 + 3.25
07/26/09 - 234.50 - 0.50
07/26/09 - 235.50 + 1.00
07/27/09 - 234.25 - 1.25


07/11/09 - 7.04 MILES (DISTANCE RECORD) - 1 HR. 56 MINS. - AVG. HEART RATE - 124
07/12/09 - BIKE - 5.57 - 36:43 - AVG. HEART RATE - 120
07/13/09 - 2.07 MILES - 26 MINS. 49 SECS. - (12:59 - 2 – 4 MILE RECORD MILE PACE) - AVG. HEART RATE - 148
07/14/09 - 4.08 MILES - 1 HR. 5 MINS. - AVG. HEART RATE - 127 - 99 Degrees
07/15/09 - BIKE - 6.75 - 42 MINS. 43 SECS. - AVG. HEART RATE - 124 - 99 Degrees
07/16/09 - 2.59 MILES - 39 MINS. 15 SECS. - HEART RATE - 132 - 95 Degrees
07/17/09 - 3.00 MILES - 48 MINS. 54 SECS. - HEART RATE - 124 - 105 Degrees
07/25/09 - 5.07 MILES - 1 HR. 19 MINS. - HEART RATE - 137 - 100 Degrees
07/26/09 - BIKE - 7.10 - 41 MINS. 38 SECS. - AVG. HEART RATE - 120
07/27/09 - 2.28 MILES - 30 MINS. 33 SECS - HEART RATE - 141
07/28/09 - BIKE - 7.00 - 48 MINS. 05 SECS. - AVG. HEART RATE - 130 -
106 Degrees


Glad to have you.

I cook enough protein for 7 - 14 days at a time.

Remember its all about the calories in & how many calories you burn throughout the day.

If you don't know the above. You can't know if there is a problem with you losing weight.

You can eat anything you want if it fits in your calories (possible it may not be healthy, but you will lose weight).

Start date - 01/26/09 - Start Weight - 311.25 LBS.

07/13/09 - 238.00 + 3.75

07/14/09 - 235.00 - 3.00
07/15/09 - 234.00 - 1.00
07/16/09 - 233.50 - 0.50
07/17/09 - 231.75 - 1.75
07/25/09 - 235.00 + 3.25
07/26/09 - 234.50 - 0.50
07/27/09 - 235.50 + 1.00
07/28/09 - 234.25 - 1.25
07/29/09 - 232.00 - 2.25


07/13/09 - 2.07 MILES - 26 MINS. 49 SECS. - (12:59 - 2 – 4 MILE RECORD MILE PACE) - AVG. HEART RATE - 148
07/14/09 - 4.08 MILES - 1 HR. 5 MINS. - AVG. HEART RATE - 127 - 99 Degrees
07/15/09 - BIKE - 6.75 - 42 MINS. 43 SECS. - AVG. HEART RATE - 124 - 99 Degrees
07/16/09 - 2.59 MILES - 39 MINS. 15 SECS. - HEART RATE - 132 - 95 Degrees
07/17/09 - 3.00 MILES - 48 MINS. 54 SECS. - HEART RATE - 124 - 105 Degrees
07/25/09 - 5.07 MILES - 1 HR. 19 MINS. - HEART RATE - 137 - 100 Degrees
07/26/09 - BIKE - 7.10 - 41 MINS. 38 SECS. - AVG. HEART RATE - 120
07/27/09 - 2.28 MILES - 30 MINS. 33 SECS - HEART RATE - 141
07/28/09 - BIKE - 7.00 - 48 MINS. 05 SECS. - AVG. HEART RATE - 130 -
106 Degrees
07/29/09 - 4.18 MILES - 58 MINS. 22 SECS - HEART RATE - 142

Still being good, no cheating

Still good but the last two days have been a struggle. Got to keep thinking long term, eat right, exercise. Company coming and I am cooking them some no no's for them. I just must stay focused.

07/06/09 237
07/28/09 224
07/29/09 224

07/11/09 Walked 1.5 miles
07/25/09 Walked 1/2 miles
07/27/09 Walked 2 miles
07/28/09 Walked 2 miles
07/26/09 Walked 1 miles hurt my back just a bit so need to take it easy
It's been a while

For a while I was lingering around 160 pounds, I weighed-in last week at 151 pounds and I'll weigh-in tomorrow morning. It's definitely great to weigh yourself so you can see progress, it keeps me motivated!

Thinking about jumping on that scale and seeing 149 would make me so happy! Tomorrow might not be the day, but soon!

Start date - 01/26/09 - Start Weight - 311.25 LBS.


07/14/09 - 235.00 - 3.00
07/15/09 - 234.00 - 1.00
07/16/09 - 233.50 - 0.50
07/17/09 - 231.75 - 1.75
07/25/09 - 235.00 + 3.25
07/26/09 - 234.50 - 0.50
07/27/09 - 235.50 + 1.00
07/28/09 - 234.25 - 1.25
07/29/09 - 232.00 - 2.25
07/30/09 - 232.00 - 0.00


07/14/09 - 4.08 MILES - 1 HR. 5 MINS. - AVG. HEART RATE - 127 - 99 Degrees
07/15/09 - BIKE - 6.75 - 42 MINS. 43 SECS. - AVG. HEART RATE - 124 - 99 Degrees
07/16/09 - 2.59 MILES - 39 MINS. 15 SECS. - HEART RATE - 132 - 95 Degrees
07/17/09 - 3.00 MILES - 48 MINS. 54 SECS. - HEART RATE - 124 - 105 Degrees
07/25/09 - 5.07 MILES - 1 HR. 19 MINS. - HEART RATE - 137 - 100 Degrees
07/26/09 - BIKE - 7.10 - 41 MINS. 38 SECS. - AVG. HEART RATE - 120
07/27/09 - 2.28 MILES - 30 MINS. 33 SECS - HEART RATE - 141
07/28/09 - BIKE - 7.00 - 48 MINS. 05 SECS. - AVG. HEART RATE - 130 -
106 Degrees
07/29/09 - 4.18 MILES - 58 MINS. 22 SECS - HEART RATE - 142

07/30/09 - 2.56 MILES - 34 MINS. 13 SECS - HEART RATE - 144


I forgot, I will be leaving on vacation until Aug. 11, tomorrow. So I won't be posting.

My goal is to gain 5Lbs. at the most, hopefully none.

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