Weigh Yourself Everyday (or frequently) Club

hey aby, sometimes the fluctuations are just water weight. however if it's really bugging you i'd suggest posting your question in the nutrition section where you can write down how many cals you eat and a sample of what you eat daily and ask for assistance to know how/where to improve. all the best xoxo
It isn't easy to get off the last 2 pounds and keep them of. Some days it seems that i lost them but the next day i gain them back. I am really tired from this but i try to keep on diet. Should I decrease the calories more? Why i can't keep them off for ong time?
Rock on you are rolling now again :)
6/24/2009 - 188.0
6/25/2009 - 188.0
6/26/2009 - 186.0
6/27/2009 - 188.0
6/29/2009 - 191.0
6/30/2009 - 188.0
7/01/2009 - 189.0
7/02/2009 - 189.5

Start Weight - 212.5///Goal Weight - 135.0

Mini Goals
175.0 (37.5) -
162.5 (50.0) -
145.0 (67.5) -

In order to get something you've never gotten before you first must do something you've never done before.
6/26/2009 - 220.8
6/27/2009 - 216.6
6/28/2009 - 216.0
6/29/2009 - 215.6
6/30/2009 - 215.8
7/01/2009 - 214.2
7/02/2009 - 212.0
6/22 155.32 (-0.0) - Day off (sick) - WEEKLY WEIGH IN (-5.28LBS)
6/23 154.88 (-0.44) - 50min walk
6/24 153.56 (-1.32) - 45min walk & 60min cardio gym
6/25 151.8 (-1.76) - 50min walk & 1hr10min cardio gym
6/26 150.92 (-0.88) - Day off (Cheat Day)
6/27 153.56 (+2.64) - Day off (Cheat Day)
6/28 156.2 (+2.64) - Day off (Cheat Day)
6/29 158.4 (+2.2) - Day off (Cheat Day) - WEEKLY WEIGH IN (+4.92LBS)
6/30 157.96 (-0.44) - 45min walk & 1hr25min Cardio Gym & 50min walk
7/1 155.32 (-2.64) - 45min walk & 40min cardio gym
7/2 153.56 (-1.76) - 1hr15min walk
7/3 154.44 (+0.88) - 45min walk
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6/26/2009 - 220.8
6/27/2009 - 216.6
6/28/2009 - 216.0
6/29/2009 - 215.6
6/30/2009 - 215.8
7/01/2009 - 214.2
7/02/2009 - 212.0
7/03/2009 - 212.0
STARTING WEIGHT: 159kgs (350 pounds)
CURRENT WEIGHT: 142.6kgs (314.4 pounds)
TOTAL LOST: 16.5kgs (36.4 pounds)

Tuesday 30/06/09: 144.7kgs (319pounds) : (just didn't feel like working out, but ate right)
Wednesday 01/07/09: 143.7kgs (316.8pounds) : (45min combat class, 45min weights)
Thursday 02/07/09: 142.6kgs (314.4pounds) : (45min aerobics class)
Friday 03/07/09: 142.6kgs (314.4pounds) :
6/24/2009 - 188.0
6/25/2009 - 188.0
6/26/2009 - 186.0
6/27/2009 - 188.0
6/29/2009 - 191.0
6/30/2009 - 188.0
7/01/2009 - 189.0
7/02/2009 - 189.5
7/03/2009 - 189.0
Start Weight - 212.5///Goal Weight - 135.0

Mini Goals
175.0 (37.5) -
162.5 (50.0) -
145.0 (67.5) -

In order to get something you've never gotten before you first must do something you've never done before.
Start date - 01/26/09 - Start Weight - 311.25 LBS.

06/24/09 - 235.00 - 1.25 - 1,680 CALORIES
06/25/09 - 237.00 + 2.00 - 1,650
06/26/09 - 236.75 - 0.25 - 2,310
06/27/09 - 236.50 - 0.25 - 2,350
06/28/09 - 237.50 + 1.00 - 4,000
06/29/09 - 240.25 + 2.75 - 1,800
CALORIES - Monday - week 22 weigh-in + 5.00 LBS.
06/30/09 - 237.00 - 3.25 - 1,475 CALORIES

07/01/09 - 232.75 - 4.25 - 1,500 CALORIES
07/02/09 - 232.00 - 0.75 - 1,300 CALORIES
07/03/09 - 233.00 - 1.00 - 1,850 CALORIES


06/24/09 - NO EXERCISE
06/25/09 - 3.28 MILES - 46 MIN. 55 SEC. - LIFT
06/26/09 - NO EXERCISE
06/27/09 - 6.39 MILES - 1 HR. 42 MIN. - 16 MINS. 04 SECONDS PER MILE (6 – 8 MILE PACE RECORD)
06/28/09 - NO EXERCISE
06/29/09 - 3.03 MILES - 44 MIN. 10 SEC.
06/30/09 - 4.19 MILES - 1 HR. 2 MINS.

07/01/09 - 3.18 MILES - 47 MINS. 08 SEC. - LIFT WEIGHTS
07/02/09 - BIKE - 3.01 - 16:52

07/03/09 - 5.25 MILES - 1 HR. 21 MINS.

I will say it now. I will gain weight this weekend. I will also have sugar for the first time since I started my diet (01/26/2009). The main thing is not to go off the deep end end. Once I have sugar. I have a big problem with it. I have not been able to control myself. Wish me luck. I'll let everyone know how I do. A little worried. It has never been my idea to give up sugar forever. This is not a all or nothing diet.

all the best chip...i wish it didn't have to be so hard, but i totally understand what you mean. the one thing i always notice is that once i have my treat days, afterthat the next day or two the cravings are really high...i really wish it didn't have to be like that but i usually try to keep myself busy and avoid the store so that i don't accidentally buy something unhealthy. have a good weekend....and to everyone else as well. xoxo

I will say it now. I will gain weight this weekend. I will also have sugar for the first time since I started my diet (01/26/2009). The main thing is not to go off the deep end end. Once I have sugar. I have a big problem with it. I have not been able to control myself. Wish me luck. I'll let everyone know how I do. A little worried. It has never been my idea to give up sugar forever. This is not a all or nothing diet.

STARTING WEIGHT: 159kgs (350 pounds)
CURRENT WEIGHT: 142.6kgs (314.4 pounds)
TOTAL LOST: 16.5kgs (36.4 pounds)

Tuesday 30/06/09: 144.7kgs (319pounds) : (just didn't feel like working out, but ate right)
Wednesday 01/07/09: 143.7kgs (316.8pounds) : (45min combat class, 45min weights)
Thursday 02/07/09: 142.6kgs (314.4pounds) : (45min aerobics class)
Friday 03/07/09: 142.6kgs (314.4pounds) : (45min weights)
Saturday 04/07/09: 143.1kgs (315.5pounds) :
6/26/2009 - 220.8
6/27/2009 - 216.6
6/28/2009 - 216.0
6/29/2009 - 215.6
6/30/2009 - 215.8
7/01/2009 - 214.2
7/02/2009 - 212.0
7/03/2009 - 212.0
7/04/2009 - 212.2
Good luck Chip! I toally understand where your coming from. I think summer is the hardest time to watch what you eat. There are so many trips and picnics and fun things that always involve food. Sugar is a big prob for me too. Look how far you have come though and even a little slip up can't undo all that good. Just keep that in mind. =)
I missed a couple of days posting. I always weigh every day but don't have a lot of time right now to get on the computer. So here I will catch up. =)

Starting - 239
Current - 178.4
May 24 191.6
June 21 181.9 4 mile power walk with 3lb weights
June 22 181.9 chasing calves and tagging
June 23 181.4 4 mile power walk
June 24 180.9 4 mile power walk/run
June 25 181.3 Gardening
June 26 180.8 Healthrider and gardening
June 27 180.6 4 mile power walk/run
June 28 180.4 no exercise
June 29 180.4 2 mile walk/run 3 hours gardening
June 30 179.7 30 min Healthrider
July 1, 179.2 8 mile walk (Ouch my hips hurt) Mowing lawn
July 2, 179.4 healthrider 30min
July 3, 179.8 4 mile walk/ mowed lawn 45 min
July 4 178.4 (thank God I was starting to worry!) 1mile walk 1 mile run Raining..Ugh! Soaked!
6/26/2009 - 220.8
6/27/2009 - 216.6
6/28/2009 - 216.0
6/29/2009 - 215.6
6/30/2009 - 215.8
7/01/2009 - 214.2
7/02/2009 - 212.0
7/03/2009 - 212.0
7/04/2009 - 212.2
7/05/2009 - 210.6
Morning everyone

Been on the forum for 6 weeks now and finding it a really useful tool. Still in pain with an injury/illness unsure which yet and its hard to keep motivation going. If its what I suspect, weight loss is the best thing all round and physical well being to combat this thing or at least control it.

Just need to share how much its done for me so far. Another 16lbs to go to get me to my goal of 10stone, it was initally 10.7 st but I decided Im not settling for second best, Im going for 10st and that will leave me with enough meat on me for my frame, I dont want to be thin as such just comfy with myself.

START WEIGHT 168.75lbs

18% great weight loss by the way, I wish you well.

Good luck to everyone on this road to fitness and a healthier life.
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Starting - 239
Current - 177.5
July 1, 179.2 8 mile walk (Ouch my hips hurt) Mowing lawn
July 2, 179.4 healthrider 30min
July 3, 179.8 4 mile walk/ mowed lawn 45 min
July 4 178.4 4 mile walk/jog Walking fields 1 mile gathering electrical fence
July 5 178.4 4 mile walk/jog Stapling fence - 2 miles
July 6th 177.5 4 mile walk/jog
6/26/2009 - 220.8
6/27/2009 - 216.6
6/28/2009 - 216.0
6/29/2009 - 215.6
6/30/2009 - 215.8
7/01/2009 - 214.2
7/02/2009 - 212.0
7/03/2009 - 212.0
7/04/2009 - 212.2
7/05/2009 - 210.6
7/06/2009 - 209.8
Hi, I'm new here.

Starting weight
6/8/09 - 228.8

6/29/09 - 219.2
6/30/09 - 217.6
7/1/09 - 217.0
7/2/09 - 214.8
7/3/09 - 214.0
7/4/09 - 212.8
7/5/09 - 211.0

7/6/09 - 210.6

Not sure about my goal weight yet. Everyone seems to have figured theirs out. Probably between 150-180.