Weigh Yourself Everyday (or frequently) Club

Cherry, great weight loss yesterday. I dont know how you do 60min on elliptical! I can only do 10min on that...

Chip... wow your certainly losing huge amounts again. Well done!
New member

Hello all

I would love to join this thread if possible when I get weighed in the morning, I feel a bit like a child when I'm told to only weigh myself once a week.

Can anyone give me any tips about how to keep your diary as you do, is there a section it can be saved as a drafted post, how do you remember the info, do you save it on a document? I really would like to record my daily weight plus my daily exercise, I am so in need of this kind of motivation.

I am finding the forum a little overwhelming so any advice, tips etc would be appreciated. Is there somewhere on here that I can keep my own diary, ie. start weight etc etc etc.

Cheers all.
I probably wont get to weight for the next couple of days because I'll be on the road. =(
I will miss you guys.
hey LBN, we'll miss you too hun, check in when you can and hope you have a fab time!

Cherry, great weight loss yesterday. I dont know how you do 60min on elliptical! I can only do 10min on that...

Chip... wow your certainly losing huge amounts again. Well done!
thanks kakutzi! i think my body is responding well to adding the elliptical in the routine because i think it had gotten used to the treadmill day in day out. here's hoping i keep getting good weightloss numbers! and wishing the same for all of you guys too xoxo

05/23/09 - 248.75 - 2.00 - 5.04 MILES - 1 HR. 26 MIN.
05/24/09 - 246.75 - 2.00 - NO EXERCISE

i agree, chip your back to being the mean lean fat burning machine...lol!
Hello all

I would love to join this thread if possible when I get weighed in the morning, I feel a bit like a child when I'm told to only weigh myself once a week.

Can anyone give me any tips about how to keep your diary as you do, is there a section it can be saved as a drafted post, how do you remember the info, do you save it on a document? I really would like to record my daily weight plus my daily exercise, I am so in need of this kind of motivation.

I am finding the forum a little overwhelming so any advice, tips etc would be appreciated. Is there somewhere on here that I can keep my own diary, ie. start weight etc etc etc.

Cheers all.
hey craizymaizy, if you go to the main forum page, there are different categories, one of those is 'weight loss diary', when you click on that link there should be button that says 'start new thread' click on that and that will be your new diary, you can give it a name then click 'new post' and start posting your daily activities. if you have any other questions just ask, everyones very helpful. all the best xoxo

dreamingblue congrats on getting out of the 310's and into the 300's.

everyone else lets keep going WE CAN DO THIS!
is there a section it can be saved as a drafted post, how do you remember the info, do you save it on a document? I really would like to record my daily weight plus my daily exercise, I am so in need of this kind of motivation.

I dont do a diary any more, i just post my daily records here. All i do is go back to my last post and copy it onto a new post, then add the new days details. Thats how i keep a record.

Good luck and look forward to seeing you post here!
Thanks folks

Thanks so much Cherry and Kakutzi, really helpful.

I am a lover of forums for help issues although I have only ever used 1 before and I believe they work wonders if we are willing to open our minds and learn from others. Although I have only just joined and not got bags of time today, I will be using this forum with my life to get back that power and fitness and feel good factor I had last year. Piling on pounds and losing motivation can effect all sorts and make you feel like rubbish.

So here we go, will check out the forum in full later on but want to get some digital scales and then will get fired up and post my first weigh in.

I am around 12 stone - 4lbs, I would generally like to get to 10 stone 7lbs and so therefore have around 25lbs to lose. With the help of this forum, I hope to get there. Cheers all.
i've noticed something and i guess i've repeated it the past few days. the last 7 weeks or so i'd been working damn hard doing about 2hours cardio and some weights almost daily but my weight loss had slowed down considerably it was becoming VERY frustrating and getting me down alot. so when i was completely at a loss decided to try a new machine in my workout which is the elliptical, as soon as i began adding it last sunday, my numbers started to budge a little more, the last two days i did 60mins on it and i've had two big drops in weight which are close to the figures i used to get when i first bought my weighing scale!

i kept reading about how you need to keep the body guessing or else it'll get used to the same routine....i guess i just never thought it would happen to me, so i'm glad i'm breaking out of that shell again. it means however in the next couple of weeks i'll have to try yet a new machine to try switch things up to keep the numbers moving. on days like these i can feel i can keep going on forever on this lifestyle change, and i hope it stays that way....i wish the best for all of you out there as well, thanks for reading xoxo:seeya:


HIGHEST WEIGHT: 159.1kgs (350.7pounds)
CURRENT WEIGHT: 143.8kgs (317pounds)

Saturday: 16/05/09 - 146.5kgs (322.9pounds) : (second rest day and had a treat meal)
Sunday: 17/05/09 - 147.9kgs (326.1pounds) : (3pounds increase from yesterdays treat: 60min treadmill, 45min combat, weights)
Monday: 18/05/09 - 147.3kgs (324.7pounds) : (10mins elliptical, 50mins treadmill, 45min combat)
Tuesday: 19/05/09 - 146.8kgs (323.6pounds) : (30mins elliptical, 30mins treadmill, 45min aerobics)
Wednesday: 20/05/09 - 146.1kgs (322.1pounds) : (40mins elliptical, 20mins treadmill, 45min combat)
Thursday: 21/05/09 - 145.8kgs(321.4pounds) : (rest day)
Friday: 22/05/09 - 145.5kgs (320.8pounds) : (second rest day)
Saturday: 23/05/09 - 145.5kgs (320.8pounds) : (10min treadmill, 60min elliptical, 45min weights)
Sunday: 24/05/09 - 144.5kgs (318.6pounds) : (10min treadmill, 60min elliptical)
Monday: 25/05/09 - 143.8kgs (317pounds) : (can't make it to gym today)
Not been here in a long time but need to get back to work on my weight loss. Lost 50lbs 2 years ago and have put it all back on:blush5:.

5/25/09 - 256.4
Only 1/2 Lb. this week. I ate good all week, the weight up & downs were very very strange to me. I did read on one of the posts, when you start weight training you will retain water. So maybe that is why. I did start lifting weights & do crunches (started with 3 crunches, did 5 today). Did 1 full sit up (that was all I could do), was able to do 2 full sit ups today. It is a start, sad as it is; it will only get better. It took me 3 days before I could do 1 push up.
I'd say don't laugh, but I'm sure we have all been where I'm at to some degree or another. The important thing is to continue to get healthy.

I feel better every day, yet I feel so much pain all the time (my body). I hope I will like to exercise sometime.

Start date - 01/26/09 - Start Weight - 311.25 LBS.

05/16/09 - 248.50 - 1.00 - (6.07 MILES
05/17/09 - 247.75 - 0.75 - 2.47 MILES - TIME UNKNOWN
05/18/09 - 246.75 - 1.00 - 3.05 MILES - 49:33 - Monday - week 16 weigh in - 5.00 LBS.
05/19/09 - 249.00 + 2.25 - NO EXERCISE
05/20/09 - 249.00 - 0.00 - 4.13 MILES - 1 HR. 6 MIN. - I BROKE DOWN & STARTED LIFTING WEIGHTS TODAY

05/21/09 - 249.75 + 0.75 - NO EXERCISE
05/22/09 - 250.75 + 1.00 - 4.22 MILES - 1 HR. 13 MIN.
05/23/09 - 248.75 - 2.00 - 5.04 MILES - 1 HR. 26 MIN.
05/24/09 - 246.75 - 2.00 - NO EXERCISE
05/25/09 - 246.25 - 2.00 - 2.88 MILES - 42:42 -
Monday - week 17 weigh in - 0.50 LBS.

Right, I have read Cherry's post again (thanks Cherry) and think I've sussed the ticker and the diary is just a case of going into the diary section and tracking daily I guess, any tips greatly appreciated. Will get there, so here we go very excited about joining this forum.

Starting weight to get going - 169lbs


You hit the nail on the head for me, its so frustrating at times to get going and its so easy to give up too but you haven't and your weight loss is brilliant, keep it going, you will enjoy it all one day. Rome wasn't built in a day and all that. xxxxxxxxxxx
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5/18 164.12 (-0.44) - 55min cardio gym - WEEKLY WEIGH IN (-3.96LBS)
5/19 165 (+0.88) I had a big pig out last night! - 50min walk & 45min cardio gym
5/20 162.36 (-2.64) - 50min walk & 60min cardio gym
5/21 161.92 (-0.44) - Day off
5/22 161.92 (-0.00) - 45min Weights + Cardio gym
5/23 161.92 (-0.00) - Day off
5/24 162.36 (+0.44) - Day off
5/25 161.48 (-0.88) - 1hr25min Weights Gym & 30min walk/run - WEEKLY WEIGH IN (-2.64LBS)
5/26 161.48 (-0.00) - Day off (Too sore today from yesterdays workout :(
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this week will be super hectic for me so i'm not sure how many times i'll be able to make it to the gym, will keep eating clean and make up for it exercise wise next week:


HIGHEST WEIGHT: 159.1kgs (350.7pounds)
CURRENT WEIGHT: 143.5kgs (316.4pounds)

Saturday: 16/05/09 - 146.5kgs (322.9pounds) : (second rest day and had a treat meal)
Sunday: 17/05/09 - 147.9kgs (326.1pounds) : (3pounds increase from yesterdays treat: 60min treadmill, 45min combat, weights)
Monday: 18/05/09 - 147.3kgs (324.7pounds) : (10mins elliptical, 50mins treadmill, 45min combat)
Tuesday: 19/05/09 - 146.8kgs (323.6pounds) : (30mins elliptical, 30mins treadmill, 45min aerobics)
Wednesday: 20/05/09 - 146.1kgs (322.1pounds) : (40mins elliptical, 20mins treadmill, 45min combat)
Thursday: 21/05/09 - 145.8kgs(321.4pounds) : (rest day)
Friday: 22/05/09 - 145.5kgs (320.8pounds) : (second rest day)
Saturday: 23/05/09 - 145.5kgs (320.8pounds) : (10min treadmill, 60min elliptical, 45min weights)
Sunday: 24/05/09 - 144.5kgs (318.6pounds) : (10min treadmill, 60min elliptical)
Monday: 25/05/09 - 143.8kgs (317pounds) : (can't make it to gym today: correction, managed to make it and did 10min treadmill, 60min elliptical)
Tuesday: 26/05/09 - 143.5kgs (316.4pounds) : (can't make it to gym today)
Not been here in a long time but need to get back to work on my weight loss. Lost 50lbs 2 years ago and have put it all back on:blush5:.

5/25/09 - 256.4
5/26/09 - 257

Just posting my experience of the last couple of days, feeling really motivated and uplifted, more than in a long time. Amazing what small things such as forums can do for one. I'm in a lot of pain with a trapped nerve but making me more determined to shift this poundage and get back to super fitness like I was last year. :angel:

Tntom, you will get there, you have done it before, 50lbs was a great achievement, time to get rid again. Good luck to you.

25/5/09 - 168.75lbs (10 minutes home stepper)
26/5/09 - 166.75lbs (-2lbs-40 minutes regular walking)

Cherry, great attitude, sometimes when we cannot get to exercise as we wish, its easy to have a sod it attitude, clearly you haven't.
5/20 162.36 (-2.64) - 50min walk & 60min cardio gym
5/21 161.92 (-0.44) - Day off
5/22 161.92 (-0.00) - 45min Weights + Cardio gym
5/23 161.92 (-0.00) - Day off
5/24 162.36 (+0.44) - Day off
5/25 161.48 (-0.88) - 1hr25min Weights Gym & 30min walk/run - WEEKLY WEIGH IN (-2.64LBS)
5/26 161.48 (-0.00) - Day off (Too sore today from yesterdays workout
5/27 159.72 (-1.76)

Yay. Have finally hit the 150's...
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Start date - 01/26/09 - Start Weight - 311.25 LBS.

05/17/09 - 247.75 - 0.75 - 2.47 MILES - TIME UNKNOWN
05/18/09 - 246.75 - 1.00 - 3.05 MILES - 49:33 - Monday - week 16 weigh in - 5.00 LBS.
05/19/09 - 249.00 + 2.25 - NO EXERCISE
05/20/09 - 249.00 - 0.00 - 4.13 MILES - 1 HR. 6 MIN. - I BROKE DOWN & STARTED LIFTING WEIGHTS TODAY

05/21/09 - 249.75 + 0.75 - NO EXERCISE
05/22/09 - 250.75 + 1.00 - 4.22 MILES - 1 HR. 13 MIN.
05/23/09 - 248.75 - 2.00 - 5.04 MILES - 1 HR. 26 MIN.
05/24/09 - 246.75 - 2.00 - NO EXERCISE
05/25/09 - 246.25 - 2.00 - 2.88 MILES - 42:42 -
Monday - week 17 weigh in - 0.50 LBS.

05/26/09 - 247.50 + 1.25 - 4.49 MILES - 1 HR. 8 MIN. - I jogged one mile without stopping. That is a first.

5/20 162.36 (-2.64) - 50min walk & 60min cardio gym
5/21 161.92 (-0.44) - Day off
5/22 161.92 (-0.00) - 45min Weights + Cardio gym
5/23 161.92 (-0.00) - Day off
5/24 162.36 (+0.44) - Day off
5/25 161.48 (-0.88) - 1hr25min Weights Gym & 30min walk/run - WEEKLY WEIGH IN (-2.64LBS)
5/26 161.48 (-0.00) - Day off (Too sore today from yesterdays workout)
5/27 159.72 (-1.76) - Day off
5/28 161.04 (+1.32) - 45min walk
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Start date - 01/26/09 - Start Weight - 311.25 LBS.

05/18/09 - 246.75 - 1.00 - 3.05 MILES - 49:33 - Monday - week 16 weigh in - 5.00 LBS.
05/19/09 - 249.00 + 2.25 - NO EXERCISE
05/20/09 - 249.00 - 0.00 - 4.13 MILES - 1 HR. 6 MIN. - I BROKE DOWN & STARTED LIFTING WEIGHTS TODAY

05/21/09 - 249.75 + 0.75 - NO EXERCISE
05/22/09 - 250.75 + 1.00 - 4.22 MILES - 1 HR. 13 MIN.
05/23/09 - 248.75 - 2.00 - 5.04 MILES - 1 HR. 26 MIN.
05/24/09 - 246.75 - 2.00 - NO EXERCISE
05/25/09 - 246.25 - 2.00 - 2.88 MILES - 42:42 -
Monday - week 17 weigh in - 0.50 LBS.

05/26/09 - 247.50 + 1.25 - 4.49 MILES - 1 HR. 8 MIN.
05/27/09 - 245.75 - 1.75 - NO EXERCISE

5/20 162.36 (-2.64) - 50min walk & 60min cardio gym
5/21 161.92 (-0.44) - Day off
5/22 161.92 (-0.00) - 45min Weights + Cardio gym
5/23 161.92 (-0.00) - Day off
5/24 162.36 (+0.44) - Day off
5/25 161.48 (-0.88) - 1hr25min Weights Gym & 30min walk/run - WEEKLY WEIGH IN (-2.64LBS)
5/26 161.48 (-0.00) - Day off (Too sore today from yesterdays workout)
5/27 159.72 (-1.76) - Day off
5/28 161.04 (+1.32) - 45min walk
5/29 160.16 (-0.88) - 40min cardio gym
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HIGHEST WEIGHT: 159.1kgs (350.7pounds)
CURRENT WEIGHT: 143.5kgs (316.4pounds)

Sunday: 24/05/09 - 144.5kgs (318.6pounds) : (10min treadmill, 60min elliptical)
Monday: 25/05/09 - 143.8kgs (317pounds) : (10min treadmill, 60min elliptical)
Tuesday: 26/05/09 - 143.5kgs (316.4pounds) : (too busy, no gym)
Wednesday: 27/05/09 - 143.5kgs (316.4pounds) : (too busy, no gym)
Thursday: 28/05/09 - 143.9kgs (317.2pounds) : (10min treadmill, 60min elliptical, 45min weights)
Start date - 01/26/09 - Start Weight - 311.25 LBS.

05/19/09 - 249.00 + 2.25 - NO EXERCISE
05/20/09 - 249.00 - 0.00 - 4.13 MILES - 1 HR. 6 MIN. - I BROKE DOWN & STARTED LIFTING WEIGHTS TODAY

05/21/09 - 249.75 + 0.75 - NO EXERCISE
05/22/09 - 250.75 + 1.00 - 4.22 MILES - 1 HR. 13 MIN.
05/23/09 - 248.75 - 2.00 - 5.04 MILES - 1 HR. 26 MIN.
05/24/09 - 246.75 - 2.00 - NO EXERCISE
05/25/09 - 246.25 - 2.00 - 2.88 MILES - 42:42 -
Monday - week 17 weigh in - 0.50 LBS.

05/26/09 - 247.50 + 1.25 - 4.49 MILES - 1 HR. 8 MIN.
05/27/09 - 245.75 - 1.75 - NO EXERCISE
05/28/09 - 246.00 + 0.25 - 4.05 MILES - 1 HR. 3 MIN.
