Weigh Yourself Everyday (or frequently) Club

May 12 - 312.2
May 13 - 310.8
May 14 - 310.6
May 15 - 311
May 16 - 310.2
May 17 - 311.4!!! Argh. It's definitely water retention, but it still sucks to see that.
May 18 - 311.6 - Whyyyy is it going up???? :(
5/14 167.2 (-0.88) - 50min walk
5/15 166.32 (-0.88) - 50min cardio gym
5/16 165.88 (-0.44) - Day off
5/17 164.56 (-1.32) - Day off
5/18 164.12 (-0.44) - 55min cardio gym - WEEKLY WEIGH IN (-3.96LBS)
5/19 165 (+0.88) :banghead: I had a big pig out last night! - 50min walk & 45min cardio gym
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Start date - 01/26/09 - Start Weight - 311.25 lbs.

05/09/09 - 253.75 - 0.00 - 5.74 MILE (RECORD) - 1 HR. 39 MINS.
05/10/09 - 253.00 - 0.75 - NO EXERCISE
05/11/09 - 251.75 - 1.25 - 2.41 MILES - 35:18 - Monday - week 15 weigh in - 3.00 LBS.
05/12/09 - 251.25 - 0.50 - 2.36 MILES - 43:36 - 60 LBS. GONE
05/13/09 - 250.75 - 0.50 - 4.19 MILES - 1 HR. 15 MINS.
05/14/09 - 250.50 - 0.25 - 2.80 MILES - 44:45
05/15/09 - 249.50 - 1.00 - 2.07 MILES - 29:54 - (14:25 MILE PACE RECORD)
05/16/09 - 248.50 - 1.00 - (6.07 MILES
05/17/09 - 247.75 - 0.75 - 2.47 MILES - TIME UNKNOWN

05/18/09 - 246.75 - 1.00 - 3.05 MILES - 49:33 - Monday - week 16 weigh in - 5.00 LBS.

Hi kakutzi,

As long as you enjoyed the pig out, & have gotten right back on track then your ok.


Well the pigout wasnt great but it teaches me to try and not do it again or the weight goes back on. Im back on track today...

Well done on the 5lbs loss this week. Thats really good work!!
I hate that guilt you get after a pig out. I always think about that before now. The guilt is worse than the extra weight. But you get back on that wagon and the guilt is gone and you just start again..one hour at a time..until its one day at a time. You can do it! I'm excited today because I met my goal a few days early before my trip to the U.S. I got down to 195. I am just scared the three weeks I'm down there something will screw me up. Staying at my sons house... he can eat anything and everything. I will be on a shopping spree for healthy foods. If I can onlyl survive the temptation. Anyone got any tips for me? I am PARANOID!!!!

Starting - 239
Current - 194.9
May 9 - 199.7
May 10 - skipped Mothers day
May 11- 198.2
May 12- 198.4
May 13- 197.3
May 14 -197.6
May 15 197.6
May 16 196.7
May 17 195.8
May 18 195.1
May 19 194.9
May 12 - 312.2
May 13 - 310.8
May 14 - 310.6
May 15 - 311
May 16 - 310.2
May 17 - 311.4!!! Argh. It's definitely water retention, but it still sucks to see that.
May 18 - 311.6 - Whyyyy is it going up????
May 19 - 310.8 - Better *rolls eyes*
5/14 167.2 (-0.88) - 50min walk
5/15 166.32 (-0.88) - 50min cardio gym
5/16 165.88 (-0.44) - Day off
5/17 164.56 (-1.32) - Day off
5/18 164.12 (-0.44) - 55min cardio gym - WEEKLY WEIGH IN (-3.96LBS)
5/19 165 (+0.88) I had a big pig out last night! - 50min walk & 45min cardio gym
5/20 162.36 (-2.64) - 50min walk & 60min cardio gym
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Littlebitnorth... congrats on getting down to 195!
Good luck with your stay in the US. Im sure you can do it...
Will you have access to the internet to post on this thread still?
okay, haven't posted weight in a while, i had a rest day on friday and had been feeling a little low so woke up on saturday and said the hell with it, i'm not going to the gym, and decided to make it a treat day since my last one was ten days ago. i had a bag of crisps, a slice of chicken pie and a slice of cheesecake and put on three friggin pounds? what a joke. but i think the fact that i was on my period was also a contributing factor. i also had the treat hoping it would jump start my weight loss since i seemed to be going quite slow the last few weeks. i've dropped the extra 3 pounds pretty quickly but i think it was mostly water weight anyway i think by the end of the week will be able to gauge whether my weight is coming off a bit quicker or not.


HIGHEST WEIGHT: 159.1kgs (350.7pounds)
CURRENT WEIGHT: 146.8kgs(323.6pounds)

Tuesday: 12/05/09 - 147.1kgs(324.3pounds) : 45min aerobics class, 30min treadmill, weights +squats
Wednesday: 13/05/09 - 147.1kgs(324.3pounds) : 45min combat class
Thursday: 14/05/09 - 146.8kgs(323.6pounds) : 45min aerobics class, 45min combat class, weights + squats
Friday: 15/05/09 - 146.5kgs(322.9pounds) : (rest day)
Saturday: 16/05/09 - 146.5kgs (322.9pounds) : (second rest day and had a treat meal)
Sunday: 17/05/09 - 147.9kgs (326.1pounds) : (3pounds increase from yesterdays treat: 60min treadmill, 45min combat, weights)
Monday: 18/05/09 - 147.3kgs (324.7pounds) : (10mins elliptical, 50mins treadmill, 45min combat)
Tuesday: 19/05/09 - 146.8kgs (323.6pounds) : (30mins elliptical, 30mins treadmill, 45min aerobics)
Start date - 01/26/09 - Start Weight - 311.25 lbs.

05/10/09 - 253.00 - 0.75 - NO EXERCISE
05/11/09 - 251.75 - 1.25 - 2.41 MILES - 35:18 - Monday - week 15 weigh in - 3.00 LBS.
05/12/09 - 251.25 - 0.50 - 2.36 MILES - 43:36 - 60 LBS. GONE
05/13/09 - 250.75 - 0.50 - 4.19 MILES - 1 HR. 15 MINS.
05/14/09 - 250.50 - 0.25 - 2.80 MILES - 44:45
05/15/09 - 249.50 - 1.00 - 2.07 MILES - 29:54 - (14:25 MILE PACE RECORD)
05/16/09 - 248.50 - 1.00 - (6.07 MILES
05/17/09 - 247.75 - 0.75 - 2.47 MILES - TIME UNKNOWN
05/18/09 - 246.75 - 1.00 - 3.05 MILES - 49:33 - Monday - week 16 weigh in - 5.00 LBS.
05/19/09 - 249.00 +2.25:banghead: - NO EXERCISE - If I keep this up I'll weigh 1,070 Lbs. in one year.

Dont worry about the gain chip. I know how demotivating it can be! But you can get back on track.. ive seen you lose huge numbers so i know you can do it.
okay, i'm glad with todays weigh in, i hope the trend keeps on, i'm thinking since i switched my workout by adding the elliptical machine (since 2 days ago) has also been a contributing factor....looking forward to saying goodbye to the 320's.


HIGHEST WEIGHT: 159.1kgs (350.7pounds)
CURRENT WEIGHT: 146.1kgs(322.1pounds)

Saturday: 16/05/09 - 146.5kgs (322.9pounds) : (second rest day and had a treat meal)
Sunday: 17/05/09 - 147.9kgs (326.1pounds) : (3pounds increase from yesterdays treat: 60min treadmill, 45min combat, weights)
Monday: 18/05/09 - 147.3kgs (324.7pounds) : (10mins elliptical, 50mins treadmill, 45min combat)
Tuesday: 19/05/09 - 146.8kgs (323.6pounds) : (30mins elliptical, 30mins treadmill, 45min aerobics)
Wednesday: 20/05/09 - 146.1kgs (322.1pounds) :
Thanks Katkutzi for the congrats =) I hope to be able to post while I'm there. I am taking my Wii Fit and going to try and stay on my 6:00am Schedule. If I miss a few days here and there I'll be back!!! I can't do this without you guys!
Chip..The gain is momentary. Look at the big picture! Just look at that! WOW!
Starting - 239
Current - 194
May 9 - 199.7
May 10 - skipped Mothers day
May 11- 198.2
May 12- 198.4
May 13- 197.3
May 14 -197.6
May 15 197.6
May 16 196.7
May 17 195.8
May 18 195.1
May 19 194.9
May 20 194
May 12 - 312.2
May 13 - 310.8
May 14 - 310.6
May 15 - 311
May 16 - 310.2
May 17 - 311.4!!! Argh. It's definitely water retention, but it still sucks to see that.
May 18 - 311.6 - Whyyyy is it going up????
May 19 - 310.8 - Better *rolls eyes*
May 20 - 310.4
5/14 167.2 (-0.88) - 50min walk
5/15 166.32 (-0.88) - 50min cardio gym
5/16 165.88 (-0.44) - Day off
5/17 164.56 (-1.32) - Day off
5/18 164.12 (-0.44) - 55min cardio gym - WEEKLY WEIGH IN (-3.96LBS)
5/19 165 (+0.88) I had a big pig out last night! - 50min walk & 45min cardio gym
5/20 162.36 (-2.64) - 50min walk & 60min cardio gym
5/21 161.92 (-0.44)
Thanks guys,

I just want the scale to go down every day. Like everyone likes of a min. of one pound a day. Thats not asking to much.

Start date - 01/26/09 - Start Weight - 311.25 lbs.

05/11/09 - 251.75 - 1.25 - 2.41 MILES - 35:18 - Monday - week 15 weigh in - 3.00 LBS.
05/12/09 - 251.25 - 0.50 - 2.36 MILES - 43:36 - 60 LBS. GONE
05/13/09 - 250.75 - 0.50 - 4.19 MILES - 1 HR. 15 MINS.
05/14/09 - 250.50 - 0.25 - 2.80 MILES - 44:45
05/15/09 - 249.50 - 1.00 - 2.07 MILES - 29:54 - (14:25 MILE PACE RECORD)
05/16/09 - 248.50 - 1.00 - (6.07 MILES
05/17/09 - 247.75 - 0.75 - 2.47 MILES - TIME UNKNOWN
05/18/09 - 246.75 - 1.00 - 3.05 MILES - 49:33 - Monday - week 16 weigh in - 5.00 LBS.
05/19/09 - 249.00 + 2.25 - NO EXERCISE
05/20/09 - 249.00 - 0.00 - 4.13 MILES - 1 HR. 6 MIN. - I BROKE DOWN & STARTED LIFTING WEIGHTS TODAY

Thanks dreamingblue. I was quite demotivated with my weigh in this morning as i did so much excercise yesterday and had had such a big weight loss yesterday. I suppose i should be happy that i still had a small loss. Every bit counts!!!

HIGHEST WEIGHT: 159.1kgs (350.7pounds)
CURRENT WEIGHT: 145.8kgs(321.4pounds)

Saturday: 16/05/09 - 146.5kgs (322.9pounds) : (second rest day and had a treat meal)
Sunday: 17/05/09 - 147.9kgs (326.1pounds) : (3pounds increase from yesterdays treat: 60min treadmill, 45min combat, weights)
Monday: 18/05/09 - 147.3kgs (324.7pounds) : (10mins elliptical, 50mins treadmill, 45min combat)
Tuesday: 19/05/09 - 146.8kgs (323.6pounds) : (30mins elliptical, 30mins treadmill, 45min aerobics)
Wednesday: 20/05/09 - 146.1kgs (322.1pounds) : (40mins elliptical, 20mins treadmill, 45min combat)
Thursday: 21/05/09 - 145.8kgs(321.4pounds) :