Weigh Yourself Everyday (or frequently) Club

Yay!! Congratulations!

I really should join this club cause I'm seriously addicted to my weight. This morning, I too, weighed at my lowest weight ever! I'm so excited about it, even though I only lost .3 pounds!

I'll start posting here today!

I weighed in this morning at 120.1!
Start date - 01/26/09 - start weight - 311.25 lbs.

04/04/09 - 266.25 - 1.50 - 5.07 MILES - 1 HR. 38 MIN.
04/05/09 - 266.25 - 0.00 - NO EXERCISE
04/06/09 - 265.50 - 0.75 - Monday - week 10 weigh in - 4.50 lbs. - WALK - 2.45 MILES - 48:35
04/07/09 - 265.25 - 0.25 - NO EXERCISE
04/08/09 - 264.75 - 0.50 - 2.13 MILES - 38:05

04/09/09 - 265.50 + 0.75 - NO EXERCISE
04/10/09 - 264.00 - 1.50 - 2.03 MILES - 33:34
04/11/09 - 264.00 - 0.00 - 5.03 MILES - 1 HR. 32 MINS.
04/12/09 - 262.00 - 2.00 - NO EXERCISE
04/13/09 - 261.25 - 0.75 - Monday - week 11 weigh in - 4.50 lbs. - 2.43 MILES - 41:07 - 50 LBS GONE

Hi GonnaGetAbs,

You really should stay off the scale if its messing with your head. Weighing yourself everyday is not for everyone.

Start date - 01/26/09 - start weight - 311.25 lbs.

04/05/09 - 266.25 - 0.00 - NO EXERCISE
04/06/09 - 265.50 - 0.75 - Monday - week 10 weigh in - 4.50 lbs. - WALK - 2.45 MILES - 48:35
04/07/09 - 265.25 - 0.25 - NO EXERCISE
04/08/09 - 264.75 - 0.50 - 2.13 MILES - 38:05

04/09/09 - 265.50 + 0.75 - NO EXERCISE
04/10/09 - 264.00 - 1.50 - 2.03 MILES - 33:34
04/11/09 - 264.00 - 0.00 - 5.03 MILES - 1 HR. 32 MINS.
04/12/09 - 262.00 - 2.00 - NO EXERCISE
04/13/09 - 261.25 - 0.75 - Monday - week 11 weigh in - 4.50 lbs. - 2.43 MILES - 41:07
04/14/09 - 261.00 - 0.25 - NO EXERCISE

hey i think dat im in ill post my weight everyday..
i will try and post my weight everyday..
this is a gug initiative ill try to spred this everywhere..
WOOT! CHIP!! 50lbs!!!! WOw that is so amazing!! Good for you!! Everyone else that is on here everyday..I think its such a great commitment.
Hey April, lets hang in there and good luck =)
I missed a few days..so upset! I got a migraine on Easter morning and it stuck with me for a few days. It sort of bummed me out because I can't do my workout without feeling like my head is going to blow off! Then of course...Easter at the in-laws and you dont want to be rude and pass up everyones good cooking right? It wasn't too hard because my head was pounding away. But then last night we had the hockey pool get together and chips and cheese and crackers (I didn't touch the beer though). Luckily I did somewhat of a workout. Now today its back to the grindestone. I did gain a bit...ugh!
Good luck all
4/12 -208 - Worked out then migraine started
4/13-nothing head still hurts
4/14- 209 worked out double but slipped on diet at hockey pool! grrr! (why do I do this?)
4/15- 209.2 30min aerobic - 30 min strength training
A little lipo and I could see my muscles! haha..Ok..A lot of lipo!
Chip..if I could eat anything I wanted I would eat brownies..but I dont think I could survive on 1 a day. Mind you, It wouldn't stop at that once I started!! haha I can't even keep chocolate in the house! I make my husband keep his candy bars in the truck! He's 6'3" and 170lbs.
You all have a great day!! We can do this!
hey everyone,
what do i need to do to join this club? i bought myself a weighing scale about 2 weeks ago and have weighed my self almost every morning since then and aim to continue doing so...for now i just post my weight readings in my diary but would like to also post here as well? it's so encouraging to see everyones weight going down...makes me feel i can do this too. all the best xoxo
Start date - 01/26/09 - start weight - 311.25 lbs.

04/06/09 - 265.50 - 0.75 - Monday - week 10 weigh in - 4.50 lbs. - WALK - 2.45 MILES - 48:35
04/07/09 - 265.25 - 0.25 - NO EXERCISE
04/08/09 - 264.75 - 0.50 - 2.13 MILES - 38:05

04/09/09 - 265.50 + 0.75 - NO EXERCISE
04/10/09 - 264.00 - 1.50 - 2.03 MILES - 33:34
04/11/09 - 264.00 - 0.00 - 5.03 MILES - 1 HR. 32 MINS.
04/12/09 - 262.00 - 2.00 - NO EXERCISE
04/13/09 - 261.25 - 0.75 - Monday - week 11 weigh in - 4.50 lbs. - 2.43 MILES - 41:07
04/14/09 - 261.00 - 0.25 - NO EXERCISE
04/15/09 - 261.75 + 0.75 - 2.02 MILES - 33:02

thanks troutman! i've just been posting in my diary, but if i post here may feel more accountable and want to work harder so i thought i'd give it a try. i have a heck of a long way to go but really trying to take things one day at a time. currently working out at the gym on average 4 days a week.

HIGHEST WEIGHT: 159.1kgs (350.7 pounds)
CURRENT WEIGHT: 153.5kgs (338.4pounds)
TOTAL WEIGHT LOST: 5.6kgs (12.3pounds)
Friday: 27/03/09 - 157.7kgs (347.6pounds)
Sunday : 29/03/09 - 159.1kgs (350.7pounds) - weight gain from poor eating over the weekend but got back to serious biz on monday
Monday : 30/03/09 - 158.4kgs (349.2pounds)
Tuesday : 31/03/09 - 157.6kgs (347.4pounds)
Wednesday:01/04/09 - 156.7kgs(345.5pounds)
Thursday: 02/04/09 - 156.2kgs(344.4pounds)
Friday: 03/04/09 - 155.8kgs(343.5pounds)
Saturday: 04/04/09 - 155.3kgs(342.4pounds)
Sunday: 05/04/09 - 155.3kgs(342.4pounds) - stayed same because saturday was my cheat day and had some junk food
Monday: 06/04/09 - 155.7kgs(343.3pounds) -had slight increase because i drank during a night out with friends on sunday
Tuesday: 07/04/09 - 155.3kgs(342.4pounds) -got back to hard work on monday so back to where i was on saturday

last week was a bad week, went back to my old eating habits. cleaned up this week. it's like i have one good week then one bad week...i really need to clean up my act for good because it's like i'm taking two steps forward and two steps back!

Sunday: 12/04/09 - 157.6kgs(347.4pounds)
Monday: 13/04/09 - 156.2kgs(344.4pounds)
Tuesday: 14/04/09 - 155.2kgs(342.2pounds)
Wednesday: 15/04/09 - 154.5kgs (340.6pounds) - yay! it means at this rate by tomorrow i should be in my 330's...goodbye 340's!
Thursday: 16/04/09 - 153.8kgs (339.1pounds) -YAY....i'm in the 330's baby!
Friday: 17/04/09 - 153.5kgs(338.4pounds)
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Start date - 01/26/09 - start weight - 311.25 lbs.

04/07/09 - 265.25 - 0.25 - NO EXERCISE
04/08/09 - 264.75 - 0.50 - 2.13 MILES - 38:05

04/09/09 - 265.50 + 0.75 - NO EXERCISE
04/10/09 - 264.00 - 1.50 - 2.03 MILES - 33:34
04/11/09 - 264.00 - 0.00 - 5.03 MILES - 1 HR. 32 MINS.
04/12/09 - 262.00 - 2.00 - NO EXERCISE
04/13/09 - 261.25 - 0.75 - Monday - week 11 weigh in - 4.50 lbs. - 2.43 MILES - 41:07
04/14/09 - 261.00 - 0.25 - NO EXERCISE
04/15/09 - 261.75 + 0.75 - 2.02 MILES - 33:02
04/16/09 - 260.75 - 1.00 - 2.95 MILES - 47:21

Hey April, Hows it going your way?
Welcome Cherry! Your in a good group here! Stick with us! You can do it!

Alas, Another migraine! I missed working out yesterday. I feel like this happens to undermine my achievements. But yesterday, I refused! I lowered my calories (thanks Chip =) because of inactivity and waited it out. Now, I hope thats enough of that!
4/12 -208 - Worked out then migraine started
4/13-nothing head still hurts
4/14- 209 worked out double but slipped on diet at hockey pool! grrr! (why do I do this?)
4/15- 209.2 30min aerobic - 30 min strength training
4/16-209 no work out (migraine)
4/17-206.8 -30 min on aerobic rider and wii fit yoga
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I just wanted to ask an extra question here for open discussion.
Does anyone else start experiencing aches and pains caused by weightloss? Like your ribs? When I sleep at night and roll over on my side it feels like my ribs are squishing in. Is this my imagination? I know this is off the topic but I'm among friends =)
Start date - 01/26/09 - start weight - 311.25 lbs.

04/08/09 - 264.75 - 0.50 - 2.13 MILES - 38:05

04/09/09 - 265.50 + 0.75 - NO EXERCISE
04/10/09 - 264.00 - 1.50 - 2.03 MILES - 33:34
04/11/09 - 264.00 - 0.00 - 5.03 MILES - 1 HR. 32 MINS.
04/12/09 - 262.00 - 2.00 - NO EXERCISE
04/13/09 - 261.25 - 0.75 - Monday - week 11 weigh in - 4.50 lbs. - 2.43 MILES - 41:07
04/14/09 - 261.00 - 0.25 - NO EXERCISE
04/15/09 - 261.75 + 0.75 - 2.02 MILES - 33:02
04/16/09 - 260.75 - 1.00 - 2.95 MILES - 47:21
04/17/09 - 261.50 + 0.75 - NO EXERCISE

Thanks Chip, Me too..every night when I roll over my ribs just kill and I can't think of anything I'm doing to make that happen. Maybe its just age. ugh!
hey littlebitnorth, thanks for the welcome....and to answer your question, i also have aches every single time i've been to the gym. i actually just posted the question on monday in a different thread asking if others felt the same....so i'm glad to know i'm not alone! i guess no pain, no gain right? oh the torture! lol! all the best xoxo


HIGHEST WEIGHT: 159.1kgs (350.7 pounds)
CURRENT WEIGHT: 153.0kgs (337.3pounds)

Sunday: 12/04/09 - 157.6kgs(347.4pounds)
Monday: 13/04/09 - 156.2kgs(344.4pounds) : (combat class, step-aerobics class and weights)
Tuesday: 14/04/09 - 155.2kgs(342.2pounds) : (aerboics class and step-aerobics class)
Wednesday: 15/04/09 - 154.5kgs (340.6pounds) : (rested)
Thursday: 16/04/09 - 153.8kgs (339.1pounds) : (combat class, aerobics class, and weights)
Friday: 17/04/09 - 153.5kgs(338.4pounds) : (rested)
Saturday: 18/04/09 - 153.0kgs(337.3pounds)
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Thanks Cherry =) I guess if it hurts we must be doing something right. Ugh! LOL
btw- you are doing awesome! Way to go!

4/12 -208 - Worked out then migraine started
4/13-nothing head still hurts
4/14- 209 worked out double but slipped on diet at hockey pool! grrr! (why do I do this?)
4/15- 209.2 30min aerobic - 30 min strength training
4/16-209 no work out (migraine)
4/17-206.8 -30 min on aerobic rider and wii fit yoga
4/18 - 207.2 30 min aerobic 60min walk 30min strength training
thanks littlebitnorth,

i guess for me since i have a looong way to go and quite a bit of weight to loose for now it seems like i'm loosing a decent amount of kg's (which i'm glad about), HOWEVER basically at my weight it doesn't show physically....so unless i'm super strict with diet and exercise continuously week after week, then i'll be able to start seeing some physical changes.

it can sometime be discouraging for me, but everyday when i see the scale go down a little it makes me want to do right so that i don't ruin things.

you and troutman seem to be doing great! and hope your migraine went away? i see you've made progress towards the end of the week. we can do this!
I want to join!
