Weigh Yourself Everyday (or frequently) Club

start date: 03/10/09 start weight: 241.8

how do you add your weightloss ticker? mine just keeps showing up as a link rather than actually being in my post.
I haven't lost one single pound in 3 weeks. hah! I am such a winner.
anyway I am here for the long run- eating healthy and regular exercise so I am not that bumbed about not being able to lose anything just yet.
Start date - 01/26/09 - start weight - 311.25 lbs.

03/30/09 - 270.00 + 0.50 - Monday - week 9 weigh in - 3.50 lbs.
03/31/09 - 269.50 - 0.50 -
04/01/09 - 268.50 - 1.00 - WALK - 2.25 MILES - 39:59
04/02/09 - 268.50 - 0.00 - NO EXERCISE
04/03/09 - 267.75 - 0.75 - WALK / VERY LIGHT LIGHT LIGHT JOG - 2.37 MILES - 39:35
04/04/09 - 266.25 - 1.50 - WALK & VERY OCCASIONAL LIGHT JOG - 5.07 MILES - 1 HR. 38 MIN.
04/05/09 - 266.25 - 0.00 - NO EXERCISE
04/06/09 - 265.50 - 0.75 - Monday - week 10 weigh in - 4.50 lbs. - WALK - 2.45 MILES - 48:35
04/07/09 - 265.25 - 0.25 - NO EXERCISE
04/08/09 - 264.75 - 0.50 - WALK & VERY OCCASIONAL LIGHT JOG - 2.13 MILES - 38:05

Start date - 01/26/09 - start weight - 311.25 lbs.

03/31/09 - 269.50 - 0.50 -
04/01/09 - 268.50 - 1.00 - WALK - 2.25 MILES - 39:59
04/02/09 - 268.50 - 0.00 - NO EXERCISE
04/03/09 - 267.75 - 0.75 - WALK / VERY LIGHT LIGHT LIGHT JOG - 2.37 MILES - 39:35
04/04/09 - 266.25 - 1.50 - WALK & VERY OCCASIONAL LIGHT JOG - 5.07 MILES - 1 HR. 38 MIN.
04/05/09 - 266.25 - 0.00 - NO EXERCISE
04/06/09 - 265.50 - 0.75 - Monday - week 10 weigh in - 4.50 lbs. - WALK - 2.45 MILES - 48:35
04/07/09 - 265.25 - 0.25 - NO EXERCISE
04/08/09 - 264.75 - 0.50 - WALK & VERY OCCASIONAL LIGHT JOG - 2.13 MILES - 38:05
04/09/09 - 265.50 + 0.75 - NO EXERCISE

Hi all,
Well yesterday I read something that made me feel a lot better about my weight staying the same. I have just started really working out hard with strength training added to my 30min bike. I was losing inches but the scale was staying the same. I get really caught up in that because of dealing with anorexia at a younger age and obsess about it all day long. So when reading about plateu's and causes I found an artical that said if your losing inches and the scale isn't going down, you haven't hit a platue. Sometimes when just starting out adding strength training, the muscle you add on to your body can out weigh the fat your losing. So the scale doesn't go down but your actually putting on muscle that will eventually burn more fat and help the scale go down even qucker than before. Maybe most of you knew that already, but I was really struggling and getting all teared up about it, so maybe this will help someone else when they feel like all that hard work isn't putting out...or actually..taking off. It really is!
And bonus, the scale did go down a little more. Not much but still maybe the ole metaboism is kicking it up a notch. God Please!!
Good luck =)
April 9 - 211.2
April 10- 210.3
Start date - 01/26/09 - start weight - 311.25 lbs.

03/31/09 - 269.50 - 0.50 -
04/01/09 - 268.50 - 1.00 - WALK - 2.25 MILES - 39:59
04/02/09 - 268.50 - 0.00 - NO EXERCISE
04/03/09 - 267.75 - 0.75 - WALK / VERY LIGHT LIGHT LIGHT JOG - 2.37 MILES - 39:35

04/04/09 - 266.25 - 1.50 - WALK & VERY OCCASIONAL LIGHT JOG - 5.07 MILES - 1 HR. 38 MIN.
04/05/09 - 266.25 - 0.00 - NO EXERCISE
04/06/09 - 265.50 - 0.75 - Monday - week 10 weigh in - 4.50 lbs. - WALK - 2.45 MILES - 48:35
04/07/09 - 265.25 - 0.25 - NO EXERCISE
04/08/09 - 264.75 - 0.50 - WALK & VERY OCCASIONAL LIGHT JOG - 2.13 MILES - 38:05

04/09/09 - 265.50 + 0.75 - NO EXERCISE

04/10/09 - 264.00 - 1.50 - 2.03 MILES - 33:34

Hi Chip,
I am 5'8" and not really counting calories literally but I watch that I am seriously limiting any fat that doesn't come in a vegetable and carbohydrates that come from a grain or sugars and eating protien from eggs beans or rinsed off hamburger or chicken breast and keeping those portions small. Mostly just eating things that come nearest the source..as they put it. Everything fresh. If I counted calories I would imagine its prob between 1500 and 2000. I think I do eat too much sodium though because I can't stand having no flavor
Counting calories kind of messes me up because of the portion sizes. It doesn't seem to be precise and honestly..I really hate math. If there was an easy way to do it I probably would though.
Do you have ideas of what I could do better? I'm all in for that!
I'm down a little bit more today! =)
PS. You are doing amazing and really a motivation to me!
4/9 - 211.2
4/10- 210.3
4/11- 208.8
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Start date - 01/26/09 - start weight - 311.25 lbs.

04/02/09 - 268.50 - 0.00 - NO EXERCISE
04/03/09 - 267.75 - 0.75 - WALK / VERY LIGHT LIGHT LIGHT JOG - 2.37 MILES - 39:35
04/04/09 - 266.25 - 1.50 - WALK & VERY OCCASIONAL LIGHT JOG - 5.07 MILES - 1 HR. 38 MIN.
04/05/09 - 266.25 - 0.00 - NO EXERCISE
04/06/09 - 265.50 - 0.75 - Monday - week 10 weigh in - 4.50 lbs. - WALK - 2.45 MILES - 48:35
04/07/09 - 265.25 - 0.25 - NO EXERCISE
04/08/09 - 264.75 - 0.50 - WALK & VERY OCCASIONAL LIGHT JOG - 2.13 MILES - 38:05

04/09/09 - 265.50 + 0.75 - NO EXERCISE
04/10/09 - 264.00 - 1.50 - 2.03 MILES - 33:34
04/11/09 - 264.00 - 0.00 - 5.03 MILES - 1 HR. 32 MINS.

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Hi Littlebitnorth,

As much as we don't like it calories in calories out determines if we weigh the same, lose, or gain weight. I know our bodies will hold water because of sodium or you gain muscle etc. If I'm not losing weight it's not that I'm retaining water or gaining muscle, or any other excuse I want to use. Whenever I'm not losing weight I count calories for one week. Guess what all of a sudden I lose weight. I find just a few little things that make a good week or a bad week. You might want to try it. Good Luck in your counting your calories.

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Hi Chip,
When I think about it, your so right, a calorie is a calorie, doesn't matter where it comes from. I find when I get so obsessed with losing weight, I forget what my main goal was to begin with. Thank you for being straight with me and for your advice. I will take it. This is a long road and its nice to know your not on it alone =)

4/9 - 211.2
4/10- 210.3
4/11- 208.8
4/12- 208.3
If I could just get over the mark where my Wii Fit scale is saying 'Your Obese" in a snotty tone every morning, my coffee would stop curdling in my stomach!
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Start date - 01/26/09 - start weight - 311.25 lbs.

04/03/09 - 267.75 - 0.75 - WALK / VERY LIGHT LIGHT LIGHT JOG - 2.37 MILES - 39:35
04/04/09 - 266.25 - 1.50 - WALK & VERY OCCASIONAL LIGHT JOG - 5.07 MILES - 1 HR. 38 MIN.
04/05/09 - 266.25 - 0.00 - NO EXERCISE
04/06/09 - 265.50 - 0.75 - Monday - week 10 weigh in - 4.50 lbs. - WALK - 2.45 MILES - 48:35
04/07/09 - 265.25 - 0.25 - NO EXERCISE
04/08/09 - 264.75 - 0.50 - WALK & VERY OCCASIONAL LIGHT JOG - 2.13 MILES - 38:05

04/09/09 - 265.50 + 0.75 - NO EXERCISE
04/10/09 - 264.00 - 1.50 - 2.03 MILES - 33:34
04/11/09 - 264.00 - 0.00 - 5.03 MILES - 1 HR. 32 MINS.
04/12/09 - 262.00 - 2.00 - NO EXERCISE


It is great to know your not alone. This website really helps. I wish I had more time to contribute, I just work to much right now. My wife told me a calorie is not a calorie; it is what you eat. I told her I could have my regular calories in ice cream & I would still lose weight. I did lose weight. I sort of want to go on the ice cream diet. It is my favorite food.

Hi Chip,
When I think about it, your so right, a calorie is a calorie, doesn't matter where it comes from. I find when I get so obsessed with losing weight, I forget what my main goal was to begin with. Thank you for being straight with me and for your advice. I will take it. This is a long road and its nice to know your not on it alone =)

4/9 - 211.2
4/10- 210.3
4/11- 208.8
4/12- 208.3
If I could just get over the mark where my Wii Fit scale is saying 'Your Obese" in a snotty tone every morning, my coffee would stop curdling in my stomach!
Hey Littlebit! :seeya:

We are close to the same weight and losing close to the same amount of weight since Apr 1. Here is my log but not daily.

1- 214.8
2- 213.8
10- 212.0
12- 211.6

You're up on me 4.0 - 3.2 Good job. I hope I can keep pace with you.
I lost one kilo!
sure it isn't much but I am happy anyway haha
it means I am again under 70 kg, and closer to my first goal: 65.
4/1: 135.5
4/2: 136
4/3: 133
4/4: 132
4/6: 136.5
4/10- 132
4/11- 130.5
4/12- 130.5
4/13- 128.5!!!!! I told myself I'm not going to get on the scale until Friday. It's starting to mess with my head again. I'll be back then. Hopefully with a new low weight. I've never been below 128.5 before.