Weigh Yourself Everyday (or frequently) Club

Start date - 01/26/09 - start weight - 311.25 lbs.

04/09/09 - 265.50 + 0.75 - NO EXERCISE
04/10/09 - 264.00 - 1.50 - 2.03 MILES - 33:34
04/11/09 - 264.00 - 0.00 - 5.03 MILES - 1 HR. 32 MINS.
04/12/09 - 262.00 - 2.00 - NO EXERCISE
04/13/09 - 261.25 - 0.75 - Monday - week 11 weigh in - 4.50 lbs. - 2.43 MILES - 41:07
04/14/09 - 261.00 - 0.25 - NO EXERCISE
04/15/09 - 261.75 + 0.75 - 2.02 MILES - 33:02
04/16/09 - 260.75 - 1.00 - 2.95 MILES - 47:21
04/17/09 - 261.50 + 0.75 - NO EXERCISE

Start date - 01/26/09 - start weight - 311.25 lbs.

04/10/09 - 264.00 - 1.50 - 2.03 MILES - 33:34
04/11/09 - 264.00 - 0.00 - 5.03 MILES - 1 HR. 32 MINS.
04/12/09 - 262.00 - 2.00 - NO EXERCISE
04/13/09 - 261.25 - 0.75 - Monday - week 11 weigh in - 4.50 lbs. - 2.43 MILES - 41:07
04/14/09 - 261.00 - 0.25 - NO EXERCISE
04/15/09 - 261.75 + 0.75 - 2.02 MILES - 33:02
04/16/09 - 260.75 - 1.00 - 2.95 MILES - 47:21
04/17/09 - 261.50 + 0.75 - NO EXERCISE
04/18/09 - 262.75 + 1.25 - 5.24 MILES - 1 HR. 29 MINS.
04/19/09 - 262.00 - 0.75 - NO EXERCISE

Welcome Redneck woman =)
AprilFool how are you doing?

Cherry, I totally understand about the not noticing any physical changes. I don't see any on me either. Everyone around me calls me big boned. I'm actually between small and medium boned but I just look like a big girl. But...last night I was putting lotion on my arms and I did a double take. It didn't look like my arm. I actually thought I was getting another migraine..haha. My arm has toned. Thats it.. its working! I guess you have to start noticing it on the smallest parts first and then it starts showing on the bigger areas. I have yoyo'd so many times in my life, people around me don't notice any changes or just dont care. But this time, I want to go all the way down. Its a lifestyle change, not a diet. I think thats where my mistake started years ago.
Chip! Steak..Yum! Good thing we dont live in the same house. The other day I just had steak..nothing else..just a big steak. I saved up my calories for it, hahaha
This forum is helping me more than I ever imagined something like this would! We can all do this!
Starting - 227 - August 2008
Current - 206.8

4/12 -208 - Worked out then migraine started
4/13-nothing head still hurts
4/14- 209 worked out double but slipped on diet at hockey pool! grrr! (why do I do this?)
4/15- 209.2 30min aerobic - 30 min strength training
4/16-209 no work out (migraine)
4/17-206.8 -30 min on aerobic rider and wii fit yoga
4/18 - 207.2 30 min aerobic 60min walk 30min strength training
4/19-206.8 30min aerobic 60 min walk
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Hey everyone, hope all's going well with all.

littlebitnorth, wow that's really encouraging! i'll start closely looking at my body from now on so that i can notice any changes....i stopped looking at myself in the mirror years ago because i really hated how i looked, but i've been working on starting to love myself and my body once again ever since i started my new healthy eating/exercising....so who knows...maybe now the mirror will become my friend and no longer my enemy :)

HIGHEST WEIGHT: 159.1kgs (350.7 pounds)
CURRENT WEIGHT: 153.0kgs (337.3pounds)

Sunday: 12/04/09 - 157.6kgs(347.4pounds)
Monday: 13/04/09 - 156.2kgs(344.4pounds) : (combat class, step-aerobics class and weights)
Tuesday: 14/04/09 - 155.2kgs(342.2pounds) : (aerboics class and step-aerobics class)
Wednesday: 15/04/09 - 154.5kgs (340.6pounds) : (rested)
Thursday: 16/04/09 - 153.8kgs (339.1pounds) : (combat class, aerobics class, and weights)
Friday: 17/04/09 - 153.5kgs(338.4pounds) : (rested because knee was acting up)
Saturday: 18/04/09 - 153.0kgs(337.3pounds) - (rested still because of knee)
Sunday: 19/04/09 - 153.0kgs (337.3pounds) - (60min treadmill, weights, 45min combat class)
Cherry, I know exactly how you feel. When I looked in the mirror my eyes always went to my stomach even if I wanted to look at my hair, but all that is changing. I think your right. A more healthy lifestyle. I don't think the image in the mirror has changed as much as the way I see myself. Interesting that your thinking the same thing, Thats awesome!
Chip, are guys the same way or is it just us women that get that body image thing?
Starting - 227 - August 2008
Current - 206.8
April 20- 206.8 Aerobics and walk
hey littlebitnorth, i know, it's really interesting we were thinking alike! everyday i say i'm glad i joined the WLForum because i'm finally getting to interact with people who have had the same battle i'm having....so i don't feel so alone anymore, and now i'm motivated everyday because i know there's a whole bunch of people all going through the same journey with me.

otherwise hope all's well with everyone, hey troutman, i was also wondering the same thing about what LBN asked earlier, that is, if guys have the same self image issues as women do, because if they do, they sure hide it well.

Week 8 of exercise
HIGHEST WEIGHT: 159.1kgs (350.7 pounds)
CURRENT WEIGHT: 152.7kgs (336.6pounds)

Sunday: 19/04/09 - 153.0kgs (60min treadmill, weights, 45min combat class)
Monday: 20/04/09 - 152.7kgs (60min treadmill and 45min combat class)
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Week 12 weigh-in

Start date - 01/26/09 - start weight - 311.25 lbs.

04/11/09 - 264.00 - 0.00 - 5.03 MILES - 1 HR. 32 MINS.
04/12/09 - 262.00 - 2.00 - NO EXERCISE
04/13/09 - 261.25 - 0.75 - Monday - week 11 weigh in - 4.50 lbs. - 2.43 MILES - 41:07
04/14/09 - 261.00 - 0.25 - NO EXERCISE
04/15/09 - 261.75 + 0.75 - 2.02 MILES - 33:02
04/16/09 - 260.75 - 1.00 - 2.95 MILES - 47:21
04/17/09 - 261.50 + 0.75 - NO EXERCISE
04/18/09 - 262.75 + 1.25 - 5.24 MILES - 1 HR. 29 MINS.
04/19/09 - 262.00 - 0.75 - NO EXERCISE
04/20/09 - 262.25 + 0.25 - 1.00 MILE - NO TIME - Monday - week 12 weigh in + 1.00 lbs - I think maybe if I would quit eating so much the scale may go down. Just a thought.

Hey all, It has been forever since I have logged on to the site. Anyway, I lost about 8lbs , but (there is ALWAYS a but) I gained a few lbs back =( Im weighing in at 136 =(
I have 6 lbs to loose by my deadline of June 1. HOPEFULLY I can do it, im back to working out and im sticking to a vegetarian diet as much as I can! =)
Week 8 of exercise

HIGHEST WEIGHT: 159.1kgs (350.7 pounds)
CURRENT WEIGHT: 152.2kgs (335.5pounds)
Sunday: 19/04/09 - 153.0kgs(337.3pounds) : (60min treadmill, weights, combat class)
Monday: 20/04/09 - 152.7kgs(336.6pounds) : (60min treadmill, 45min combat class)
Tuesday: 21/04/09 - 152.2kgs(335.5pounds)
Well guy's I guess I have no choice but to join this club. I wasn't really an advocate of weighing myself everyday but the Wii Fit balance board forces me to weigh myself daily in order to get a stamp on my calendar lol. :) So as of today my weight is: 173.2 lbs.
oh Chip! I knew it!!! You probably don't get that once a month thing where you zone into anything with chocolate on it in a 1 mile radius, Either!!!
I'm there,..thats a major struggle for me. I feel like I always undo all the good its taken a month to accomplish. So here we go. I also ran out of my hydroxycut and I didn't think it was helping but now I think it was. It had some kind of perk up motivation to it.
Good luck to the new joiners and the come-backers =)

PS. I sure like seeing you guys every morning, you really help me.

Starting - 227 - August 2008
Current - 206.4
April 20- 206.8 Aerobics and walk
April 21- 206.4 Aerobics, strength training, chasing cows ugh!
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Start date - 01/26/09 - start weight - 311.25 lbs.

04/12/09 - 262.00 - 2.00 - NO EXERCISE
04/13/09 - 261.25 - 0.75 - Monday - week 11 weigh in - 4.50 lbs. - 2.43 MILES - 41:07
04/14/09 - 261.00 - 0.25 - NO EXERCISE
04/15/09 - 261.75 + 0.75 - 2.02 MILES - 33:02
04/16/09 - 260.75 - 1.00 - 2.95 MILES - 47:21
04/17/09 - 261.50 + 0.75 - NO EXERCISE
04/18/09 - 262.75 + 1.25 - 5.24 MILES - 1 HR. 29 MINS.
04/19/09 - 262.00 - 0.75 - NO EXERCISE
04/20/09 - 262.25 + 0.25 - 1.00 MILE - NO TIME - Monday - week 12 weigh in + 1.00 lbs

04/21/09 - 261.75 - 0.50 - 2.56 MILES - 41:35

Week 8 of exercise

HIGHEST WEIGHT: 159.1kgs (350.7 pounds)
CURRENT WEIGHT: 152.2kgs (335.5pounds)
Sunday: 19/04/09 - 153.0kgs(337.3pounds) : (60min treadmill, weights, combat class)
Monday: 20/04/09 - 152.7kgs(336.6pounds) : (60min treadmill, 45min combat class)
Tuesday: 21/04/09 - 152.2kgs(335.5pounds) : (60min treadmill, 45min aerobics class, weights)
Wednesday: 22/04/09 - 152.2kgs(335.5pounds) : (rest day, no exercise)
Starting - 227 - August 2008
Current - 205.3
April 20- 206.8 Aerobics and walk
April 21- 206.4 Aerobics, strength training, chasing cows ugh!
April 22- 205.3 Aerobics + wii Fit yoga
Start date - 01/26/09 - start weight - 311.25 lbs.

04/13/09 - 261.25 - 0.75 - Monday - week 11 weigh in - 4.50 lbs. - 2.43 MILES - 41:07
04/14/09 - 261.00 - 0.25 - NO EXERCISE
04/15/09 - 261.75 + 0.75 - 2.02 MILES - 33:02
04/16/09 - 260.75 - 1.00 - 2.95 MILES - 47:21
04/17/09 - 261.50 + 0.75 - NO EXERCISE
04/18/09 - 262.75 + 1.25 - 5.24 MILES - 1 HR. 29 MINS.
04/19/09 - 262.00 - 0.75 - NO EXERCISE
04/20/09 - 262.25 + 0.25 - 1.00 MILE - NO TIME - Monday - week 12 weigh in + 1.00 lbs

04/21/09 - 261.75 - 0.50 - 2.56 MILES - 41:35
04/22/09 - 259.75 - 2.00 - 3.40 MILES - 53:47

Week 8 of exercise

HIGHEST WEIGHT: 159.1kgs (350.7pounds)
CURRENT WEIGHT: 151.5kgs(334pounds)

Sunday: 19/04/09 - 153.0kgs(337.3pounds) : (60min treadmill, weights, combat class)
Monday: 20/04/09 - 152.7kgs(336.6pounds) : (60min treadmill, 45min combat class)
Tuesday: 21/04/09 - 152.2kgs(335.5pounds) : (60min treadmill, aerobics class, weights)
Wednesday: 22/04/09 - 152.2kgs(335.5pounds) : (rest day)
Thursday: 23/04/09 - 151.5kgs(334pounds) :