Weigh Yourself Everyday (or frequently) Club

Starting - 239 - Jan 2008 <--Changed my start weight because my old scale weighed me
12lbs lighter.
Current - 204.4
April 20- 206.8 Aerobics and walk
April 21- 206.4 Aerobics, strength training, chasing cows ugh!
April 22- 205.3 Aerobics + farm
April 23- 204.4 aerobics + farm <--so excited because I'm under my 205 goal early =)

You guys are all rocking! Nice stats! Working hard!
Start date - 01/26/09 - start weight - 311.25 lbs.

04/14/09 - 261.00 - 0.25 - NO EXERCISE
04/15/09 - 261.75 + 0.75 - 2.02 MILES - 33:02
04/16/09 - 260.75 - 1.00 - 2.95 MILES - 47:21
04/17/09 - 261.50 + 0.75 - NO EXERCISE
04/18/09 - 262.75 + 1.25 - 5.24 MILES - 1 HR. 29 MINS.
04/19/09 - 262.00 - 0.75 - NO EXERCISE
04/20/09 - 262.25 + 0.25 - 1.00 MILE - NO TIME - Monday - week 12 weigh in + 1.00 lbs

04/21/09 - 261.75 - 0.50 - 2.56 MILES - 41:35
04/22/09 - 259.75 - 2.00 - 3.40 MILES - 53:47

04/23/09 - 258.25 - 1.50 - 3.55 MILES - 1 HR. 2 MINS.


Week 8 of exercise

HIGHEST WEIGHT: 159.1kgs (350.7pounds)
CURRENT WEIGHT: 151.5kgs(334pounds)

Sunday: 19/04/09 - 153.0kgs(337.3pounds) : (60min treadmill, weights, combat class)
Monday: 20/04/09 - 152.7kgs(336.6pounds) : (60min treadmill, 45min combat class)
Tuesday: 21/04/09 - 152.2kgs(335.5pounds) : (60min treadmill, aerobics class, weights)
Wednesday: 22/04/09 - 152.2kgs(335.5pounds) : (rest day)
Thursday: 23/04/09 - 151.5kgs(334pounds) : (60min treadmill, 45min aerobics class, weights)
Friday: 24/04/09 - 151.5kgs(334pounds) :
Wow we are all doing so good!


Starting - 239 - Jan 2008 <--Changed my start weight because my old scale weighed me
12lbs lighter.
Current - 204.4
April 20- 206.8 Aerobics and walk
April 21- 206.4 Aerobics, strength training, chasing cows ugh!
April 22- 205.3 Aerobics + farm
April 23- 204.4 aerobics + farm <--so excited because I'm under my 205 goal early =)
April 24-203.7 Aerobics + farm + strength
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Start date - 01/26/09 - start weight - 311.25 lbs.

04/15/09 - 261.75 + 0.75 - 2.02 MILES - 33:02
04/16/09 - 260.75 - 1.00 - 2.95 MILES - 47:21
04/17/09 - 261.50 + 0.75 - NO EXERCISE
04/18/09 - 262.75 + 1.25 - 5.24 MILES - 1 HR. 29 MINS.
04/19/09 - 262.00 - 0.75 - NO EXERCISE
04/20/09 - 262.25 + 0.25 - 1.00 MILE - NO TIME - Monday - week 12 weigh in + 1.00 lbs
04/21/09 - 261.75 - 0.50 - 2.56 MILES - 41:35
04/22/09 - 259.75 - 2.00 - 3.40 MILES - 53:47
04/23/09 - 258.25 - 1.50 - 3.55 MILES - 1 HR. 2 MINS.
04/23/09 - 258.00 - 0.25 - NO EXERCISE

hey LBN, i see i'm not the only one who had scale issues, a few weeks ago i found out the gym scale was wrong and then decided to buy my own scale and i actually found out i weighed like 24pounds more than i thought i did! i felt so bad because i felt like my goal had been pushed further and it really threw me off, but i got back up and kept on and i'm glad i did.

i agree, it's really great to see everyones making some good progress! WE CAN DO THIS!

HIGHEST WEIGHT: 159.1kgs (350.7pounds)
CURRENT WEIGHT: 151.0kgs(332.9pounds)

Sunday: 19/04/09 - 153.0kgs(337.3pounds) : (60min treadmill, weights, combat class)
Monday: 20/04/09 - 152.7kgs(336.6pounds) : (60min treadmill, 45min combat class)
Tuesday: 21/04/09 - 152.2kgs(335.5pounds) : (60min treadmill, aerobics class, weights)
Wednesday: 22/04/09 - 152.2kgs(335.5pounds) : (rest day)
Thursday: 23/04/09 - 151.5kgs(334pounds) : (60min treadmill, 45min aerobics class, weights)
Friday: 24/04/09 - 151.5kgs(334pounds) : (60min treadmill, weights, 60min treadmill)
Saturday: 25/04/09 - 151.0kgs(332.9pounds) :
Start date - 01/26/09 - start weight - 311.25 lbs.

04/15/09 - 261.75 + 0.75 - 2.02 MILES - 33:02
04/16/09 - 260.75 - 1.00 - 2.95 MILES - 47:21
04/17/09 - 261.50 + 0.75 - NO EXERCISE
04/18/09 - 262.75 + 1.25 - 5.24 MILES - 1 HR. 29 MINS.
04/19/09 - 262.00 - 0.75 - NO EXERCISE
04/20/09 - 262.25 + 0.25 - 1.00 MILE - NO TIME - Monday - week 12 weigh in + 1.00 lbs
04/21/09 - 261.75 - 0.50 - 2.56 MILES - 41:35
04/22/09 - 259.75 - 2.00 - 3.40 MILES - 53:47
04/23/09 - 258.25 - 1.50 - 3.55 MILES - 1 HR. 2 MINS.
04/24/09 - 258.00 - 0.25 - NO EXERCISE
04/26/09 - 259.00 + 1.00 - 5.59 MILES - 1 HR. 38 MINS.

Hi Cherry,
I know, I know.. I just wanted to cry when I stepped on my Wii Fit and it weighed me more. I got that old scale and chucked it. HARD! lol. I still think about my weight and then think...Ok..the old scale would say I weigh this..then I dont feel set back. I can still see the loss.
I didn't weigh this morning. I had a slumber party with my little neice and nephew and we sort of pigged out on snack food. I haven't let go like that in a couple of months. This morning I ws so ashamed...and half sick! I am working my butt off trying to get rid of the calories before they find a resting place. I will weigh tomorrow, then we shall see..ugh!
Hey LBN,
i really don't know why we have to let a number rule us like this. during that time i slipped in my diet for like 5 days and ate a whole bunch of crap because i was so depressed about it (and added 3 pounds i might add), then decided i shouldn't let a number rule me and just got back up and continued with the programme, back to the healthy eating and exercising. i've just checked my diary and that was march 27th, one month ago! so i've come a long way since then....and so shall you! you've put so much hard work in and that's what matters. don't let a number set you back. WE ALL CAN DO THIS!

Hi Cherry,
I know, I know.. I just wanted to cry when I stepped on my Wii Fit and it weighed me more. I got that old scale and chucked it. HARD! lol. I still think about my weight and then think...Ok..the old scale would say I weigh this..then I dont feel set back. I can still see the loss.
I didn't weigh this morning. I had a slumber party with my little neice and nephew and we sort of pigged out on snack food. I haven't let go like that in a couple of months. This morning I ws so ashamed...and half sick! I am working my butt off trying to get rid of the calories before they find a resting place. I will weigh tomorrow, then we shall see..ugh!
04/21/2009-265 lbs.
04/22/2009-262.8 lbs.
04/23/2009-261.4 lbs.
04/24/2009-260.2 lbs.
04/25/2009-259.2 lbs.
04/26/2009-259.6 lbs.
Cherry, Thank you, its amazing! I have never tried this weightloss with a support group. I knew I would gain weight because of the other night. I was down when I saw such a gain. But then I get on here, see how everyone is doing and your motivating words, I can do it again. We can all do this..I think this group that Chip started is a "god send"!
And we can all do this!

Starting - 239 -
Current - 204.8
April 20- 206.8 Aerobics and walk
April 21- 206.4 Aerobics, strength training, chasing cows ugh!
April 22- 205.3 Aerobics + farm
April 23- 204.4 aerobics + farm <--so excited because I'm under my 205 goal early =)
April 24-203.7 Aerobics + farm + strength
April 25- 204.8 Aerobics + washing walls and painting
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Start date - 01/26/09 - start weight - 311.25 lbs.

04/17/09 - 261.50 + 0.75 - NO EXERCISE
04/18/09 - 262.75 + 1.25 - 5.24 MILES - 1 HR. 29 MINS.
04/19/09 - 262.00 - 0.75 - NO EXERCISE
04/20/09 - 262.25 + 0.25 - 1.00 MILE - NO TIME - Monday - week 12 weigh in + 1.00 lbs
04/21/09 - 261.75 - 0.50 - 2.56 MILES - 41:35
04/22/09 - 259.75 - 2.00 - 3.40 MILES - 53:47
04/23/09 - 258.25 - 1.50 - 3.55 MILES - 1 HR. 2 MINS.
04/24/09 - 258.00 - 0.25 - NO EXERCISE
04/26/09 - 259.00 + 1.00 - 5.59 MILES - 1 HR. 38 MINS.
04/27/09 - 257.75 - 1.25 - NO EXERCISE

Week 8 of exercise: Sunday

hey LBN, glad to hear your doing better now :), and yes i totally agree that it is really nice to have support especially when it's from people going through the same journey...it's a long road, but we're all slowly and surely getting to our destination :driving:

HIGHEST WEIGHT: 159.1kgs (350.7pounds)
CURRENT WEIGHT: 151.0kgs(332.9pounds)

Sunday: 19/04/09 - 153.0kgs(337.3pounds) : (60min treadmill, weights, combat class)
Monday: 20/04/09 - 152.7kgs(336.6pounds) : (60min treadmill, 45min combat class)
Tuesday: 21/04/09 - 152.2kgs(335.5pounds) : (60min treadmill, aerobics class, weights)
Wednesday: 22/04/09 - 152.2kgs(335.5pounds) : (rest day)
Thursday: 23/04/09 - 151.5kgs(334pounds) : (60min treadmill, 45min aerobics class, weights)
Friday: 24/04/09 - 151.5kgs(334pounds) : (60min treadmill, weights, 60min treadmill)
Saturday: 25/04/09 - 151.0kgs(332.9pounds) : (no gym)
Sunday: 26/04/09 - 151.0kgs(332.9pounds) : (60min treadmill, weights, 60min treadmill)
I'm gonna try this, I used to always weigh in weekly, but i think weighing in everyday will make me more accountable:

So. Day 1

April 26th 2009 - 191.6 lbs

HIGHEST WEIGHT: 159.1kgs (350.7pounds)
CURRENT WEIGHT: 150.6kgs(332pounds)

Sunday: 26/04/09 - 151.0kgs(332.9pounds) : (60min treadmill, weights, 60min treadmill)
Monday: 27/04/09 - 150.6kgs(332pounds) :
04/21/2009-265 lbs.
04/22/2009-262.8 lbs.
04/23/2009-261.4 lbs.
04/24/2009-260.2 lbs.
04/25/2009-259.2 lbs.
04/26/2009-259.6 lbs.
04/27/2009-259.6 lbs.