Weigh Yourself Everyday (or frequently) Club

START DATE - 01/26/09 - START WEIGHT - 311.25 LBS.

03/03/09 - 281.75 + 1.00
03/04/09 - 280.25 - 1.50
03/05/09 - 280.00 - 0.25
03/06/09 - 279.50 - 0.50
03/07/09 - 279.25 - 0.25 :eek: I ate a lot today.
03/08/09 - 280.50 + 1.25 :eek: I ate a lot today.
03/09/09 - 281.75 + 1.25 :cuss: MONDAY - WEEK 6 WEIGH IN + 1.00 LBS.
03/10/09 - 279.00 - 2.75
03/11/09 - 277.50 - 1.50
03/12/09 - 277.75 + 0.26

WOW kakutzi your doing great.

Thanks Chip :waving: Its been tough, but i hope to keep making progress! Cant get to the gym today, so it'll be interesting to see what the scales do overnight....
02/27/2009 - 184.8
03/12/2009 - 185.4
03/13/2009 - 184.0

03/24/2009 - GOAL FOR 180.0

Mini goals
20%/198.6 - meet
35%/188.55 - meet
60%/171.8 -
Last edited:
3/9 185.24 (0) weigh in day - lost 2.2
3/10 185.24 (0)
3/11 184.36 (-0.88)
3/12 182.6 (-1.8)
3/13 180.84 (-1.8)
3/14 178.64 (-2.2)
3/11 - 266 (up from 263.4, wtf)
3/12 - 263.4
3/13 - 262.2
3/14 - 261.6 \m/>_<\m/

It's a success when the numbers get any smaller at all, so I've definitely had a good couple of days. Except I don't know what I'm going to do tonight, the treadmill died 30 seconds before I finished my run. I'm stronger than the machine I'm using to get stronger. ^_^
Last edited:
02/27/2009 - 184.8
03/12/2009 - 185.4
03/13/2009 - 184.0
03/14/2009 - 183.0

03/24/2009 - GOAL FOR 180.0

Mini goals
20%/198.6 - meet
35%/188.55 - meet
60%/171.8 -
3/9 185.24 (0) weigh in day - lost 2.2
3/10 185.24 (0)
3/11 184.36 (-0.88)
3/12 182.6 (-1.8)
3/13 180.84 (-1.8)
3/14 178.64 (-2.2)
3/05 177.76 (-0.88)
START DATE - 01/26/09 - START WEIGHT - 311.25 LBS.

03/05/09 - 280.00 - 0.25
03/06/09 - 279.50 - 0.50
03/07/09 - 279.25 - 0.25 :eek: I ate a lot today.
03/08/09 - 280.50 + 1.25 :eek: I ate a lot today.
03/09/09 - 281.75 + 1.25 :cuss: MONDAY - WEEK 6 WEIGH IN + 1.00 LBS.
03/10/09 - 279.00 - 2.75
03/11/09 - 277.50 - 1.50
03/12/09 - 277.75 + 0.25
03/13/09 - 278.00 + 0.25
03/14/09 - 276.25 - 1.75

START DATE - 01/26/09 - START WEIGHT - 311.25 LBS.

03/06/09 - 279.50 - 0.50
03/07/09 - 279.25 - 0.25 :eek: I ate a lot today.
03/08/09 - 280.50 + 1.25 :eek: I ate a lot today.
03/09/09 - 281.75 + 1.25 :cuss: MONDAY - WEEK 6 WEIGH IN + 1.00 LBS.
03/10/09 - 279.00 - 2.75
03/11/09 - 277.50 - 1.50
03/12/09 - 277.75 + 0.25
03/13/09 - 278.00 + 0.25
03/14/09 - 276.25 - 1.75
03/15/09 - 275.00 - 1.25

3/9 185.24 (0) weigh in day - lost 2.2
3/10 185.24 (0)
3/11 184.36 (-0.88)
3/12 182.6 (-1.8)
3/13 180.84 (-1.8)
3/14 178.64 (-2.2)
3/15 177.76 (-0.88)
3/16 177.32 (-0.44) Weigh in day - lost 7.48!! (Week 3):hurray:


I know I don't post every day, but here's my weight for today:

159.0 lbs!

I'm finally out of the 160's (again!:) ) I hope to stay there this time. At least I did it the healthy way this time, so I should be okay.

Weight throughout the week

10th 179.3 -0.2
11th 181.1 +1.8
12th 179.5 -1.6
13th 179.5 0000
14th 180.0 +0.5
15th 179.1 -0.9
16th 179.5 +0.4

No big deal. But I did do a lot of walking Saturday going to the aquarium and walking around New Orleans. I have continued the Wii Fit regimen. Progressing quickly with the routines that they have. Feeling stronger. I feel like I see a difference since starting but then the scale isn't moving too much. Hopefully the change I see is change from fat to muscle and that would be the reason. I hope to lose at least 20 more pounds before the end of the summer, that's about 4 months. I know not the best goal but I have a trip I am taking with my husband and would like to look as good as I did the day I met him, which that weight would still be more than what I weighed but we will see. :ack2:
START DATE - 01/26/09 - START WEIGHT - 311.25 LBS.

03/07/09 - 279.25 - 0.25 :eek: I ate a lot today.
03/08/09 - 280.50 + 1.25 :eek: I ate a lot today.
03/09/09 - 281.75 + 1.25 :cuss: MONDAY - WEEK 6 WEIGH IN + 1.00 LBS.
03/10/09 - 279.00 - 2.75
03/11/09 - 277.50 - 1.50
03/12/09 - 277.75 + 0.25
03/13/09 - 278.00 + 0.25
03/14/09 - 276.25 - 1.75
03/15/09 - 275.00 - 1.25
03/16/09 - 274.00 - 1.00 :hurray: MONDAY - WEEK 7 WEIGH IN 7.75 LBS.

Well done on your weigh in Chip. What a good week for you.

Here's my weigh in today.

3/16 177.32 (-0.44) Weigh in day - lost 7.48!! (Week 3)
3/07 176.88 (-0.44)