Weigh Yourself Everyday (or frequently) Club

START DATE - 01/26/09 - START WEIGHT - 311.25 LBS.

02/22/09 - 288.75 - 1.25
02/23/09 - 289.00 + 0.25 - MONDAY - WEEK 4 WEIGH IN - 1.25 LBS.:ack2:.
02/24/09 - 286.75 - 2.25
02/25/09 - 286.00 - 0.75
02/26/09 - 285.00 - 1.00
02/27/09 - 283.75 - 1.25
02/28/09 - 283.50 - 0.25
03/01/09 - 281.75 - 1.75
02/02/09 - 280.75 - 1.00 - MONDAY - WEEK 5 WEIGH IN - 8.25 LBS.

Start Weight on 2/20: 133 pounds, 20.2% body fat
Lost in Febuary: 2.5 pounds, .3% body fat

3/1- 129, 19.8%- I was so excited to post this yesterday, and then all the computers at school were down.
3/2- 128.5, 20.1%- I'm losing again!!!!!
Start Weight on 2/20: 133 pounds, 20.2% body fat
Lost in Febuary: 2.5 pounds, .3% body fat

3/1- 129, 19.8%
3/2- 128.5, 20.1%
3/3- 128.5, 20.1%
START DATE - 01/26/09 - START WEIGHT - 311.25 LBS.

02/22/09 - 288.75 - 1.25
02/23/09 - 289.00 + 0.25 - MONDAY - WEEK 4 WEIGH IN - 1.25 LBS.:ack2:.
02/24/09 - 286.75 - 2.25
02/25/09 - 286.00 - 0.75
02/26/09 - 285.00 - 1.00
02/27/09 - 283.75 - 1.25
02/28/09 - 283.50 - 0.25
03/01/09 - 281.75 - 1.75
02/02/09 - 280.75 - 1.00 - MONDAY - WEEK 5 WEIGH IN - 8.25 LBS.
02/03/09 - 281.75 + 1.00 - NOT A GOOD START TO THE WEEK

Start Weight on 2/20: 133 pounds, 20.2% body fat
Lost in Febuary: 2.5 pounds, .3% body fat

3/1- 129, 19.8%
3/2- 128.5, 20.1%
3/3- 128.5, 20.1%
3/4- 129, 20.3% *SIGH*
START DATE - 01/26/09 - START WEIGHT - 311.25 LBS.

02/23/09 - 289.00 + 0.25 - MONDAY - WEEK 4 WEIGH IN - 1.25 LBS.:ack2:.
02/24/09 - 286.75 - 2.25
02/25/09 - 286.00 - 0.75
02/26/09 - 285.00 - 1.00
02/27/09 - 283.75 - 1.25
02/28/09 - 283.50 - 0.25
03/01/09 - 281.75 - 1.75
02/02/09 - 280.75 - 1.00 - MONDAY - WEEK 5 WEIGH IN - 8.25 LBS.
02/03/09 - 281.75 + 1.00
02/04/09 - 280.25 - 1.50

Start Weight on 2/20: 133 pounds, 20.2% body fat
Lost in Febuary: 2.5 pounds, .3% body fat

3/1- 129, 19.8%
3/2- 128.5, 20.1%
3/3- 128.5, 20.1%
3/4- 129, 20.3% *SIGH*
3/5- I'm taking a break from weighing myself every day. It was starting to get to me, and I get a little crazy sometimes feeling bad if my weight goes up even a little. So I'm taking a step back for a few weeks to just focus on eating right and exercising. But I'll be back.
START DATE - 01/26/09 - START WEIGHT - 311.25 LBS.

02/24/09 - 286.75 - 2.25
02/25/09 - 286.00 - 0.75
02/26/09 - 285.00 - 1.00
02/27/09 - 283.75 - 1.25
02/28/09 - 283.50 - 0.25
03/01/09 - 281.75 - 1.75
02/02/09 - 280.75 - 1.00 - MONDAY - WEEK 5 WEIGH IN - 8.25 LBS.
02/03/09 - 281.75 + 1.00
02/04/09 - 280.25 - 1.50
02/04/09 - 280.00 - 0.25

START DATE - 01/26/09 - START WEIGHT - 311.25 LBS.

02/25/09 - 286.00 - 0.75
02/26/09 - 285.00 - 1.00
02/27/09 - 283.75 - 1.25
02/28/09 - 283.50 - 0.25
03/01/09 - 281.75 - 1.75
02/02/09 - 280.75 - 1.00 - MONDAY - WEEK 5 WEIGH IN - 8.25 LBS.
02/03/09 - 281.75 + 1.00
02/04/09 - 280.25 - 1.50
02/05/09 - 280.00 - 0.25
02/06/09 - 279.50 - 0.50

START DATE - 01/26/09 - START WEIGHT - 311.25 LBS.

02/26/09 - 285.00 - 1.00
02/27/09 - 283.75 - 1.25
02/28/09 - 283.50 - 0.25
03/01/09 - 281.75 - 1.75
02/02/09 - 280.75 - 1.00 - MONDAY - WEEK 5 WEIGH IN - 8.25 LBS.
02/03/09 - 281.75 + 1.00
02/04/09 - 280.25 - 1.50
02/05/09 - 280.00 - 0.25
02/06/09 - 279.50 - 0.50
02/07/09 - 279.25 - 0.25

START DATE - 01/26/09 - START WEIGHT - 311.25 LBS.

02/27/09 - 283.75 - 1.25
02/28/09 - 283.50 - 0.25
03/01/09 - 281.75 - 1.75
02/02/09 - 280.75 - 1.00 - MONDAY - WEEK 5 WEIGH IN - 8.25 LBS.
02/03/09 - 281.75 + 1.00
02/04/09 - 280.25 - 1.50
02/05/09 - 280.00 - 0.25
02/06/09 - 279.50 - 0.50
02/07/09 - 279.25 - 0.25
02/08/09 - 280.50 + 1.25 :eek: I ate a lot yesterday.

Started 2 weeks ago. This was my first week of weighing myself everyday.

Start Date 2/23 Start Weight 193.6

3/2 187.44 WEIGH IN DAY - LOST 6.16
3/3 187.88 (+0.44)
3/4 187.44 (-0.44)
3/5 185.24 (-2.2)
3/6 187.44 (+2.2)
3/7 187 (-0.44)
3/8 185.24 (-1.76)
3/9 185.24 (0) WEIGH IN DAY - LOST 2.2

Bit dissapointing this week. Had hoped to lose more, especially because i was doing loads of excercise. Can be so demotivating when you either lose nothing or even gain overnight.
Weighing in everyday!!!

Saturday 183.5
Yesterday 181.9
Today 179.5:hurray:
I weigh myself daily. Always have. I think it is good for some people and not so great for others. Like previous posts have said you have to figure in the +/- 2 to 4 pounds at which your weight can fluctuate throughout a 24 hour period. I do the Wii Fit daily so I weigh myself on there and do a daily body test which tests my stability. I like to make sure I am not gaining more than that I am losing. Actual weight loss happens over time, but you can gain pounds in a matter of days, crazy right? I know this is at least what it feels like to me. I know this..... When I weigh daily, it is much easier for me to keep up my good eating habits and exercise routines. The Wii Fit is genius to me. I love it. It gives you your BMI, weight, and Wii Fit age based on your age, height, weight, and etc. LOVE IT! It makes you feel like you are playing a game while working out, and yes it does work you out. I was sore for the first week. I am on week two now and have taken two days off due to not feeling good, one during the first week, one early in the second. Anyways enough about my gaming.
JayLynn... Well done on your weight loss. It certainly is hard when you put on some weight. The Wii Fit sounds great! I dont have one, nor have i ever seen one in action. But i would like to.

Well weighed myself this morning, and its a loss (but a small one), so i should be happy

3/9 185.24 (0) weigh in day - lost 2.2
3/10 185.24 (0)
3/11 184.36 (-0.88)
3/9 185.24 (0) weigh in day - lost 2.2
3/10 185.24 (0)
3/11 184.36 (-0.88)
3/12 182.6 (-1.8)

Very pleased with todays' weigh in. Has definately motivated me to keep going, and have a good work out at the gym today :beerchug:
START DATE - 01/26/09 - START WEIGHT - 311.25 LBS.

03/02/09 - 280.75 - 1.00 - MONDAY - WEEK 5 WEIGH IN - 8.25 LBS.
03/03/09 - 281.75 + 1.00
03/04/09 - 280.25 - 1.50
03/05/09 - 280.00 - 0.25
03/06/09 - 279.50 - 0.50
03/07/09 - 279.25 - 0.25 :eek: I ate a lot today.
03/08/09 - 280.50 + 1.25 :eek: I ate a lot today.
03/09/09 - 281.75 + 1.25 :cuss: MONDAY - WEEK 6 WEIGH IN + 1.00 LBS.
03/10/09 - 279.00 - 2.75
03/11/09 - 277.50 - 1.50

Welcome Stancel. Im pretty new to this thread to. Im enjoying weighing myself, as it gives me something exciting to do everymorning. When i have lost it really motivates me to keep going!

Todays weigh in...

3/9 185.24 (0) weigh in day - lost 2.2
3/10 185.24 (0)
3/11 184.36 (-0.88)
3/12 182.6 (-1.8)
3/13 180.84 (-1.8)