Weigh Yourself Everyday (or frequently) Club

I know that my problem is I don't exercise enough, because I'm clearly not losing much weight....it's more of a plateau right now.

3/12 - 266.1
3/13 - 265.7 (-0.4)
3/14 - 265.9 (+0.2)
3/15 - 265.4 (-0.5)
3/16 - 265.9 (+0.5)
3/16 177.32 (-0.44) Weigh in day - lost 7.48!! (Week 3)
3/17 176.88 (-0.44)
3/18 179.08 (+2.2) :banghead:

Well i thought i was starting to hit a plateau, so i upped my calories yesterday.This was in the hope of kick starting my metabolism again. Boy was i dissapointed when i weighed myself this morning. There goes days of progress!
start date: 03/10/09 start weight: 241.8


Call me butta cause I'm on a roll...LOL, I have no idea where that came from!
START DATE - 01/26/09 - START WEIGHT - 311.25 LBS.

03/08/09 - 280.50 + 1.25 :eek: I ate a lot today.
03/09/09 - 281.75 + 1.25 :cuss: MONDAY - WEEK 6 WEIGH IN + 1.00 LBS.
03/10/09 - 279.00 - 2.75
03/11/09 - 277.50 - 1.50
03/12/09 - 277.75 + 0.25
03/13/09 - 278.00 + 0.25
03/14/09 - 276.25 - 1.75
03/15/09 - 275.00 - 1.25
03/16/09 - 274.00 - 1.00 :hurray: MONDAY - WEEK 7 WEIGH IN 7.75 LBS.
03/17/09 - 274.00 - 0.00

3/16 177.32 (-0.44) Weigh in day - lost 7.48!! (Week 3)
3/17 176.88 (-0.44)
3/18 179.08 (+2.2) :banghead:

Well i thought i was starting to hit a plateau, so i upped my calories yesterday.This was in the hope of kick starting my metabolism again. Boy was i dissapointed when i weighed myself this morning. There goes days of progress!

Happens to me every week. I'm starting to believe it's not me messing up and I should just expect it.

I was 261 the other day and was extra-excited about getting to the 250s. No sooner than I said "250s" did I shoot up to "268." Clearly, I have no idea when to believe what the scale says any more. It was 262 when I woke up today, so I'm going with that.
start date: 03/10/09 start weight: 241.8


I shoked at that 1 pound loss. I ate some ice cream yesterday (not the healthy kind), but I guess the extra exercise helped.
3/16 177.32 (-0.44) Weigh in day - lost 7.48!! (Week 3)
3/17 176.88 (-0.44)
3/18 179.08 (+2.2)
3/19 179.52 (+0.44)

Stayed on my increased calories yesterday, and didnt excercise, so its good to see the weight increase not so bad overnight. My body seems to be adjusting. Hoping for a loss tonight. Will go hard at the gym today, and mayby go for a walk as well. Here's hoping!
Longterm 'weighing in' is better

Hi guys, couldn't help notice this post and i had to comment...Let me introduce myself first my name is Anthony Jacobs and I am work as a Personal Trainer.

If you weigh yourself everyday, you're working towards a short term goal, which means that you only really have 24hrs to lose weight, that's a big task. When you don't lose any weight on a particular day (it can happen that you're body is retaining fluid) this can be demoralising, especially if you've tried hard to be good.

You should be aiming for long term goals, as this is how you will keep the weight OFF, mentally you'll be better prepared doing it this way, and you're more likely to control your weight.

just a bit of advice - i can get into more details but i have intruded enough on my first post.

If you have any questions...feel free to ask


I understand, but you should try and go a little longer. You will benefit more in the longer term.

The reason i'm saying this is because, the prime objective, isn't to lose weight? Its to live a healthy life...right? Take this for eg, If you drink a litre of water just before you weigh yourself, it will register on the scales...but its just water...you see what i mean?

Weighing in can be inacurate sometimes, because everyones body is different, some bodies retain more liquid than others - and this varies from day to day.

If you watch and learn about the foods you should be eating, then the weight will naturally drop off, with no effort whatsoever.

Although I do think it's an effective way to motivate yourself...i understand that when you weigh yourself and you see that you've lost weight over night it's mentally motivating, but the longer you wait to weigh yourself, the better you program your body and mind to be good for longer...you see what i mean??

START DATE - 01/26/09 - START WEIGHT - 311.25 LBS.

03/09/09 - 281.75 + 1.25 :cuss: MONDAY - WEEK 6 WEIGH IN + 1.00 LBS.
03/10/09 - 279.00 - 2.75
03/11/09 - 277.50 - 1.50
03/12/09 - 277.75 + 0.25
03/13/09 - 278.00 + 0.25
03/14/09 - 276.25 - 1.75
03/15/09 - 275.00 - 1.25
03/16/09 - 274.00 - 1.00 :hurray: MONDAY - WEEK 7 WEIGH IN 7.75 LBS.
03/17/09 - 274.00 - 0.00
03/18/09 - 274.00 - 0.00

I understand, but you should try and go a little longer. You will benefit more in the longer term.

The reason i'm saying this is because, the prime objective, isn't to lose weight? Its to live a healthy life...right? Take this for eg, If you drink a litre of water just before you weigh yourself, it will register on the scales...but its just water...you see what i mean?

Weighing in can be inacurate sometimes, because everyones body is different, some bodies retain more liquid than others - and this varies from day to day.

If you watch and learn about the foods you should be eating, then the weight will naturally drop off, with no effort whatsoever.

Although I do think it's an effective way to motivate yourself...i understand that when you weigh yourself and you see that you've lost weight over night it's mentally motivating, but the longer you wait to weigh yourself, the better you program your body and mind to be good for longer...you see what i mean??


This. I've lost two pounds in the past five hours. My weight jumps all over, sometimes five, eight pounds. It's annoying and frustrating as hell, even though it really shouldn't be. We all know that the goal isn't to weigh less, but we still want that damn number to go down.
I've tried to only weigh myself once a week but it's like the scale is calling me. I just can't help it.

I know what you mean!! I used to find it so hard weighing in once a week, and now that i do it everyday i just cant help myself....

Anthony.. I appreciate you trying to help and advise us, but we are here in this thread for a reason. We 'want' to weigh in every day.

I know that there are arguments for and against this, and i think everyone should have the right to choose what is right for them. Aside from all the arguments against, i have also read somewhere that research has showed that people weighing themselves everyday lost more than those who didnt. Although i do not necessarily 100% know this is true, i see no harm.

The fact is is that without some form of strong motivation, i give up easily. Weighing myself everyday DOES keep me motivated. I look forward to weighing myself every morning. I fully understand that our weights can vary from one day to the next, with things like fluid retention. But it gives me a rough idea over a few days how things are going. Am i on the right track or do i need to adjust my diet. Yes i do get upset when i gain weight, but because i know straight away, i can do something about it.. or try!
I also am not a patient person, so i need instant gratification. (Yes this is a fault LOL)

Anyway, thats just my opinion. I appreciate you trying to teach us what is 'right' in your eyes, but i would just rather share this thread with members that also want to weigh everyday.

Hope everyone keeps posting their weights. I am really enjoying this weight loss journey with everyone :p
start date: 03/10/09 start weight: 241.8

3/16 177.32 (-0.44) Weigh in day - lost 7.48!! (Week 3)
3/17 176.88 (-0.44)
3/18 179.08 (+2.2)
3/19 179.52 (+0.44)
3/20 177.32 (-2.2)
Hi Kakutsi - I think my post was more for encouragement that anything, it was just to warn you that sometimes it can be a little demotivating when you don't lose any weight, however the pros may outweight the cons (no pun intended) ;)
In your case it seems to work for you and that is fantastic, (essentially that is the key) but i would still only use it as a bench mark then step it up - always give yourself a long term goal...my suggestions are for keeping weight off.

You all sound like a great bunch of people and everyone's story is different. I've only been posting for a few days and i don't want to sound like I'm dictating to people about what they should be doing - I'm sharing with you guys, what works for me and my guys, but i'm also here to learn from you and what works for you.

I'd love to learn how this system works for you like,
What are the pros?
What are the cons?

Keep up the terrifc work guys

bye for now

START DATE - 01/26/09 - START WEIGHT - 311.25 LBS.

03/10/09 - 279.00 - 2.75
03/11/09 - 277.50 - 1.50
03/12/09 - 277.75 + 0.25
03/13/09 - 278.00 + 0.25
03/14/09 - 276.25 - 1.75
03/15/09 - 275.00 - 1.25
03/16/09 - 274.00 - 1.00 :hurray: MONDAY - WEEK 7 WEIGH IN 7.75 LBS.
03/17/09 - 274.00 - 0.00
03/18/09 - 274.00 - 0.00
03/19/09 - 273.00 - 1.00

Wow Chip! It's awesome to see you're still posting here at WLF! You were a huge inspiration when I posted here years ago.
3/16 177.32 (-0.44) Weigh in day - lost 7.48!! (Week 3)
3/17 176.88 (-0.44)
3/18 179.08 (+2.2)
3/19 179.52 (+0.44)
3/20 177.32 (-2.2)
3/21 176 (-1.32)