Weigh Yourself Everyday (or frequently) Club

Jan.17 -213.4!!! Im not gettin excited last time I was I gained a lb back the next day..
Jan 18 -213.4 - well Im a lil surprized, managed to get by with a stay the same...
Jan. 19 -213.4
Jan. 20 -213.4
Jan. 21 -213.2!!! WOW it moved a tiny bit, however, it is time of month and my eating was bad on Friday and better yesturday however I had a piece of bday cake and a donut...weight loss is so strange and frustrating...
Jan. 22 -213!!! I started eating more, who woulda know...
Jan. 23 -212.6!!! WooHoo - I seem to have finally broken my rut!!!
Jan.24 -212.6...whooops...I might have spoken too soon, LOL
Jan.25 -211!!!I made a tired typo, lol - I am 212 still good though!!!
Jan.26 -211.8
Jan.27 -211.8
Jan.28 -212.2 UHOH
Jan.29 -212.4 I will give it a few days, with exercise and eating better if that doesnt work, I dunno what I am gonna do...I have to admitt, Ive been emotionally eating this weekend...well eating fat, fat , fat!!! Not good...
Jan.30 -212.4...Whenever I get close to 210...my weight runs away scared...LOL
Jan.31 -212.0!!!The scale is moving again, the trick is to keep it moving downwards...
21st- 160.6
22nd- 161
23rd- 159.8
24th- no scale today
25th- 159.4
26th- 159.2
27th- 158.6
28th- 158.2
29th- 158.2
30th- 158.6
31st- no scale today
25th- 159.4
26th- 159.2
27th- 158.6
28th- 158.2
29th- 158.2
30th- 158.6
31st- no scale today
1st- 157.4 Had to go back and edit this...forgot to pee LOL!
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Jan.31 -212.0!!!The scale is moving again, the trick is to keep it moving downwards...
Feb.1 - 211.6!!!
Feb.2 - 209.6 - OH MY GOSH!!! I havent been here since before Xmas!!!

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1/26 -- 163
1/27 -- 163
1/28 -- 163
1/29 -- 163
1/30 -- 163
1/31 -- 163
2/1 -- 163

Way to go DQ and Cinderelly! You guys rock.
blackwdw---I've joined you at 163!!

Hopefully I'll pass it by and say hello to the 150's soon...maybe by Valentine's day.

I stopped drinking diet soda and have suffered the last few days on water--ick! (j/k) and I've eaten at home a lot. Maybe that's the trick.
double post----

161 today!!! Yahoo!

Excellent Kaitie!!! I am so happy for you!!! Oh and it is abt time we say that scale move...wooohooo!!!

Do you think not drinking the diet soda helped ??? Unfortunately I like Diet Pepsi and drink a fair amount of it...
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Jan.31 -212.0!!!The scale is moving again, the trick is to keep it moving downwards...
Feb.1 - 211.6!!!
Feb.2 - 209.6 - OH MY GOSH!!! I havent been here since before Xmas!!!
Feb.3 -210.4 - I was expecting this...I had Mcdonalds yesturday for lunch and tonight Im going for dinner, I just gotta make sure it somewhere I can order a delicious salad!!!
Last edited:
1/27 -- 163
1/28 -- 163
1/29 -- 163
1/30 -- 163
1/31 -- 163
2/1 -- 163
2/2 -- 163

If only 163 was my goal weight...I'm doing an excellent job maintaining.
:) i want to join in. I always weigh myself every day even though it's usually advised against.

Today: 138 pounds :)
although after eating breakfast and drinking a bottle of water i went up a pound, but it's normal i think.
25th- 159.4
26th- 159.2
27th- 158.6
28th- 158.2
29th- 158.2
30th- 158.6
31st- no scale today
1st- 157.4
2nd- 157.4
LOL! I'm sorry, it's really not funny to be stuck, but this made me giggle.

I'm glad it made you laugh! It was meant as a joke. I've been in kind of a funk lately, with the complete scale stall, but I'm starting to find my motivation and sense of humor again.
I do think that giving up the soda (diet soda no less) has helped restart the weight loss.

Last week I did do an 'eat whatever you want' binge which I also think helped to jumpstart my weight loss again.
I do think that giving up the soda (diet soda no less) has helped restart the weight loss.

Last week I did do an 'eat whatever you want' binge which I also think helped to jumpstart my weight loss again.

But most diet drinks like Diet Coke contain no calories, so how could that help?
But most diet drinks like Diet Coke contain no calories, so how could that help?

No It's not good It contain alot of Gases that makes ur timmy look big