Weigh Yourself Everyday (or frequently) Club

I gotta tell ya'll...I have lost 5 pounds in 3 days....and I know, I know...it is that excess fat that initial comes off and it will start to be much slower


WHAT MOTIVATION it makes me do!
29th- 158.2
30th- 158.6
31st- no scale today
1st- 157.4
2nd- 157.4
3rd- I forgot!
4th- forgot again!
5th- 156.8 How on earth did I do that?????
6th- 158 Darn diet pepsi.
7th- 157.8
Todays Weight - 240 Lbs.

I think that is down 5 Lbs. since my last weigh in.

I have been working night & day. I think that will end in a couple of weeks.

Jan.31 -212.0!!!The scale is moving again, the trick is to keep it moving downwards...
Feb.1 - 211.6!!!
Feb.2 - 209.6 - OH MY GOSH!!! I havent been here since before Xmas!!!
Feb.3 -210.4 - I was expecting this...I had Mcdonalds yesturday for lunch and tonight Im going for dinner, I just gotta make sure it somewhere I can order a delicious salad!!!
Feb.4 -212.4
Feb.5 -212.4 I was a good girl all weekend...Had some wings on Sat night, with salad and even drank water with my meal... Oh well, hopfully I will get this off by Friday
Feb.6 -211.8!!!
Feb.7 -211.2 !!!
Feb.8 -210.2 !!!
1st- 157.4
2nd- 157.4
3rd- I forgot!
4th- forgot again!
5th- 156.8 How on earth did I do that?????
6th- 158 Darn diet pepsi.
7th- 157.8
8th- no scale today, but according to TOPS, I lost .5 lb from last week.
2/6-277.0-i guess i should be happy, but its still 2 lbs heavier than last week.
2/7-278.4(i hate tom...)
2/9-278.4-tom sucks, lol
Jan.31 -212.0!!!The scale is moving again, the trick is to keep it moving downwards...
Feb.1 - 211.6!!!
Feb.2 - 209.6 - OH MY GOSH!!! I havent been here since before Xmas!!!
Feb.3 -210.4 - I was expecting this...I had Mcdonalds yesturday for lunch and tonight Im going for dinner, I just gotta make sure it somewhere I can order a delicious salad!!!
Feb.4 -212.4
Feb.5 -212.4 I was a good girl all weekend...Had some wings on Sat night, with salad and even drank water with my meal... Oh well, hopfully I will get this off by Friday
Feb.6 -211.8!!!
Feb.7 -211.2 !!!
Feb.8 -210.2 !!!
Feb.9 -209.4!!!Oh my...well than last time around...im gettin there lets see if I can maintan it!!!
1st- 157.4
2nd- 157.4
3rd- I forgot!
4th- forgot again!
5th- 156.8 How on earth did I do that?????
6th- 158 Darn diet pepsi.
7th- 157.8
8th- no scale today, but according to TOPS, I lost .5 lb from last week.
9th- 156.6 :)
2/6-277.0-i guess i should be happy, but its still 2 lbs heavier than last week.
2/7-278.4(i hate tom...)
2/9-278.4-tom sucks, lol
2/10-278.2-i really hope this is tom and not my true weight....oh well
hi i know that this club has been running for a while, but is it ok if i join? i know i shouldnt weigh myself everyday due to fluctuations(sometimes 2 - 3lbs), but it keeps me motivated and even when the scales go up i have stayed on track because i know im doing the right things and they will drop again.
i started off at 222lbs. today i weighed myself and am really pleased:) :) 199.4 lbs. this despite being the time of the month. i have now reached 2 mini goals - to get under the 200 lb mark and i have just passed my 1st 10% goal of 22 lb.
off to adjust my ticker, cheers, slim
Jan.31 -212.0!!!The scale is moving again, the trick is to keep it moving downwards...
Feb.1 - 211.6!!!
Feb.2 - 209.6 - OH MY GOSH!!! I havent been here since before Xmas!!!
Feb.3 -210.4 - I was expecting this...I had Mcdonalds yesturday for lunch and tonight Im going for dinner, I just gotta make sure it somewhere I can order a delicious salad!!!
Feb.4 -212.4
Feb.5 -212.4 I was a good girl all weekend...Had some wings on Sat night, with salad and even drank water with my meal... Oh well, hopfully I will get this off by Friday
Feb.6 -211.8!!!
Feb.7 -211.2 !!!
Feb.8 -210.2 !!!
Feb.9 -209.4!!!Oh my...well than last time around...im gettin there lets see if I can maintan it!!!
Feb.10 -209.2!!!
Cinderelly thanks for telling me about this!

I already weigh myself daily & maybe with the added step of making it public (ok so the wonderful understanding crew that is all working towards similar goals isn't really like the PUBLIC, but you know what I mean) maybe it will inspire me more to up it a notch & really focus on losing... in a healthy way.

So for today...

I was at 183.8. No way am I rounding up! :)
165 and goal is 140 :)