Weigh Yourself Everyday (or frequently) Club

I weigh myself everyday in order to pinpoint mistakes. If I shoot up a couple of pounds I know that I ate something high in sodium. I believe in failing fast in order to make adjustments.
2/10 - 183.8
today - 183.8

well I didn't go up at least. :)
2/6-277.0-i guess i should be happy, but its still 2 lbs heavier than last week.
2/7-278.4(i hate tom...)
2/9-278.4-tom sucks, lol
2/10-278.2-i really hope this is tom and not my true weight....
2/11-281ok, thats just not fair, i am so not counting my weigh in tomorrow....
I'm sick----ick.

The scale is saying 162 today...which has got to be water retention and other boogery plumbing problems at the moment. *ugh*
Jan.31 -212.0!!!The scale is moving again, the trick is to keep it moving downwards...
Feb.1 - 211.6!!!
Feb.2 - 209.6 - OH MY GOSH!!! I havent been here since before Xmas!!!
Feb.3 -210.4 - I was expecting this...I had Mcdonalds yesturday for lunch and tonight Im going for dinner, I just gotta make sure it somewhere I can order a delicious salad!!!
Feb.4 -212.4
Feb.5 -212.4 I was a good girl all weekend...Had some wings on Sat night, with salad and even drank water with my meal... Oh well, hopfully I will get this off by Friday
Feb.6 -211.8!!!
Feb.7 -211.2 !!!
Feb.8 -210.2 !!!
Feb.9 -209.4!!!Oh my...well than last time around...im gettin there lets see if I can maintan it!!!
Feb.10 -209.2!!!
Feb.11 -209.4 - SICK - BLEH!!!
i`m down to 196 lbs. im not going to change my ticker as i see a familiar pattern emerging. the scales drop 2-3 lbs. then over the next few days it will slowly creep up a little and by the end of the week will have dropped again. still im really pleased, its the tom at the moment and i am so hungry, needing to eat just a little more (checks to see if the padlocks are still on the cupboards), slim
1st- 157.4
2nd- 157.4
3rd- I forgot!
4th- forgot again!
5th- 156.8 How on earth did I do that?????
6th- 158 Darn diet pepsi.
7th- 157.8
8th- no scale today, but according to TOPS, I lost .5 lb from last week.
9th- 156.6
10th- 158.8 I overate a little, but not too much. Just too much sodium.
11th- 158.2 Crap.
2/6-277.0-i guess i should be happy, but its still 2 lbs heavier than last week.
2/7-278.4(i hate tom...)
2/9-278.4-tom sucks, lol
2/10-278.2-i really hope this is tom and not my true weight....
2/11-281 ok thats just not fair, i am so not counting my weigh in tomorrow....
2/12-278-better, but not great.....
6th- 158 Darn diet pepsi.
7th- 157.8
8th- no scale today, but according to TOPS, I lost .5 lb from last week.
9th- 156.6
10th- 158.8 I overate a little, but not too much. Just too much sodium.
11th- 158.2 Crap.
12th- 159 Double crap. :(
2/10 - 183.8
2/11 - 183.8
2/12 - 182.8 ~ A Whole Pound!
Today - 183.4 & this is why I don't move the ticker automatically! Grr. Stupid fast food in a rush last night.
so the illness must be going around the forum...it seems like everybody's getting it!

160 today....I can't wait to get back into my normal exercise routine again.
Feb.10 -209.2!!!
Feb.11 -209.4 - SICK - BLEH!!!
Feb.12 -210.4 - SICK
Feb.13 -210.4 -still sick:( No exercise
Feb.14 -209.4 - still not well, still no exercise
6th- 158 Darn diet pepsi.
7th- 157.8
8th- no scale today, but according to TOPS, I lost .5 lb from last week.
9th- 156.6
10th- 158.8 I overate a little, but not too much. Just too much sodium.
11th- 158.2 Crap.
12th- 159 Double crap.
13th- 158.8
14th- no scale today
2/6-277.0-i guess i should be happy, but its still 2 lbs heavier than last week.
2/7-278.4(i hate tom...)
2/9-278.4-tom sucks, lol
2/10-278.2-i really hope this is tom and not my true weight....
2/11-281 ok thats just not fair, i am so not counting my weigh in tomorrow....
2/12-278-better, but not great.....
2/14-281.6 (i promise this is cause of tom!)
Feb.10 -209.2!!!
Feb.11 -209.4 - SICK - BLEH!!!
Feb.12 -210.4 - SICK
Feb.13 -210.4 -still sick No exercise
Feb.14 -209.4 - still not well, still no exercise
Feb.15 -210.6 - not exercising, either eating to much or nothing at all...will get back on track soon
2/10 - 183.8
2/11 - 183.8
2/12 - 182.8
2/13 - 183.4
2/14 - 183.2
Today - 183.4 Guess I didn't do too much damage not counting calories yesterday! I was afraid I would be up a couple pounds, but I didn't really eat as much as I thought I would with a free day.