Weigh Yourself Everyday (or frequently) Club

Here's mine for the month of October (so far):

10/1: 224
10/2: 223.6
10/3: 223.4
10/4: 222.8
10/5: 222.2
10/6: 221.8
10/7: 219.4
10/8: 218.4
10/9: 219.2
10/10: 219.4
10/11: 217.6
10/12: 217.6
10/13: 217.8
10/14: 217.4
10/15: 217
10/16: 215.8
10/17: 215.6

Normally I don't lose weight at this pace, but I've been pretty sick this month.
hi, i'm new to the forums but not new to losing weight. i've already lost 25lbs since june. i weigh myself everyday too! i can't help it!
sunday oct 19 260
Wed 212.5
Thur 211
Frid 209.5
Mon 214.5
Tues 212.5
wed 211.5
thur 209.5
sat 211
mon 212
tue 209.5
wed 210
thurs 209
Frid 208
Sat 206.5
Sun 207.5
Mon 211.5
Tues 208.5
wed 208.5
Thur 207
Fri 206
sat 207
sun 206.5
mon 208
tues 206.5
no weight ins for a week
mon 204
tues 204.5
wed 205
thur 203
Fri 201
sat 201.5
sun 203
mon 205

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I'd like to join this club for the accountability. Today is the first day of my lifestyle change and I'm starting off at 196. My goal is to lose 3pounds a week. Nice to meet you all!

Oct 20: 196
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I think I'll join in the festivities!I used to post here a long while ago...


Starting weight: 186.5 (yuuuccckk)

Tues. Oct. 21: 184.5
I usually try and just weight myself once a week, your weight will fluctuate through out the day depending on what you eat and drink. I drink a lot of water so its no that I gain a couple pounds of fat its just I have add more to my system. I try to weigh myself under the same situations. before I workout and before a meal and when I have not drank a lot of fluids.
Wed 212.5
Thur 211
Frid 209.5
Mon 214.5
Tues 212.5
wed 211.5
thur 209.5
sat 211
mon 212
tue 209.5
wed 210
thurs 209
Frid 208
Sat 206.5
Sun 207.5
Mon 211.5
Tues 208.5
wed 208.5
Thur 207
Fri 206
sat 207
sun 206.5
mon 208
tues 206.5
no weight ins for a week
mon 204
tues 204.5
wed 205
thur 203
Fri 201
sat 201.5
sun 203
mon 205
tue 203.5
wed 201.5

yo yo much?? my goodness
Starting weight: 186.5 (yuuuccckk)

Tues. Oct. 21: 184.5
Wed: Oct. 22: 183.5 (unfortunately, my scale only does .5's)
10/01/2008 212.8 lbs.
[missed some days :( ]
10/06/2008 214.4 lbs.
10/07/2008 212.8 lbs.
10/08/2008 212.4 lbs.
10/09/2008 211.4 lbs.
10/10/2008 211.2 lbs.
10/11/2008 211.8 lbs.
10/12/2008 210.4 lbs.
10/13/2008 210.6 lbs.
10/14/2008 210.2 lbs.
10/15/2008 209.2 lbs.
10/16/2008 208.8 lbs.
10/17/2008 207.6 lbs.
10/20/2008 209.2 lbs.
10/21/2008 208.8 lbs.
10/22/2008 207.8 lbs.
Tues. Oct. 21: 184.5
Wed: Oct. 22: 183.5 (unfortunately, my scale only does .5's)
Thurs: Oct. 23: 183.5
Friday: Oct. 24: 184
Wed 212.5
Thur 211
Frid 209.5
Mon 214.5
Tues 212.5
wed 211.5
thur 209.5
sat 211
mon 212
tue 209.5
wed 210
thurs 209
Frid 208
Sat 206.5
Sun 207.5
Mon 211.5
Tues 208.5
wed 208.5
Thur 207
Fri 206
sat 207
sun 206.5
mon 208
tues 206.5
no weight ins for a week
mon 204
tues 204.5
wed 205
thur 203
Fri 201
sat 201.5
sun 203
mon 205
tue 203.5
wed 201.5
thur 201
fri 199
Yay congrats!! You made it to the 100's!!! Keep up the good work!

Oct 20: 196
Oct 21: 195
Oct 22: 195
Oct 23: 193.5
Oct 24: 192

I ate ALOT of junk today so I know I will gain tomorrow for sure.. :(
Weight fluctuations...


I was wondering that with being a woman, does your cycle affect your weight fluctuations? I am down about 5 lbs since I started eating better, but I first weighed in right before my period. Could that 5 lbs be just from that?

Wed 212.5
Thur 211
Frid 209.5
Mon 214.5
Tues 212.5
wed 211.5
thur 209.5
sat 211
mon 212
tue 209.5
wed 210
thurs 209
Frid 208
Sat 206.5
Sun 207.5
Mon 211.5
Tues 208.5
wed 208.5
Thur 207
Fri 206
sat 207
sun 206.5
mon 208
tues 206.5
no weight ins for a week
mon 204
tues 204.5
wed 205
thur 203
Fri 201
sat 201.5
sun 203
mon 205
tue 203.5
wed 201.5
thur 201
fri 199
Sat 200
Sun 201
monday 199
Tue 197.5
wed 199
Thur 199
Fri 197