Weigh Yourself Everyday (or frequently) Club

Mon 251
Tues 249
wed 247
thur 246
Frid 245
Sat 243.5
Sun 243.5
mon 242
Tues 242.5
Wed 241.5
thur 241.5
fri 241
Last edited:
Wed 212.5
Thur 211
Frid 209.5
Mon 214.5
Tues 212.5
wed 211.5
thur 209.5
sat 211
mon 212
tue 209.5
wed 210
thurs 209
Frid 208
Sat 206.5
Sun 207.5
Mon 211.5
Tues 208.5
wed 208.5
Thur 207
Fri 206:hurray:
Wed 212.5
Thur 211
Frid 209.5
Mon 214.5
Tues 212.5
wed 211.5
thur 209.5
sat 211
mon 212
tue 209.5
wed 210
thurs 209
Frid 208
Sat 206.5
Sun 207.5
Mon 211.5
Tues 208.5
wed 208.5
Thur 207
Fri 206
sat 207
Wed 212.5
Thur 211
Frid 209.5
Mon 214.5
Tues 212.5
wed 211.5
thur 209.5
sat 211
mon 212
tue 209.5
wed 210
thurs 209
Frid 208
Sat 206.5
Sun 207.5
Mon 211.5
Tues 208.5
wed 208.5
Thur 207
Fri 206
sat 207
sun 206.5
mon 208
Mon 251
Tues 249
wed 247
thur 246
Frid 245
Sat 243.5
Sun 243.5
mon 242
Tues 242.5
Wed 241.5
thur 241.5
fri 241
Sat 240.5
Sun 241
Mon 239.5:ack2:
Wed 212.5
Thur 211
Frid 209.5
Mon 214.5
Tues 212.5
wed 211.5
thur 209.5
sat 211
mon 212
tue 209.5
wed 210
thurs 209
Frid 208
Sat 206.5
Sun 207.5
Mon 211.5
Tues 208.5
wed 208.5
Thur 207
Fri 206
sat 207
sun 206.5
mon 208
tues 206.5

I think I am in a platue. I need to rev it up somehow, I think I may try bumping up my cardio this week, and add some strength training intervals. I havent been doing any strength training at all.
Mon 251
Tues 249
wed 247
thur 246
Frid 245
Sat 243.5
Sun 243.5
mon 242
Tues 242.5
Wed 241.5
thur 241.5
fri 241
Sat 240.5
Sun 241
Mon 239.5
Tues 239
Mon 251
Tues 249
wed 247
thur 246
Frid 245
Sat 243.5
Sun 243.5
mon 242
Tues 242.5
Wed 241.5
thur 241.5
fri 241
Sat 240.5
Sun 241
Mon 239.5
Tues 239
wed 238
So far so good:hurray:
Mon 251
Tues 249
wed 247
thur 246
Frid 245
Sat 243.5
Sun 243.5
mon 242
Tues 242.5
Wed 241.5
thur 241.5
fri 241
Sat 240.5
Sun 241
Mon 239.5
Tues 239
wed 238
thur 238

My goal for this week was 3 pounds but looks like 236 is not going to happen by next Monday
[image noborder]http://tickers.TickerFactory.com/ezt/t/wIN2Syo/weight.png[/image]
My batteries dies in my scale, so I have not weighed in for a few days...it is freaking me out!! I am going to get batteries TODAY! Ill be back to check in tomorow!
Wed 212.5
Thur 211
Frid 209.5
Mon 214.5
Tues 212.5
wed 211.5
thur 209.5
sat 211
mon 212
tue 209.5
wed 210
thurs 209
Frid 208
Sat 206.5
Sun 207.5
Mon 211.5
Tues 208.5
wed 208.5
Thur 207
Fri 206
sat 207
sun 206.5
mon 208
tues 206.5

almost a week without weighing in because the scale was broken!!

Mon 204
Wed 212.5
Thur 211
Frid 209.5
Mon 214.5
Tues 212.5
wed 211.5
thur 209.5
sat 211
mon 212
tue 209.5
wed 210
thurs 209
Frid 208
Sat 206.5
Sun 207.5
Mon 211.5
Tues 208.5
wed 208.5
Thur 207
Fri 206
sat 207
sun 206.5
mon 208
tues 206.5
no weight ins for a week
mon 204
tues 204.5
Wed 212.5
Thur 211
Frid 209.5
Mon 214.5
Tues 212.5
wed 211.5
thur 209.5
sat 211
mon 212
tue 209.5
wed 210
thurs 209
Frid 208
Sat 206.5
Sun 207.5
Mon 211.5
Tues 208.5
wed 208.5
Thur 207
Fri 206
sat 207
sun 206.5
mon 208
tues 206.5
no weight ins for a week
mon 204
tues 204.5
wed 205
thur 203
Hi I am back, no weights for a week as I was away and didn't commit to my diet. Now I am back and weight more that a week ago by one pound, I guess it's OK.

Mon (Sep 22) 251
Mon (Oct 6) 239.5
Tues 239
wed 238
thur (oct 9) 238
No weights for a week
thurs (oct 16) 239
Last edited:
Hello! Im new here and want to weigh myself everyday with you guys. I just had a baby 11 months ago and have been breastfeeding untill now. I can finally diet now that the breastfeeding is over and I currently weigh about 130 pounds. I hate dieting but My body looks normal around 115 so...I need to drop 15 pounds! It may not sound like much but I will need some serious motavation to get it done!!! I cant wait to talk to new people and maybe even meet someone who would like to email back and forth on sort of a buddy system to help each other out!

Wed 212.5
Thur 211
Frid 209.5
Mon 214.5
Tues 212.5
wed 211.5
thur 209.5
sat 211
mon 212
tue 209.5
wed 210
thurs 209
Frid 208
Sat 206.5
Sun 207.5
Mon 211.5
Tues 208.5
wed 208.5
Thur 207
Fri 206
sat 207
sun 206.5
mon 208
tues 206.5
no weight ins for a week
mon 204
tues 204.5
wed 205
thur 203
Fri 201

welcome to bsgirl and faithmarie. I find weighing myself everyday to be very motivating and helps to keep me on track