Weigh Yourself Everyday (or frequently) Club

Thur 223
fri 222
Sat 220
sun 218
mon 217
Tues 215
Wed 212.5
Thur 211
Frid 209.5
(9/08/08) : 155.5 (starting weight)
(9/09/08) : 159.5 (Ouchhh!)
(9/11/08) : 158.5
(9/12/08) : 157.5

I need to stop eating late at night when I have drunken munchies. I probably should avoid alcohol too....
Thur 223
fri 222
Sat 220
sun 218
mon 217
Tues 215
Wed 212.5
Thur 211
Frid 209.5
Mon 214.5

We went on a brief and spontanous drive to the big city to buy a project car, we stayed in a crazy swanky hotel and ate at the the best restraunts we could afford. It was so awesome, we never do stuff like that!!! :auto::driving:

I paid for it big time though!, I gained 5lbs in 2 days :( :cuss:
well back to the gym I go!
(9/08/08) : 155.5
(9/09/08) : 159.5
(9/11/08) : 158.5
(9/12/08) : 157.5
(9/14/08) : 158.5
(9/15/08) : 159.5
(9/19/08) : 153.5
Hi everyone
Im new on here, but need some help. i have weighed myself everyday for around 8 months, i am to be married in 2 weeks and just had my hen night where i had quite a lot of alcohol. thing is 2 days later i am 5 pound heavier! i know this must be water but i feel terrible, im really worried this will still be here for the wedding. It happened a while back and stayed for weeks, and went down at the same rate as if i had to lose it all in fat again! why does this happen? I really regret the night out now. im 5ft 3" and was 116 ponud but now weigh 121. I was jsut starting to feel really good , but this is really getting me down.
hi I am new to here.
I weight myself everyday
2008-09-22 251
2008-09-23 249
2008-09-24 247
2008-09-25 246
2008-09-26 245
2008-09-27 243.5

I hope to continue this way.:hurray:
Wed 212.5
Thur 211
Frid 209.5
Mon 214.5
Tues 212.5
wed 211.5
thur 209.5
sat 211
mon 212
tue 209.5
wed 210
thurs 209
Frid 208
Sat 206.5
Sun 207.5
Mon 211.5
Wed 212.5
Thur 211
Frid 209.5
Mon 214.5
Tues 212.5
wed 211.5
thur 209.5
sat 211
mon 212
tue 209.5
wed 210
thurs 209
Frid 208
Sat 206.5
Sun 207.5
Mon 211.5
Tues 208.5
Wed 212.5
Thur 211
Frid 209.5
Mon 214.5
Tues 212.5
wed 211.5
thur 209.5
sat 211
mon 212
tue 209.5
wed 210
thurs 209
Frid 208
Sat 206.5
Sun 207.5
Mon 211.5
Tues 208.5
wed 208.5
Last edited:
Mon 251
Tues 249
wed 247
thur 246
Frid 245
Sat 243.5
Sun 243.5
mon 242
Tues 242.5
Wed 241.5
thur 241.5