Weight-Loss Water - Let Thirst be Your Guide!

rachael ray ahhhh my next x wife. acording to her she was a fountain girl at some restaurant her mom worked at. Her books are what got her her shows. I dont think she can cook that well and her style of cooking I just dont care for.

I've been trying to do alot of research on water intake; been coming up with mixed information about TOO much water.

Anyone have any info on this?
I drink about 150ounces a day, have been for over a month.
I was up to 3 liters during my work day (7:30ish - 3:30/4:00). I drink water at home too, but I try to get the most in at work...since that's where I spend the bulk of my day.

As for how much one should drink, I found this:
"Eight glasses a day? Are you kidding?!" It's really not that much. Eight 8-ounce glasses amount to about two quarts of water. This is okay for the average person, but if you're overweight, you should drink another eight ounces for every 25 pounds of excess weight you carry. You should also up this if you live in a hot climate or exercise very intensely.

And why:
I was always told that it helps speed up your metabolism, especially if its cold. Your body burns calories in order to bring it back down to a temperature at which the body can use it. I found this little blip about it too.

"What on Earth is 'metabolism', anyway?" People use the term all the time, but ask them what it means and you'll get all kinds of answers. Merriam Webster defines it as, "The process by which a substance is handled in the body." A little vague, but that's really all it means.

There are many forms of metabolism going on in your body right now, but the one everyone is talking about it the metabolism of fat. This is actually something that the liver does when it converts stored fat to energy. The liver has other functions, but this is one of its main jobs.

Unfortunately, another of the liver's duties is to pick up the slack for the kidneys, which need plenty of water to work properly. If the kidneys are water-deprived, the liver has to do their work along with its own, lowering its total productivity. It then can't metabolize fat as quickly or efficiently as it could when the kidneys were pulling their own weight. If you allow this to happen, not only are you being unfair to your liver, but you're also setting yourself up to store fat.
there's a formula I found on the web somewhere - that says the amount of water you should drink is 1/2 your weightin ounces.. so if you weigh 150 lbs you should drink 75 ounces of water a day... that's for a lightly active lifestyle...

But, as Ive said here many times, the only way to know if you are drinking enough water is to check the color of your urine when you go to the bathroom.. any color other than a pale yellow, and you arent drinking enough... dark yellow signifies dehydration.

There is a condition where you can drink too much water - called hypo something or other - that really you shouldn't worry about -that can happen to marathon class athletes - and the symptoms of it can mimic severe dehydration... the person is dazed and confused and can pass out... i've also read of it being the result of idiotic fraternity pledge hazing.. where they will make the pledge drink copious amounts of water until they act drunk.. but it's gallons of water in ashort period of time
I read somewhere to find out how much water you need you tke your weight and divide it by 2 and thats how many ounces you drinlk i drint anywere from 120 to 200 oz depending on the heat and what i am doing
at your current weight of 178 pounds, studies I've seen says you should have 90 ounces of water per day - which 1 ounce = .0625 us pints so that's about 5.6 pints.

US RDA: 800-1200mg
EU RDA: 800mg

Good sources of Calcium includeMilk, cheddar cheese, sardines, free range eggs, leafy green vegetables.

A glass of low fat milk, a low fat yogurt and 2oz of lower fat cheese provides the average person with the Calcium they need.

How Calcium helps
Helps maintain strong bones and teeth
Helps messages to be sent along nerves
Regulates muscle contraction and heart beat
Good for the immune system
Helps to combat cancer & heart disease
Helps body to metabolize iron

Calcium deficiency symptoms
Weak bones and teeth.
Leg cramps.
maleficent said:
at your current weight of 178 pounds, studies I've seen says you should have 90 ounces of water per day - which 1 ounce = .0625 us pints so that's about 5.6 pints.

US RDA: 800-1200mg
EU RDA: 800mg

Good sources of Calcium includeMilk, cheddar cheese, sardines, free range eggs, leafy green vegetables.

A glass of low fat milk, a low fat yogurt and 2oz of lower fat cheese provides the average person with the Calcium they need.

How Calcium helps
Helps maintain strong bones and teeth
Helps messages to be sent along nerves
Regulates muscle contraction and heart beat
Good for the immune system
Helps to combat cancer & heart disease
Helps body to metabolize iron

Calcium deficiency symptoms
Weak bones and teeth.
Leg cramps.

You, my friend are the shit. :p ;)
I don't think you need to worry about drinking too much water. I'm assuming you eat penty of food. There is a condition caused by drinking too much water, but it's extrememly rare. I drink 150 ounces a day myself.
Most poeple drink too little water. The average person loses each day: 2 cups of water through respiration, 2 cups through perspiration, and 6 cups through elimination. Exercise or hot conditions will increase this. Most people don't even drink that much. Drinking more helps the body to metabolize more stored fat, through organs being able to function properly. As stated above, it effects the liver, and also the endocrine gland.

Thirst is not always a good indicator of hydration level. Dehydration can mask itself as fatigue, headache, dizziness and weakness. It’s important to drink more than what thirst calls for.

Hope that helps.
I use to work in chemical plants and we had to wear those fire retardent nomex jump suits. Our general rule was to drink water before you felt thirsty. on any given 14 hours shift we would go through gallons and we had no ill effects.
Water Intake

My weight fluctuates from 120 to 130 lbs. Usually around 125/126. I'm only 5'1" and am trying very hard to lose additional weight to no avail. It seems no matter how hard I work the scale will not cooperate with my goal. I walk 3 days a week at a fast pace for an hour + (around 4.5 - 5 miles). I don't eat junk food (no cakes, cookies, candy etc etc) and when we eat out I eat caesar salads with very litte dressing on the side. I also drink between 8 and 15 bottles (20 to 24 oz) a day, which is 99.9% of my liquid intake. What is bewildering is I don't lose weight. I keep uping my water intake and keep adding either time or speed to my walking each time but it doesn't seem to help. My husband is a body builder so we eat clean and healthy at home, even though I do have a lower caloric intake than I probably should, I have also increased this before, which only caused me to gain weight even more rapidly (30 lbs in 4 months). He is as confused by this as I am why I am not losing weight. Can anyone give me any idea why I am not losing? What I am doing wrong or what else I could do?

Thank you in advanced for your help,
Intresting........informative post, i usually drink about 64oz of water a day, apperantly i need to step it up a noch or two or three:confused: yikes, my poor liver!
so thanxs all!
Hi Lissa,
SO sorry you are frustrated about not being able to lose weight.
When you incresae claories it needs to be done VERY slowly. I usually recommend no more than 50 calories a week, sometimes even less, to avoid the weight gain. Slow and steady calorie increases can make a difference.

It sounds like you're trying very hard. Event hough it may seem like you're doing all the right things, you may just not be doing the right things for YOU. I think you may want to change your cardio up so you are doing some more intense and shorter sessions. Are you doing any strength training?
As for your nutrition, you may just need afew tweaks in the types off foods you are eating, the times of day you eat them, your macronutrient totals, etc. in order to stimulate some fat loss.


Lissa said:
My weight fluctuates from 120 to 130 lbs. Usually around 125/126. I'm only 5'1" and am trying very hard to lose additional weight to no avail. It seems no matter how hard I work the scale will not cooperate with my goal. I walk 3 days a week at a fast pace for an hour + (around 4.5 - 5 miles). I don't eat junk food (no cakes, cookies, candy etc etc) and when we eat out I eat caesar salads with very litte dressing on the side. I also drink between 8 and 15 bottles (20 to 24 oz) a day, which is 99.9% of my liquid intake. What is bewildering is I don't lose weight. I keep uping my water intake and keep adding either time or speed to my walking each time but it doesn't seem to help. My husband is a body builder so we eat clean and healthy at home, even though I do have a lower caloric intake than I probably should, I have also increased this before, which only caused me to gain weight even more rapidly (30 lbs in 4 months). He is as confused by this as I am why I am not losing weight. Can anyone give me any idea why I am not losing? What I am doing wrong or what else I could do?

Thank you in advanced for your help,
Water Facts!!

Lol I bought his huge water cup holds 64 ounces and it
has some intersting facts on the cup that I am posting.
I knew some stuff but then there was a few things that
I was amazed by.Here it goes
WATER STATS: 75% of the U.S. population are chemically dehydrated
37% of the U.S. population mistake thirst for hunger
98 % of dieters use water to deter hunger pangs

The The body is 80% water
We need to drink atleast 1/2 our body weight in ounces of water
Water removes harmful toxins from the body
Dehydration slows down the metabolism
Lack of H2O causes daytime fatigue
Water plays a role in almost every bodily function
A mere 2% drop in body water can trigger short-term memory trouble with basic math problems and difficulty focusing!!!!!
Water regulates the temperture of the human body,carries nutients and oxygen to cells,cushions joints protects organs and tissues, and removes waste!
All this info is on my cup cool huh!
Tammy ( THIS IS 4 U JB LOL):)
"37% of the U.S. population mistake thirst for hunger"

I think I have that problem!:p Since I've been tracking my calories, when I get hungry I drink some water. If I'm really hungry, the hunger pangs come back. (usually they don't - nice.)
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How important is it exactly.
I read somewhere that you divide your body weight in pounds by 2, and thats how many OUNCES of water you should have a day. For me its the equivalent of about 2.8 litres...i have half that in a day.
Anyway how important is drinking water for a diet. Will it boost the weight you lose by maybe up to 1 extra pound a week? Or at least 1 extra pound over the duration of 1 month?
please reply.

Also, the recommended ammount of weight loss a week is 1-2 pounds a week right? Well would it be so bad if i increased it to 3 pounds per week? Is it possible and if so how many calories should i have to lose 3 pounds in a week?

Please reply.
Water is crucial for all body functions. Take your body weight, divide by two and thats how many oz. you should have.

There is no formula for weight loss, it's different for everyone. If it were that easy then everyone would be thin. Just take care of your growing body, eat right and don't worry so much about the pounds.