Water Facts!!
Lol I bought his huge water cup holds 64 ounces and it
has some intersting facts on the cup that I am posting.
I knew some stuff but then there was a few things that
I was amazed by.Here it goes
WATER STATS: 75% of the U.S. population are chemically dehydrated
37% of the U.S. population mistake thirst for hunger
98 % of dieters use water to deter hunger pangs
The The body is 80% water
We need to drink atleast 1/2 our body weight in ounces of water
Water removes harmful toxins from the body
Dehydration slows down the metabolism
Lack of H2O causes daytime fatigue
Water plays a role in almost every bodily function
A mere 2% drop in body water can trigger short-term memory trouble with basic math problems and difficulty focusing!!!!!
Water regulates the temperture of the human body,carries nutients and oxygen to cells,cushions joints protects organs and tissues, and removes waste!
All this info is on my cup cool huh!
Tammy ( THIS IS 4 U JB LOL)