Weight-Loss Water - Let Thirst be Your Guide!

I don't know about weight loss, I don't think gatorade even advertises anything about weight loss relating to their product. BUT I know when you do sports, or maybe even heavy excersize, gatorade MIGHT be best then. If your just at work, or watching tv, drink water, its free!
water for weight loss. gatorade has cals water doesnt, when loosing weight my thoughts are eat your cals dont drink em(juice, colas ect my only exeption is skim milk)
gatorade helps replace the electrolytes after alot of exercise. its not for your avg person. more like for after a big game(like hockey, or a race,marathon some thing that requires you to use alot of energy and to sweat alot bc basically thats all its replacing, what you lost during the game or what ever)
stick to water :)
smiley is right. your body doesn't lose enough electrolytes with standard exercise to need gatorade. The only time i use it is if i water it down to 1/4 with water just for a little flavour.
Does "water" make you gain weight?

I've always been told that drinking a lot of water, especially "cold" water will contribute to weight gain, is this a myth or is it true? I have to ask becuase I always get thirsty frequently and if I drink a lot of water, I notice that my stomach pushes out more. I like to drink the water in between meals becuase it helps keep my craving for food down so I need to know once and for all what the deal is, thanks.
Absolutly not..quiet the opposite really. The fact is you have to stay hydrated. Its not optional. (Almost) Every drink under the sun, except water, contains caloires that will add to weight gain.

If you don't drink enough your body will hold onto any water it does get to prevent dehydration. If you are drinking enough you'll loose that excess water and it may cause a weight loss.

If you want to get technical, I've heard that drinking real cold water does cause some caloires to be burned b/c your body has to work to warm up the water to body temp.

Hope that helps you!
Darn Newbride beat me to it lol :p
heres some of the same info from a sports nutrition web site

-Drink at least eight, eight-ounce glasses of water every day. If you're overweight, drink an additional glass for every 25 pounds of excess weight. Cool or cold water is best. It's absorbed faster and cold water may burn more calories. And don't drink cola, Mountain Dew or anything with caffeine in it. Caffeine is a diuretic and will cause you to lose water.
So all this time, I had this mind over matter thing that too much cold water was helping me gain weight when I should have been gulping down the water, I guess that I am sort of lucky that I have the thrist for water then? Thanks very much for the added info.
Oh yea, your real lucky. My mother in law almost refuses to drink water, says she can't stand it.

And as if you dont' have enough info here, I thought I'd add a little more, lol. Pop contains a TON of sugar. Sugar not only isn't good for you, it acts almost like a poision to your body, its related to all kinds of diseases. Anyhow, sugar actually takes out water and vitamins from your body!

Smiley, come on now, this isn't a race or anything (ha ha! I beat you!!) :p
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:eek: She doesnt drink any water at all!!! oh my....
yeah it is a good thing you like water lol...i try and get 4L a day or more, some ppl dont like to drink it plain and find a little lemon squeezed in helps..anyways heres some more water info from the WW sticky :)

Newbride...you can beat me with info any time ;)
I used to dislike water too. It sounds weird, but I didn't like the /taste/ of it. Maybe it's because I live in the city?? Maybe that had something to do with why I was always overweight?? Hmm... makes you think...
i used to hate water too, but i never drank regular soda! god forbid i put anything to my lips that wasnt diet something or other...but all that aspartame isnt good either and who knows what they will say about splenda in 10 yrs. i put bottles of water in freezer and get them slushy like nice and cold ahhh then they taste delicious!
tried Skinny water today

was at 7-eleven today and was gonna buy a bottle of water. then saw this stuff called "skinny water" by Jana. supposed to curb your appetite and increase fat burning but it tastes AWFUL and it made me nauseas. maybe its just me...has anyone tried it? you can see it here
water diet for getting used to drinking it

i found this online while looking for something else. its for those of you that hate water but want to try and get used to drinking it because you know you have to for the best weight loss result possible:

1) When you wake up you will often be thirsty because your body loses water while you are sleeping through breathing and perspiration. Drink a large glass of water with a slice of lemon for zing.

2) Drink another glass of water with breakfast or a cup of herbal tea before setting off the day.

3) Mid morning - snack on a piece of juicy fruit such as orange, rockmelon, watermelon, cantaloupe, honey dew. Have a glass of water and perhaps try a dash of herbal aloe juice which is wonderfully soothing to the digestive system.

4) Lunch - think of soup or have a glass of water before your meal, or perhaps a herbal tea.

5) Mid afternoon - While you are preparing your evening meal, drink a glass of water and snack on some crunchy fresh vegetables.

6) Evening - Sip a glass of water before your meal with a dash of your favourite fruit juice for flavour.

7) After dinner - before bedtime drink your final glass of water and sleep well!
Drinking water weight

I'm going from drinking about 8 cups to a goal of 18 a day. Is it likely that I'll gain some water weight at first? After awhile it settles down and you don't reatain a ton right?
If I understand correctly, if you've been dehydrating yourself (less than the 8 glasses a day), yes, you will gain some weight initially as your body hoards the water expecting you to continue with the dehydration. If you keep up the pace though, within a couple of days, it lets go of the extra water, and then you start losing weight much easier as your organs in general start functioning much more efficiently (I read a full biological description of what happens here when I started drinking more water, but I'll be honest, I didn't absorb any of it ;))
So if you went a couple of days without drinking as much again, would the body hold onto that water?
Yep, it will start hoarding water again. It happens to me all the time! If I drink consistantly a lot of water, i loose a lot of water weight, and then if I don't keep drinking even for half a day, my body absorbs all the water for next two days and I feel so bloated and heavy, and then 3rd day if I had adequate amount of water for those 3 days, it starts to let go. I am looking at my weight chart in fitday and I can really tell those water weight roller coasters!
Thanks. I gained 1.6lbs yeserday I really hope that's the answer.