
well, if you wanna keep talking on Steves behalf, go right ahead...I just assumed that he's a big boy who can speak for himself.

you really don't have any idea what the admin. of the forum would like....I mean honestly...where do you get off saying that??? Have you ever had one conversation w/ the admin? he's actually alot more "right to free speech" than you have him pegged.

Shae asked about Steve's meaning behind something he said to me... but you didn't ask her to stay out of that. Interesting how you selectively choose how to advise people on situations... I'll keep that in mind for future conversations.

You're right... I don't. The admin is non exsistent here... Sean lets others run his forums. If I hadn't known any better, I would have thought that this was Steve's forums (in the sense of his involvement). Yes, I've spoken to Sean in one or two posts, actually, some of the old posts of his that I've run across before is actually, in my own very personal opinion, crap. I never said he was against "right to free speech", please reread what I said before:

If this is truly a community... let it behave like one, where disagreements like this can be posted and constructed upon. It actually leads to better understanding in the long run... Censorship is for weak leadership that needs to lead by control.

I didn't accuse anyone... I merely stated my opinion on leadership that has to use censorship as a means of order. I do know for a fact that this forum Administration would like their newest members to be coddled tho. That isn't mere opinion.
you know, I realize this is America and theres this free speech, but to bash the admin like that who provides a free forum...its just disrespectful dude...

well, i'm bored w/ this petty bickering....night all
Good... now you see my point about Steve.

I hope.

You're defending Sean for bandwidth and providing a "free" service (trust me, the guy makes money over this gig, don't kid yourself).

I am defending Steve over providing "free" nutritional/fitness advice. (I know the guy makes money over this gig, I'm not dumb either).

Who's right? Eh, some would say neither... however, I don't think making a comment like I'm "disrespectful" then "gracefully" bowing out isn't exactly point proving in my book.

Truth was... you instigated this all. You could have gone behind closed doors to Steve but you went public in the forum tossing your judgement at him in front of everyone. You're disrespectful... "dude".

Edit: Why does Sean get a free pass on judgement for providing hosting but Steve doesn't who provides information/advice?

What's the difference in your mind?
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I have read this entire thread and I can't believe what I'm reading.

A mountain has been created out of an innocuous molehill. A guy with good intentions and a wealth of information with respect to just about anything that has to do with fitness, health, exercise and diet has been maligned, abased, and publicly defamed and then when a person (or persons) attempt to get things back into perspective, they're slammed for it.

I realize Steve is fully capable of defending himself with respect to this (and many other) issues. However, the premise of this dispute is flawed on just about every level. And I don't like what I'm reading.

Perhaps the questions I've asked Steve on the other forum were structured respectfully enough that he didn't feel a need to be sarcastic to me. But even if he was, that wouldn't be enough for me to treat him like shit. The bottom line is this is his speciality. The amount of knowledge he has blows me away. Steve deserves a lot more respect than he's getting right now. If I had treated any of my coaches or trainers the way some members here are bashing Steve, they would have told me to fuck off and get a new coach/trainer.

Diatribe finished ... for now.
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Well I guess there is a possibility that some of the things I have said have not been understood or maybe I have not expressed them in the right way. Maybe vice-versa.

I've re-read the thread. I guess I was unable to make any points at all.

Maybe I have misjudged you Steve. I have just honestly thought at times your bluntness or tone of your posts was a bit rude. But maybe I am just used to be spoken to in a certain way.
Maybe I'll turn a new leaf. Nothing but professionalism.

Instead of shirtless pics it'll be


What a dork... you so need a backwards baseball cap - always :)
Honestly, who cares?

It's the internet. It's easy to not understand the tone of a post. On both Steve and other poster's posts. I'm not fond of how Steve replies to some posts, I personally think he sometimes jumps on them and is a smart ass when all they asked was a question. Then again, I don't know Steve personally, therefore, hey...whatever. He's helpful, his written up posts are helpful, I'm not at liberty to like him 100% of the time. Neither is anyone else.

As for the new people. No they don't need to be babied, but honestly, when you all were struggling with your weight, did you wanna be put down/talked down to right off the bat? Some people want to lose weight but they haven't embraced it, therefore, they're sorta whiney and don't listen until it sinks in. Not everyone is gonna disregard information, not everyone is gonna keep whining, not everyone is gonna "get it" right off the bat, and not everyone wants to be told "get it or take a hike".

When I first came to this forum, the stickies were over whelming. I, took the time to read them. Some people will read and because they don't know how to make the connection of one thing and another they'll ask a question. Which is referred back to "check the stickies". Sometimes it's laziness, sometimes the person doesn't honestly understand.

Again, its the internet. You don't have someone standing in front of you saying "look...this is what needs to happen/will happen."

I don't know Steve. I don't really know anyone else on here. Tho everyone is generally nice, it IS the internet, and because of that fact nothing will EVER be clear cut. People ask questions in life. Some people are dense. Some are bullheaded. Some are whiney. Some want help. Some don't know what they want.

Yes, I've read some of the most off the wall "why'd you even ask that" questions before, I've even sat and wondered "Why don't you just google it?!?!" but I don't think they deserve snide remarks. A simple "Google it" or "Check the stickies" would suffice. If they STILL don't get it, you tell them "if you're not willing to look around, then don't ask questions".

That's my two cents.
No one needs to defend me, although I do appreciate it. i delegate and I have no shame in that. With this company alone, I have 9 forums and 7 websites and I am responsible for all but 2. That doesn't count the dozens of other websites that I own or do contract work for. I get them running and then move on. Yes, i make money on it, but i'm sure no one denies that. There always has to be someone at the top and that happens to be me. Doesn't mean I always make decisions that you like or even that they are right ... that's life and as management, I accept that role. I provide a forum for you guys to talk ... what you do with that is up to you. You can stay or you can go. Those of you that spend a lot of time on here would be missed sorely, but in the end, people come and go ... life, and this forum, will move on. As long as no one is being a complete idiot, they are welcome here.

Steve ... yes, people whine all the time (just like you did with the very first post - kind of ironic). i like the way you post. not everyone reacts to advice the same way. Some people need your directness, others need a hug - we all know you really want to just give everyone a hug.

Darth ... you love Steve ... it's kinda sweet. i hope you guys have a wonderful life together.

Shae ... not everyone gets Steve's tone or intentions (as you have proved yourself). however, i'm sure just as many don't get the "cute-and-cuddly" side of the forum either. Honestly, I ignored those posts when i was on here.

Karrie ... you seem to get be getting a little wrapped up in this stuff. you might be better off rubbing your ears and saying "woo-saaa" (movie reference) and just letting it go. both approaches are necessary, but the audience may need to be better selected.

In summary, though, I think what our AirPlane friend stated above is dead on to what I believe ... the whole point of my PM to Steve was exactly what Airplane said about the new members. This is the grounds that the forum started on and that's what I've tried to maintain. I welcomed Steve and a couple others after awhile because I felt that the whole cuddly stuff was great, but no one had any answers ... support helps a lot of people, but some knowledge (and a little push) was needed. Maybe Steve isn't that hard on new members as some think ... i didn't go through the posts to find out. I do know that I have received 1 compliant from a mod and some really small ones in the last 4 months, so it had to be addressed ... whether anything ever changes is still dependent on peoples perceptions from here on out.

Only problem with your assessment of the situation is twofold:

1) You find irony in me posting a picture of a baby crying in response to multiple attacks on my character. I don't see it.

2) More importantly, you label me as an abrasive, rough-around-the-edges guy. The truth in the matter is, I am. AT TIMES. When I feel it is best for not only this community, but also the individual. There's a method to my madness, believe it or not, just as there's a method to your madness that you're obviously successful with.

As I stated before, you people are judging me based on less than 1% of my posts on this forum. If you're not judging me, you're labeling me, if there's such a difference. You could find more posts of me coddling here than you could of me being direct or blunt.

As most of you know, this isn't just a passion for me; it's a career. Sean, if you were bashed publicly for a few things you did with your business that weren't necessarily wrong, but may not have been in line with a few other's values (and they were ignorant to the entire situation to begin with), I bet you'd have something to say about it. Especially if there were potential customers baring witness to it all.

At the end of the day, I'm not sitting here fuming, upset or any of that. It was a simple thread that was more of a joke than anything. I'm not going to change how I handle myself on this forum and I'm not going to leave either. I enjoy my stay here and believe I do a good job of educating most anyone who cares to learn around here about fitness. So my decision is made. If it's not one that is line with what you perceive to be beneficial to this community, you know what to do.

That said, as I've stated to you in private... I respect you for what you do. You're awesome at it. If you weren't good at what you do, I wouldn't have the opportunity to discuss fitness with as many people as I do. For that I am thankful. The only reason I responded to you in the way I did was I don't hear from you ever and the one time you care to message me is to lecture me about a few bad apples opinions. That got me heated but I'm over it big time.

And yea, I know I'm expendable. I'm not an idiot. This forum is as popular as it is b/c of the work you do behind the scenes. If I left today, there would be many trainers who would gladly fill my void. Shit, this forum doesn't even need any trainers around. Members would keep rolling in too. This forum would move on as would I. Things have changed around here, like it or not, since I became an active member. Maybe not in terms of membership numbers, but the quality of information on your forum has changed.


To the few reading this who have their panties in a bunch about less than 1% of some stranger's posts on a forum, if you have growing dislike for me, all you'd have to do is privately message me and I'm sure things can be discussed civilly.

Oh, I know, you wouldn't want that. You'd prefer the dramatic route and trying to get me 'in trouble' or you'd rather paint a picture of you riding in on a big white horse to save the day from big bad Steve.

Before you pass judgement though, I think you need to consider some perspective before opening your mouths, b/c you're missing an enormous fraction of the big picture here.


Shae, I'm glad to see you admit you're wrong. Happens sometimes. I won't judge you for it as you judged me. Don't worry.
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At the end of the day, I'm not sitting here fuming, upset or any of that. It was a simple thread that was more of a joke than anything. I'm not going to change how I handle myself on this forum and I'm not going to leave either. I enjoy my stay here and believe I do a good job of educating most anyone who cares to learn around here about fitness. So my decision is made. If it's not one that is line with what you perceive to be beneficial to this community, you know what to do.

One more time for the cheap seats...

my mantra

To quote the very quotable Dr Seuss.

Be who you are and say what you feel - for those who mind, don't matter and those who matter.. don't mind.
Well I guess there is a possibility that some of the things I have said have not been understood or maybe I have not expressed them in the right way. Maybe vice-versa.

I've re-read the thread. I guess I was unable to make any points at all.

Maybe I have misjudged you Steve. I have just honestly thought at times your bluntness or tone of your posts was a bit rude. But maybe I am just used to be spoken to in a certain way.

From my point of view, you have simply added TONE to an internet forum that wasn't there. Blunt?... totally! but it doesn't equate into rudeness. When not for clarification purposes, his posts are to the point, which is more helpful than hurtful for the majority of this population.

What a dork... you so need a backwards baseball cap - always :)

YES! I couldn't figure out what the hell was missing on him. It wasn't the tie for me... NO HAT!

... SNIPPED...
Darth ... you love Steve ... it's kinda sweet. i hope you guys have a wonderful life together.

Sean, don't get me wrong. I know internet hosting/providing and forum php management is a pain within itself, but a great cash cow. I host several companies myself, and I get it bro. Top/down delegation is necessary, especially when things get BIG. I used to love my forums when I started them, now, I don't touch the damn place. So you are more active in your role than I am, I'd rather sit on and be "ROOT" than be "ADMIN" yano?

I also don't think your posts are all crap (love your recipes actually and there are a few things when it comes down to supplements I've disagreed with you on before) but I was making a point to Korrie really, that publicly, what her and I did was the same thing (with different words). Yet, she still felt her point was correct and ran off to you to "report" another moderator. That's just silly man. However, what you should remember is that over the past four months you've had some complaints and when you are at the top, you know that you rarely get compliments from happy people. It's only the people who feel slighted that run to management to get results done. Think about being in a restaurant, when I have a good meal or service, and I see the manager, I say something, but I am in the minority. Usually you just come back again... as a sign of satisfaction. Dissatisfied people rarely just don't come back... they make it "known". You def get them in the door, Steve keeps em here.

"I love Steve"... Yeah, I guess I do. Nothing wrong with that I suppose, plenty of people on here, male/female could easily say the same. I am just honored to know he considers me a friend. As much as I know you were making a joke of that, I feel that there was absolutely nothing wrong with me (and others) defending him on this thread. It proves a few things further in reality, 1) Users also feel that the whining attitude here has gotten out of control and 2) That Steve handles it professionally and properly., When someone is told to read a sticky because it's just simple basic information (not a method or theory) that they don't have, they are being done a service. It might not have been presented in a bow and a hug. But, it's effective enough to work if the user is willing to go empower themselves with knowledge. If not, they don't deserve to lose weight. It's why I stayed fat for almost 20 years. I can speak from said experience, Mal and Steve both directed me over the past two years to a better Keith. They empowered me to do that...

For reference, the first post of advice Steve ever gave me (http://weight-loss.fitness.com/befo...een-almost-after-pooh-style-3.html#post367219)

dork to the 1000th power :D

Awww man, and I was just singing your praises. However, there is a 47.93% chance that your calculation of dorkness is off, then again, 63.1% of all stats are made up on the spot.
This thread does not need this:



But could use a few of these:


Then it could prevent this:


And, as a final installment, take a couple of these:


The result:

Peace, love, and togetherness.

Best wishes,

Chillen :)
Meh, sometimes its good to air these sort of issues. Growing pains happen with growth.
Hahaha, damn... I look that old! Stress must be really taking a toll lately.

you need a hat... hat makes it all better...

is that your reponsible looking professional portrait?

the shirtless flexing works for me :) you'd get a whole new client base :D
Hahaha, damn... I look that old! Stress must be really taking a toll lately.


I don't want to here it, young man. :)

I am nearing 50, and your ? :)

Shut up! He, he....

Oh.....the "box of tissues" that my aging body tries to give me......

I ate them for post workout, nutrition.


Best wishes
